Chapter 20

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For the next week and beyond, we helped clean up the city. We helped rebuild some buildings and clean the debris from the streets. Cullin took a day off to jump start his powers again and then he helped me clean the debris off the streets. Cherry's family went back to Fiera and her father is now the ruler of Fiera...again. That's right, he was King Hayden, Mr. Hayden Star. Cherry still hasn't woken up from her injuries and we don't know when she will, but Nurse Gragera in Chinook is letting her rest in the facility, she's also teaching Bee and Frank Jr how to use their healing powers. As for Xena, she bought a new leather jacket and after high school, she's going to train at the academy to become a guardian as well, same with Darren. Frank and Helen are moving back to Blornot after we graduate from high school and Frank is going back to being my father's guardian. As for my mother and father, they're staying in Blornot but they're going to visit at least once a month. And they told us we can come home anytime. Also, I have to take care of Cullin. And Cullin's friends, they're recovering. Although, they got injured pretty bad, some broken bones and cuts and bruises, but they'll make a full recovery. "Are you sure you wanna move with me?" Cullin and I were laying bricks down on this building that was owned by a bread maker. I was moving to New York to study music in the fall, I forgot the college name though. When I told Cullin this, he got very...defensive. "I just met my sister like a couple of months ago, I don't want to lose that again." I wasn't surprised, I wanted to get to know him more too but I got into New York before I met him, that was a tough decision. "Well, I do have custody of you until you're eighteen. I don't know, do you want to leave your friends behind? After all, you met them first and you told me they've been there since you were in elementary school." He thought about it, yeah that was another tough decision for him. "I'll give you time to think about it." I went back to laying bricks while Cullin stood there thinking. I didn't want him to leave everything behind just like that, I wanted him to finish high school then if he wanted to live with me, he could. But that was his decision, not mine.
"Dude, you seem out of it." Cullin went to go hang out with his friends Dan and Jake after a hard day trying to fix the city. Did I tell you we were going to get paid a lot of money? Like ten thousand if we did at least two buildings, that's what the mayor told us anyway. "It's just, I was talking to Adelaide," I change my name to that since we don't have to hide anymore. Rhea changed it to Raylene. Farrah kept her name, she hated Fenna. And Cherry is still Cherry, until she wakes up. "And she told me she's moving to New York in the fall." "Yeah?" Dan questioned. "I want to move with her, I really do but then she brought up the fact that I'd be leaving one thing behind and that would be you guys." They looked at each other, thinking of what advice to give him. "Move with her." Cullin was surprised for a bit, he didn't think they would say that. "Really?" He questioned, "yeah man, you just met her and it would be stupid to not move with her. Since that couple doesn't have custody of you anymore." He shrugged. "When we found out you were an alien, we knew you wouldn't last long with us. We both knew that someday we weren't going to be a squad anymore. So it's fine if you want to move with your totally hot sister, I'm totally okay with it." Jake slapped Dan upside the head, Cullin laughed. "Just one thing, you better come visit." "You know I will." Cullin smiled. "When you get your license man, you better come back here so we can joyride." They fist bumped, "you know it. I'm gonna go tell Adelaide this." He got up and left the burger joint, heading down the street to Brian's apartment.
"I'm going to have to get used to calling you Adelaide." Blue laughed, "but why Adelaide?" Agnes questioned, "hey, blame my parents." I joked. "Can we call you something like Lai or Ade?" Fran asked, "call me whatever you want." "Okay, I'll call you bitch." "I didn't actually mean whatever." I laughed. "So now that it's over, what are you two going to do?" Blue asked. "The same as you three, moving on. I'm going to college, getting my degree in music and start my career." "But in between, go visit Cherry." Raylene added, we all got depressed a bit, especially Agnes. "Will we ever get the chance to visit her?" Fran asked. By the way, Fran got out of her tomboyish phase, now she's in between but she still won't wear dresses. "I was actually planning on visiting her tomorrow. If you all want to come, you can." "What about the air quality?" Blue asked, "I told you, it's just like earth but cleaner, you'll be fine." Raylene responded, "and besides, I'm going to Blornot too, to visit my cousin." Her cousin is moving down to earth with us, she's officially Cullin's guardian. "I don't care about the air quality or anything else, I'm going to visit her. Even if Carl tells me otherwise." Ever since Cherry saved her, just bringing up her name made Agnes either depressed, upset, mad or all the above. That's why I'm a little bit cautious of her coming with me. "You sure?" I asked, "why would you ask me that? Yes I'm sure." She responded. "I'm going too." "Count me in." "Alright, but we have to get up very early." "Like how early?" Blue asked, "like three a.m early." "If that's what it takes, I'll get up that early." Agnes laughed.

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