Chapter 1

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Hyperventilating and in shock. I felt like I didn't know where I was. "Bad dream?" That's my older sister, Xena. Since the schools have this thing about late birthdays, she's in the same grade as me. Although, she's quiet, has piercings and wears dark clothes. But she cares deep down inside her locked up heart. "Yeah." "Same one?" She asked. "Yeah, the one where I crashed landed on earth." "You gotta get over that dream. It's old." "If I could don't you think I would?" "Whatever. Get up, we have to go to school." "Can't we skip today?" "Get up."
People here in Knoxville don't have that drawl, at least not in this house. We moved around until we found the perfect place to live. It's big enough for five kids and two adults. Although, there's only two bathrooms, one for mom and dad and another one for us kids. "Stop hogging the bathroom, we gotta go!" Xena shouted, pounding on the door. "You should've gotten here faster." Okay, I lied, we have some of that drawl. By the way, that's my little brother Frank Jr, he's towards the end of his middle school days and almost to high school. I have a little sister too named Beatrice (I call her Bee), she just turned eleven. And I have an older brother (his name is Darren) who is in college but he's always busy on weekdays. He has this thing about protecting me, I don't know. "Get out you little shit!" "I'm almost done, geez." "Watch the profanity!" "Not in the mood, dad." "You're never in the mood." "Shut up!" This goes on every single morning. Everyday of my life is bickering and arguing over who gets what. It's like a race against time. Mom and dad got us a vanity but Xena never uses it with me so I take the time to use it. Makeup and hair-do's, it's the same thing every morning. Trying to look good so no one makes fun of me. But today, I didn't feel so good. Like, I didn't want to do anything. "You feelin okay?" Darren asked, today was finally his day off. "Not really." "Are you sick?" "Probably, I just don't to go to school today." "Well maybe you'll feel better. Just call someone if you're still feeling sick." I nodded. "I'll meet you downstairs, Amy." Xena yelled from the bathroom, "okay." And my name is Ameliee by the way, but people call me Amy, except for my teachers.
"Do you want breakfast?" Mom asked. She goes to work a little after we leave, she's a very successful business woman. And dad is an entrepreneur. "No, I'm not feelin' very well." "Maybe you should eat something." "Mom, if I throw up from eating something, I'm blaming you." I laughed. "Amy, we have to go." "Xena, grab something to eat." She grunted, "fine, I'll grab an apple." "Bye mom."

"You look awful." "Thanks, I needed that Cherry." That's my friend, Cherry. Her real name is Cherish but she hates that name so we call her Cherry. She has a bubbling personality, although, she can't tell a lie to save her life. Then there's a few of my other friends, Fran, Blue, Agnes, and Rhea. Blue's name is Sapphire but she loves the nickname Blue. I call Agnes, Agy. And Fran's real name is Francine. Rhea is just Rhea though. Here in Tennessee, names are a bit weird. And the guy walking passed us is Brian and his friend Edgar. They're the popular teens at our school. Kind of that typical, "abnormal separates normal" scenario. The one you see in teen movies mostly. And the ones driving up are the "Pinkies." They wear pink everything! From booty shorts to booty dresses, they show off and make us "abnormals" look disgusting. They're names are Georgia, Daphne, Kate, Sophie, Jana, and Rachel. Leader; Georgia. "Someone's finally showing her true style." "Old, ugly, trash." And like that, they drove off laughing. "At least I don't look like a bottle of pepto bismol!" Fran shouted with a cigarette in her mouth. "They look like a fifties version of my mom." "And I've seen your mom." We all started laughing until I basically got a kick in my stomach. "Sounds like you're havin' a baby." "Who would want to have sex with me?" "I don't know, Peter from my computer class might." "Okay, besides him." "She has a point." I laughed, "I think I'm just getting the time of the month or something." "Ew." Fran acts like a tomboy in our group. Rhea's a bit quiet and so is Blue, but Rhea's the most quiet. And Agnes is the jokester.
"Okay, today we're working on more problem from what we learned on Friday." Pre-calculus, worse class ever. "Just skip number twelve and fifty-two and do the rest. I'll put the answers on the board towards the end of class." The teacher walked to his desk, trying to figure out the answers himself. Teachers do that a lot. Suddenly, I saw someone walk to my desk and sit next to me, "is this seat taken?" I didn't see who it was, "no, take a seat." He sat down, "I'm having a bit of trouble." I stopped what I was doing, "On?" "Almost everything." He laughed. I finally looked at him, "it's easy." I may hate this class but for some reason, I was good at it. "You got it now?" I asked him, "Yeah, a bit. You're really smart." "Thanks." "I'm Brian by the way." "I know who you are." I said as I was working. "I'm surprise you didn't gawk over me or something." "Is your ego that big that you think I'd gawk over you? Besides, I feel like shit." "Watch the profanity." I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm sorry you feel like shit." "No offense, but like you care." We both went back to work, "I do though." I was a bit dumbfounded that he said that. But knowing me, I didn't acknowledge it. I'm your typical, "focusing on my education" kind of gal.
The bell rang to go to our next class. But I started feeling a bit lightheaded. "Are you okay to walk?" How did he know?! I nodded. But when I got up, I stumbled a bit. "My foot fell asleep." I laughed. "Let me help." I sighed, "I'll be fine." Did I mention I'm stubborn too? He walked behind me either way just in case I fell. "I'll be fine." "I don't believe that." He laughed. We walked into English class and I sat next to Fran. Xena came in about two minutes later. "Amy, you're pale." "Tell me something I don't know." "You should go to the nurse." "I don't feel like going home." She shrugged, "okay, I tried." She walked to her seat in the back. "Do you have a fever?" Fran asked, "I don't know, is my forehead warm?" "Yeah, a bit. But maybe it's the sweatshirt." "Mm."
I got up but I stumbled a bit. No not a bit, I actually fell. And guess who was laughing, "Accident prone much?" Yup, Georgia and her crew. Brian walked over, "need help?" He asked, "don't be nice, Brian. Scrubs like her don't deserve it." "Bud out, Georgia." She flipped her hair and walked out. "She doesn't need help." Xena came over and helped me up. "I was just being concerned." "Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England and I declare that pigs start flying from my ass. Guys like you just want to get inside a girls panties so 'being concerned' is just a big hilarious joke." He took out a piece of paper, "look, to show you I'm concerned, here's my number. I want to know that you're okay." Xena took the paper and ripped it up, "that won't be necessary, she'll be fine." I didn't know what to do, Xena was acting like Darren a lot. I was falling again until I was dragged by Xena to the nurse.

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