Chapter 18

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It was about a week till prom. The theme was grunge and I picked this wine color dress with spaghetti straps and it had some sparkles. I was kind of getting excited until I got a text message from my blue/green cell phone. "Why now?" I complained. I ran out the door and headed downstairs as fast as I could. I ran to the park again and I caught up with Cullin. "Do you know what this is about?" Cullin asked out of breath, "I don't know but it doesn't sound good." I could feel it, the knot in my stomach became tighter and my heart was racing and it wasn't because of running. I knew I wasn't going to like what I was going to hear."
We finally got to the park and we waited for mom and dad, who showed up a bit late. "What's going on?" Cullin asked, "we're in big trouble." Mom replied, "and by us, we mean you mostly." "You both are in terrible danger." "Why?" I got scared, what was going to happen? Were we ready? "Myst figured your location." "And he used it against us. He caused mass destruction to Blornot and now he's gonna cause mass destruction on earth. He's trying to send a message." "In order for us not to do that, we signed something we shouldn't have and now he went back on his word. He's not only destroying Earth, he's going to destroy you two." "We know you have prom, Amy but be on the look out. If anything seems suspicious, report it." "Okay." "And what about me?" Cullin asked. "Just be on the lookout, anywhere." Dad was getting annoyed, "we have to go but we're counting on you both." They got on their ship and took off once again. "I don't think we're ready." Cullin said apprehensively. "We have to be, we can't let them down."

We went to our usual sparring that next day. Farrah was all finished with her training and she was ready to be Cullin's guardian. I went to that ceremony just last week, it feels like time is going by so fast, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. "They're coming here. When?" Farrah asked, "no one knows. They can come tomorrow, they can come in a month. But they are close and they are gonna hit with all their power." Rhea replied. "And doing extra training will help increase of power level and fighting skills so we will be ready when he comes." Although, I kept getting visions of that horrible disaster. It keeps getting more weirder and freakier. I wanted to be over it so I can think of other things but I can't, it's stuck in my head. "I have a bad feeling they're gonna hit the day of prom." "Why do you think?" Rhea asked, "I don't know, just a hunch." I shrugged and went back to sparring. I was putting the pieces together, everything from that vision. And instead of feeling a sense of relief, I felt a sense of terror. The best night of my life according to every student in the world, was going to be on halt.
"That vision." "Yeah, what about it?" I questioned. "It's going to happen on prom night, isn't it?" He asked. I wasn't surprised, I knew he was going to piece it together. "Yeah, it is." I replied. "That's more than a week from now." "I know." "Is anyone safe?" He asked very troubling. "I don't know."

School was very troubling the next day. Three out of the six of us (including me) were on edge. We couldn't focus at all, especially Cherry. Cherry was silent for the whole day, not a single word came out. "Okay, what's going on? It's like you three saw Casper the unfriendly ghost." Agnes acknowledged. We looked at each other, trying to see who would tell whom. "In about a week, this planet will be under attack. Mostly, our city." Everyone started getting scared. No, more like extremely apprehensive. I swear the color of their skin changed to the shade of a ghost. "Seriously?" Blue replied, "shit, by who?" Fran asked. "Myst." Rhea said, "he's the new ruler of the planet Fiera. He overthrew King Hayden and turned Fiera to a molted volcano." "He started an all out battle to try and get Blornot twice but was unsuccessful." I added. "Now he's starting a war." "He's gonna destroy me, my brother, my family and this whole town." I sunk lower, I felt sick just thinking about it. I made myself even more worried than before. "Not if we can help it." Agnes blurted out. "This is our battle, don't get yourselves in danger, please." "Amy, we live for danger." Fran added. "And besides, this is our town and we need to save it as well. Let us help." Rhea and I looked at each other. We both had the same idea. "Cullin's got everything else covered, except for prom." Fran, Agnes, and Blue looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "Okay, we have prom covered." Fran said. "Thanks." I smiled but Cherry still wasn't happy. She banged the table and stood up, "well that's all fine and dandy but there's one thing, I won't be at prom. And I won't be in school either." We were all surprised, we couldn't believe it. "Why?" I asked, "my dad is putting me and my sisters in hiding. I can't do anything or go anywhere until that douchebag Myst goes the fuck away." "Whoa, easy there." Agnes said. "I'm sorry but I'm just a bit pissed that I have to go into hiding because this dickhead has some master plan to not only hurt my planet but make our planet look like a bunch of asshats. And not only that, you get to fight him and I don't? It's not fair." She picked up her stuff and added, "I gotta go home now. I'll miss you all." And walked away. We sat there, feeling kind of scared for ourselves. We didn't know what was going to happen now that Cherry's out. Then suddenly I got a vision. It was that same spot and the same damn thing, except, the girl became more clearer. It was a red-haired girl in a t-shirt and jeans but no shoes. Hands tied and same with her ankles by this thin white rope. Screaming or something with blood rushing down her cheek. We were standing there, in shock and a bit scared. I wish I saw more but my vision cut me off. "Everything okay?" Rhea asked, "yeah, cause we gotta go to class." Agnes added. "Yeah, everything's okay." I was even more worried, was that Cherry?

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