Chapter 12

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"Are you okay?" "Yeah, I just wasn't feeling well, like you." Then he realized, "wait, you care?" He asked, "I always care. I'm just unsure about things, especially having a little brother." "I'm telling the truth." "I know, I was doing some research and you are telling the truth, I just wasn't listening." "It's okay." "I'm actually glad I have a little brother, now I can pick on you when I want." She laughed, "hey!" He smiled.

Rhea came back to school after being out and in for the past week and a half. She also joined back in our group. I haven't seen the Pinkies either, I guess their big plan was a big fail. "Amy, I have to talk to you." I was confused again, "why does everyone want to talk to me and it sounds like that?" I laughed, "guess you're famous already." Agnes joked, "shut up." Rhea stopped me, "we'll catch up later!" She shouted as the girls walked away. "What's up with you? You're never the type of person to take the initiative." "That was all an act. Well, sort of. I kept my mouth shut because I felt guilty." I was puzzled, "Guilty? Guilty of what?" I asked, she sighed. "I've been watching you." I felt weird, "like stalking?" I asked. "You can call it that." "How long?" "Since I was able to do about nine years. My dad had to take over until I could since I was just an infant little child. But I watched my dad over those years so I could take over." I felt even more disgusted, "don't take this the wrong way, okay? It's not like that. I'm not from this planet either. I'm from Blornot just like you." Geez, I guess I'm really not the only one from outer space. "I'm a lightening guardian." I wasn't shocked but I was sure dumbfounded, I couldn't believe it. "When Fiera was attacking H, my father and his men did everything they could to protect the tower. But my father and your godfather got injured pretty bad. So your dad sent my dad and your god father to earth. Luckily your mom and dad sent Fiera back with their plan or else your region would've been destroyed." I sunk my head. "I was born a little after that battle and as I was growing up, my father was showing and telling me about guardian stuff. Then when I was nine, he told me I am your guardian." I have a guardian? "You're royalty. Your mom and dad had their own guardians. When my father told me that, I couldn't believe it cause I met you a year before that. It's honor to be your guardian." I laughed a bit, "I can't believe my best friend is my guardian, this is awesome." I smiled, "so you were watching over me for protection? Not for stalking?" I questioned, "of course not. We just want the princess to be safe." She smiled. "Well as the princess, I want you to be safe as well." "It's our duty to die for royalty though." "Screw dying. You're my guardian and I just want you to be around for a long time." I smiled as she bowed, "as you wish." We laughed. "I have a question." I said as we were walking into the school, "what's up?" "Can a guardian help the princess train?" I asked, "sure. Just give me a time and place and we'll train." I smiled, "awesome!"

"Raylene, did you tell her?" Her dad asked, "yeah, she took it better than I expected. I'm even training with her!" "That's good news." He smiled, "your mom will be so proud." "It was luck, she's my best friend and I'm her guardian." "I was my friend's guardian. It was Amy's uncle." My uncle was the duke as people would call it, he was always standing by my dad's side. But in one battle, he was severely injured and he died from his wounds, Rhea's father was injured as well, his arm has the biggest scar you could ever see in broad daylight. He tried to save my uncle but it was too late. "It's not your fault." Rhea half smiled. "Is mom gonna come visit?" Her mom is still in Blornot doing her job, she visits every two months but it's still hard because she can't stay for very long. "Yeah, she's coming in about two weeks, but she can only stay for a few days." "Oh." She half smiled.

"So you have a guardian?" Brian asked, "yeah. Apparently, I'm royalty and I'm obligated to have a guardian." I laughed, "well, at least it's someone you know and not some old hag or something." He laughed. "Yeah." "So have you thought about going home and talking to your family?" He asked, "I will, I just want to wait until the whole truth comes together. Right now, I've only got bits and pieces. Once it comes together, I think I'll be better. Although, it's getting awkward as hell at work. Xena and I haven't really talked." "Yeah, that can get a bit hard. But whenever you're ready, I'll be here for you." He smiled, "have you gone home to your dad?" I asked, "no because my dad told me if I walked out to never return. And besides, he doesn't believe in my band, why go back to a guy like that?" "True." "Sure we're missing a singer but we can manage." I smiled, "okay."

Later that night, I walked to the nearest store to get a snack for Brian and I. "Ow." My stomach had been hurting all week, I didn't know what was happening but all I was hoping was I didn't throw up. I was walking back when I got a text from my Blornot phone, "Come to the park, asap." I was confused and a bit scared, "it's from dad, I wonder what's wrong." I walked into the apartment, dropped off the snacks and went to the park as fast as I could. I was thinking of a million things on the way, so many questions in my head. I started fast walking then I picked up my speed by running, "it better be worth it if I'm going to the park this late at night." I said as I was running out of breath.

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