Chapter 6

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"You can't be." "It's the truth." "You may look like me but that doesn't you are who you want me to believe." "But trust me, I'm telling the truth." "Look kid, I don't know you nor have I heard about you. I'm sorry, you have the wrong person." She walked away, "I knew she lost her memory but I didn't think it was that bad."

"Have your parents told you the truth yet?" Fran asked as we were walking to fifth period, "nope, not at all. I feel like they're doing this to piss me off even more." "Well they do love you though." "Yeah, they do. I'm just tired of the secrets." Fran put her hand on my shoulder, "I get it." Her mom is a drug addict and her father just sits there and takes her crap. Fran takes care of her younger sister though, makes sure she eats and everything. Her family has kept a lot of secrets that's made Fran go off the deep end a bit from time to time. She had to stay at our house once for about a week until her mom came to pick her up, that was about two years ago. "Maybe a good academical class day will ease my mind or something." "Nerd." Fran laughed, "shut up." I nudged her.
"Wanna get some frozen yogurt?" I asked Fran, we were spending the day walking around the middle of town. "Yeah sure."
We sat by this water fountain and ate our frozen yogurt on this warm sunny day. "You know, I've always wanted to stand on one of these and sing anything." "That's a bit gay, don't you think?" "Who cares?" I laughed, " I just get to be stupid for a moment, it'd be fun." "Whatever you say."

Monday came around the corner too fast, I didn't feel like going to school. Since Xena ran away, she has to catch up at home and then come back. "It's not bad, right?" Xena asked, "yeah kind of." I laughed a bit, "good luck." "You too, chief."
"I wish we didn't have to go to school today." Cherry complained, "I know, same. I want some Starbucks or something." The Pinkies drove up and stopped right where they usually did, "oh so glad to see you." "You're a slut!" "What did I tell you? You're just picking fights for no reason. Just go." "No, you're a slut and I have a reason." She whipped out her phone, "why were you hanging out with my boyfriend?" Georgia asked, "Ex, remember? And he took me out for my birthday, that's all. Can't friends hang out?" "He's not your friend or anything, he's just using you to get back to me." "Oh please, I've heard everything he's said about you and they're not pretty so just drop this, okay?" I told her as she was thinking a bit, "you have been warned." She sped off to find a parking space. "Don't believe what she says, Amy." "Yeah, they're all lies." "But seriously, you hung out with him before the party?" Blue asked, "yeah, I thought I was doing nothing at first so he asked if I wanted to hangout and I said sure." "So you two went on a date?" Cherry asked, "it wasn't a date, it was more like an adventure with a friend on my birthday, that's all." "But you two would make a cute couple." "Yeah, ain't gonna happen. He's on the varsity football team and the captain of the basketball team, there's no way he would date a scrub like me." "But your a clean scrub." I laughed. "Girls just forget it, he's just a friend."
"Do you really like her?" Edgar asked, "her who?" "You know, Amilee Fisher." "Well, I wouldn't say I like her, like her. She may not want to be in a relationship so I'm just her friend." "Cause Kate told me you and her we're all huggily wuggily in downtown Knoxville." "It was her birthday and she's never been downtown so I took her out, just as friends." "Okay, dude." "What?" "Just be careful, I don't know how Georgia would react since she hates her guts." "Do you hate her?" He asked, "No, I don't really know her much so I can't really determine if she's a threat or not. She doesn't seem like it." "Okay then don't worry."

"I'm not really hungry for lunch, maybe I'll get something small at Starbucks." "Same." "Yeah." Suddenly, I ran into some freshman I didn't know, "oh excuse me." "Hey watch where you're going kid." "Agy. Sorry about that." "It's okay." He lifted his head, "I've been looking for you all day." "What?" I questioned, "I need to talk to you." "Um, okay? I'll meet you all in the parking lot." "Got you." I looked back at the kid, "so what's up?" "This may sound freaky but I found out something. You're my long lost sister and I'm your long lost brother." I was shocked, I didn't believe it. And I couldn't believe it. Was it some trick his friends were playing me. "Nice try, kid. You can just tell your friends that I ain't buyin' it." "No it's the truth." "I have a little brother already, you can't be." "It's the truth." "You may look like me but that doesn't mean you are who you want me to believe. I'm done playing games, I gotta go." "But trust me, I'm telling the truth. I may have little to no research but when I tell the truth, I tell the truth!" He shouted. "Look kid, I don't know you not have I heard about you. I'm sorry, you have the wrong person." I walked away, trying to catch up to my friends. "I knew she lost her memory but I didn't think it was this bad."
"And he told me I was his long lost sister, can you believe it?" I laughed, "just a stupid prank." Fran laughed. "It's a freshman thing, I guess." Agnes laughed. "What if it's true?!" Rhea shouted. "Whoa easy there." "Yeah, what's your problem?" Fran asked. "I'm just saying, what if it's true?" Rhea asked, "it can't be true cause I don't know him." "They call it long lost for a reason." "She has a point." Blue said. "Okay, say he is your long lost brother, how do you know he's just playing a prank?" Fran asked, "it'd be a sick prank." Cherry said. "Yeah it would be."

I went home that night and searched all I could on my laptop. Finding out what I could about this "long lost brother." I searched and searched all night and I kept getting at dead ends. "Why can't I find anything?" I whispered feeling frustrated. "What are you doing up?" Xena asked, "I'm trying to search something." "Um, explain?" "This freshman came up to me and said I was his long lost sister. I don't believe it but it seems fishy so I'm trying to do research." "On him?" "Yes, well, basically." "Just be careful, okay?" I smiled, "I will."

"What's wrong?" Brian asked, "I know I'm different. And this freshman telling me I'm his sister is just the start of it all. But there's one thing stopping me, these stupid surges in my brain." "Like the one at your party?" He asked, "yes, they hurt like hell. It's like a spark going off and zapping the ever living shit out of it." "That doesn't sound good." "I don't know but I gotta keep searching." He smiled, "you're determined, I wouldn't've done something like that." "But you're on the basketball team. You play varsity football and you're in a band, you're perfect." "Yeah, but have you ever heard me ever get on stage in the battle of the bands? Have you ever heard the winning shot scored by me? Have you heard me get a touch down? I'm always the one getting knocked down." "I didn't know."

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