Chapter 11

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"What?" "I'm so sorry." "That's a bit absurd, right?" She asked, "it may be cause it's the truth. I have never lied to you, ever. Why would I lie now?" "I don't know but it doesn't seem right." "If you let me explain, I'll tell you." "Okay, explain why I can't catch a break this month." She laughed in distress as the other sunk her head lower than before.

"The stars look pretty tonight. Huh, dad." "Yeah, they do." Her and her dad have a loving relationship since she lost her mother due to a illness. Since then, her and her sisters have been taken care of by their dad. "I need some advice." "What's up?" He asked. "Amy found out that she's...not from this planet. And I don't know how to tell her we're from Fiera." "Just explain to her before hand that Fiera used to be good until that traitor took over and made mass destruction. We're the good part of Fiera, not the bad." "What if she doesn't listen?" She asked, "then still try to explain it to her. After all, she's your best friend."

"Hey Cherry, I haven't seen you for days." She looked sad as I approached her. "Is everything okay?" I asked, "I have to tell you something and you may hate me when I tell you but just please listen." I was confused and a bit anxious. I didn't know what she wanted to tell me but I'm sure it ain't good. "Um..okay?" I questioned. She took a deep breath. "You know the cherry in my hair?" "Yeah, I always wondered what you did to make it cherry." "It's natural. I wasn't born from this planet either. I was born in Fiera." I stepped back a bit, "but I'm not your enemy, I'm actually from a good part of Fiera according to my dad. I came onto this planet a little after you. We were exiled by the now king of Fiera because we were too good. He overthrew the previous King on the throne and just turned Fiera evil. So my mom and dad had to go to earth in order to keep me and my then unborn little sis. And when I saw you, I thought you knew about your hometown and everything. I was so close to telling you when we were two but your grandmother basically shut me up, your grandfather was smiling. But anyways, I sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I just didn't know how to tell you because you are the greatest friend I have ever had. And I really don't want to lose you." I thought about it for a minute, "well, at least your not my enemy." I smiled, she sighed in relief. "Thank god, you're not mad." She hugged me, "why would I be mad? It'd be one thing if we were enemies. At least you didn't lie to me." "I haven't lied to you ever, why would I lie now?" She laughed. "Sorry about your home planet though." "It's okay. It used to be a beautiful place with crimson roses and so much you couldn't believe, it was almost like Blornot. Then, like I said, the new king overthrew the old King and he took over. He made everyone slaves and work harder than before. He basically turned our beautiful planet into a death trap. Molting lava everywhere and broken rocks. It feels so deserted." "And I have a feeling Blornot is gonna be the same." "Well I'm in the same position as you, I don't know how to activate my powers." Then she saw something in my hair, "is that a blue tint?" She asked, "what?" I looked in the black screen of my phone, "I guess so." I laughed. "You may be getting your powers back soon." "Still one problem, don't know how to activate them." Cherry thought for a bit, trying to come up with a plan. "Maybe we can look in old books or something." "That's a good idea." I smiled as we walked into school. I started thinking though and I thought that in order for me to get the old books on Blornot, I had to go back to that house. "I'm not ready to forgive, I'll just have to sneak in." I said to myself.

"I'm glad you went with me." I said to Cherry, "I am too but why are we breaking into your own house?" She asked, "because, I don't live here anymore and I really don't want to run into my family, even if they're asleep." "Okay." She shrugged as I got the window to the basement open. "And we're in." We jumped down and looked around for anything that could lead us to a book. "Anything?" Cherry asked, "nope." Until I pulled one book and the whole book shelf started turning. "Son of a bitch." "Are we locked in?" Cherry asked, "I hope not." We looked around in this dimmed and small library room. "My godfather had a secret room? Holy crap." We slowly tried to look for any books on Blornot powers. "Hey, I think I found something!" Cherry shouted, "Shhhh. What did you find?" I asked, "Something about powers." "Does it have to do with Blornot?" I asked, "it should." We sat on the floor as Cherry took out her book from Fiera and I opened my book from Blornot. "They have something about the Lightning guardians and air powers." "What about water?" She asked, "haven't gotten there yet." I flipped the pages and I finally got to the page about water, "here it is!" I shouted softly in excitement. "What does it say?" She asked, "it says my powers activate automatically." I was a bit disappointed, "so I have to wait? It's a time thing?" I asked myself, "well this is useless." "Mine are sealed in my hair and they only activate in desperate times of fighting as it says in this book." She was disappointed too, "no wonder the king overthrew the old one." "Well that was a waste of time." Then Cherry found something else. "Wait, it also says that every so often, I can activate it by being near the flames of fire if it doesn't activate in dire need." "Shit, so something has to be on fire-" "in order for me to fight bad guys." We were disappointed again, "you're right, this was a waste of time." We got up and tried to figure out how to leave until the bookshelf turned. It was my godfather, but he was smiling. "Amy? Cherry?" He questioned, I knew I was in trouble. "Shit." Cherry and I said simultaneously.

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