Chapter 8

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"You are the victim of your own demise!" "How so?! Huh?" "Look at you mom, you're ridiculous without dad." "I'm raising you and your sister just fine now aren't I?" "No you're not mom, I'm taking care of Lisanna the most around here. When will you grow up?!" "I am grown up. My wee-wee is still healthy and clean." "Go to bed mom, you're drunk." "Where are you going?" "Out!" And slam the front door goes. Another fight disputed and it wasn't the other person this time.

I walked into school Monday with my hood up and my pride so low you can see it. I thought I'd be over it but I guess not. I didn't talk to anybody and I didn't say anything. I just wanted to get through the school day, turn in my homework and move on. And once again, Edgar approached Brian but this time, it was in pre-calc. "What do you want, Edgar? You already gave me a black eye." "Kate won't talk to me, thanks to you!" "Well if you didn't approach her the way you did, none of this would've happened!" "So it's my fault?" He asked, "no, it's Georgia's fault." "Don't blame your ex girlfriend for you shenanigans!" "She's the one causing all of this, she even admitted it herself! You're just oblivious to the truth!" Edgar pushed him, "Shut up you piece of trash!" I stood up, "Walk away." "Excuse me?" "Walk away. Just walk away and go back to your seat." He walked away but not to his seat. Well he flipped his chair and walked out. I sat back down and kept my mouth shut.
I went into English class, hoping I wouldn't run into Xena, but I did. She approached my desk with this pathetic look on her face. "Can I talk to you?" I didn't respond. "I know your hurt and I know your angry but they did this to keep you safe, they didn't want you die." I turned away, "just please, come home." "What home? All see is a house of lies." "You're not understanding this." "If I found out earlier, maybe I could've handled this better. I'm a descendent of a king and queen and now Fiera is gonna come and kick my ass, I know it. And I can't even defend my own planet. I could've trained, I could've gotten stronger. But since I found out this late in life, it's gonna be even more difficult to defend for myself. So I'd like to thank my forsaken parents for doing this to me. And I also like to thank Frank and Helen because now, I'm useless." She turned away. "And the worst part is I can't handle the fact that my parents abandon me. I sit up late at night crying subtly because I don't want to disturb anyone. It hurts, Xena, it hurts." "Amy if you just listen to me--" "no. I know you ran away because of that secret, you didn't run away because you couldn't be around me anymore. Not only did you lie to me again but you hid something that had to do with me. I don't think I can trust you and I know the feeling is mutual." "I had to keep it a secret." "That's not the point." "You wanna know something? Bee sits up at night as well crying and wishing she had her sister back. She doesn't care if you're only her godsister, she still thinks of you as a sister. And Frank Jr? Don't even get me started. He's pissed and he doesn't understand what went wrong. He hasn't eaten anything, he just sits in bed and stares at the wall. And he's been coming home late, I think he's looking for you. Darren has been distant from us because he's pissed at us for telling you. It's like he dropped from the family. Things are a mess, you need to come home." "I told you, I don't know what home is." I said. "Forget it." She walked to her seat in the back while I went back to paying attention. "You okay?" Fran asked, "I'm fine. I just want to be silent for the rest of the day, I'm done talking."

Fran walked into her house and dropped her keys in this bowl. "Lisanna?" Fran shouted, "Lisanna, you home?" Lisanna is Fran's younger sister. She can't go to elementary school because her mom screwed up and was caught being "aggressive" so Fran tutors her when she gets home. "I'm here!" Lisanna is five. "Ready for your lesson?" She nodded as they went into the kitchen. "Where's mom?" Fran asked, "Mommy went out." "And how long ago was that?" Fran asked, "She left at twelve o'clock." "She left two and half hours ago?!" "I guess. I don't know what that means." "Oh yeah, that's right. You'll learn that in first grade." "Okay. When will I be able to go to school?" She asked, "when I get custody of you. I'm filling out everything and doing all I can. I will make sure you get what you need, even if I have to take on two jobs or extra shifts." They smiled, "and when will that be?" She asked, "I'm hoping by the time I leave for college." Fran had decided to go to a college in New Jersey for child care and teaching. She got a scholarship and she's in financial aid, she was determined to go to that specific college. Her college essay though, is a bit rough for her. "Okay." "Enough talk, let's get to that lesson." She laughed. "Oh wait, one more thing." Lisanna walked to the living room table and handed Fran a drawing, "I made you a picture." Fran smiled so brightly the whole room had this sort of glow, "Thanks kid." She smiled, "I know you don't like Francine but I do." "And you spelled it right, you're getting good. Now, let's get back to our lesson in time."

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