Chapter 9

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"What are you doing here?!" "I told you I'm your long lost brother!" "When are you going to stop playing these tricks?!" "He's not playing tricks." They stood there in shock. In their visions a man with great strength had approached and a woman with great beauty right beside him. Dressed in body suits of silver and blue and their hairs flowing with such grace and a blue tint on the side. "He is telling the truth." She looked at him with great shock and feeling a bit guilty for the way she treated him. "There's no time to waste, we have a lot of explaining to do."

"Agnes!" Agnes lives with her step-father and her mother. She has a step-brother but other than that, she's an only child. Like most marriages, her biological father and her mother did not work out and she claimed the custody of the house and the kid, Agnes was seven when this happened. "Here we go again." She walked into the kitchen and stood in front of her step-father. "What's up, Carl." "I told you to call me dad." "I'll call you dad when pigs fly out of my ass." He was getting annoyed. "Enough joking around. What's this?" He asked, "A piece of paper with my grade in science?" She questioned, "exactly. You have a C. You know what a C can lead to?" He asked, "still getting honor roll because it's just one C." "No, it leads to average grades. And average grades lead to no honor roll. No wait, I'm sorry, high honor roll!" He shouted, "I can't get straight A's, it's best if I just get honor roll and mom is proud of that, why can't you be?" She asked, "do you want to be a cop?" "Yes, and my grades are perfect for police work." "Wrong! These grades are shit. The police won't hire someone like you." She rolled her eyes, "just because of one C? And besides, science is my weakest subject, I'm trying." "That's no excuse! You need to try harder in order to get the things you want, otherwise you can just be a lazy bum!" He shouted, "keep yelling like that, your hair will thin even more." She laughed a bit. "Joking your way out of everything won't get you far in this life." "I've gotten this far, why stop now?" She smiled, "wipe that smile off your face, you're gonna go upstairs and you're gonna work hard on your science homework, get that grade up!" We walked away, "good talk, Carl." She went upstairs to her room and took out her homework, when her cell phone started ringing. "Fran?" She questioned, "Hello?" "I screwed up." Fran was freaking out a bit, "What happened?" "Well, let's just say, I may have helped the Pinkies sabotage Amy?" "You did what? You're an idiot, no wonder you dyed your hair blonde." "And Amy was talking about how she doesn't know who to trust, I said me but she questioned it so I told her the truth. I screwed up so bad, Agy. She's never gonna speak to me again." "You got that right." "But at the same time, the Pinkies overheard me talking about her secret and in order for her to not find out, I had to help the Pinkies." "Wait a minute, didn't Amy want the truth in the first place?" She asked. "Well yeah but--" "I know, you wanted her family to tell her, not you. But still, she's your best friend and you would do that to her? That's a bit low." "What would you do if you were in my shoes?" Fran asked. "Honestly, I would've said no. And if they still told the whole senior class or maybe the school, I would've done all I could to break the chain so it didn't get to Amy." "But what if it doesn't work?" Agnes sighed, "you're not understanding. Friends do everything they can for that friend, even if the plan is so abstract, they still do it. Even if the worst case scenario is she finds out, you still do any means necessary to make her heart stay together. Cause Amy has a fragile heart, and from the looks of it, her fragile heart is coming apart." "I know and I feel terrible but I was just trying to save her!" She shouted, "I understand but she already has enough shit on her mind, doing this has only made you stoop just as low as those pink brats." Everything went silent, "I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow and I seriously don't want to get in the middle of it but you better make it right. Cause if I see you just walking with us or just passing on by without the words, 'we need to talk', so help me god I will come over to you and curse your name." Meaning she's going to beat the ever living shit out of her, "now, I can't help it if she says no but it doesn't hurt to try." "Okay." "I gotta go and do homework so the old man doesn't pop a blood vessel, cause God knows what will happen to him." She laughed, "See ya, Franny."

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