Chapter 7

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"I can't believe you." "Just listen to me--" "no!" She screamed, "why wasn't I told about this when I was younger?! Huh?" "We tried to but we didn't want to hurt you, literally." "It's better than keeping a secret for eighteen years!" "Has your head been hurting lately?" He asked, "yes but-" "that's why. You were so young and it could damage your brain, we didn't want that burden." She stood there with her face stained red and in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, her life was a whole lie. Then suddenly, "AHHH!" The surge in her brain became worse, she stumbled a bit, trying to regain her consciousness. But it was like a new memory was in place, she was remembering everything.

We ate dinner that night, together for the fifth time, maybe more. But this time, I didn't want to have family dinner, I wanted to find answers. "Mom, dad, may I be excused?" I asked, "what's the rush?" "I just want to get my homework done, I haven't been sleeping well and I want to finish early so I can sleep better." They thought for a bit but they finally let me go. "Thank you." I ran upstairs and opened my laptop. Stayed up all night again to try and find some things but nothing. I was trying to find different planets, secret planets, I even took a stupid quiz because I was so close to give up. But, I found nothing. I wanted to give up but I had to keep trying. "There's gotta be something on this internet. Ugh." I slammed my laptop and laid down on my bed. "What about that alternate internet thing? No, that won't work." I sighed. "What is she doing up?" Mom whispered to dad as they were eavesdropping on me. "She's researching, pipe down." "Is she trying to search...her past?" "I think the day has come, we can't hide it anymore."

"Agh." "Your head again?" Fran asked, "it's just getting worse and worse, and I'm so tired. I just want to find out what I need to find out and be done with it, it's been two weeks. I don't know how much more I can take of this." "Then stop." "But at the same time, I won't be satisfied if I don't keep searching. It's like giving up ain't an option for me." "I thought you were happy here." Fran said, "I am, I'm very happy. But it's like there's apart of my life still missing, the last piece of the puzzle. Once I find it, then I'll be even more happier." I smiled. "Just be careful." "You sound like Xena." I laughed, "well she's just looking out for you like all of us are." She smiled. "Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I'll be fine."
"You're a scumbag! I can't you'd do that to me!" "What's going on?" I asked, "I don't know, maybe a fight." We walked over and saw Edgar and Brian having a brawl out in the middle of the hall. "Look man, I didn't do that, you gotta believe me. I was home with my dad!" "Bullshit!" Edgar punched him in the face. "Dude, what the fuck was that?!" Brian got up and pushed him down, "that's for punching me!" Edgar got up and attacked him to the ground. An all out brawl was about to begin. Punching and choking each other, knocking each others brains out, you name it, they did it. "I guess Brian got his...battle royal." Georgia laughed as so did the other girls, except for Kate, she was all the way towards the back. "You did this?!" "I should've known, you bitch!" I shouted, she laughed. "See, that wasn't my only target. Check your phone." I looked at Fran. I whipped out my phone and I checked, "Amy Fisher has been tagged in a post." I checked on my Facebook and there it was, a photoshopped pic of me kissing a dog. "Bitches fuck bitches." I started hyperventilating out of anger. "Hold my phone." I turned to Georgia and gave her a good slap across the face. "You have crossed the line this time. I hope you burn in hell with a fiery pit and the devil is standing right in front of you!" I shouted and angrily walked away. "Okay both of you boys, go to class, and that goes for everyone!" One teacher said. "Where's Amy? I thought I heard her." "Oh you did, but unfortunately, she walked away." "What did you do?" Brian asked, "check your phone." Daphne said as Georgia smiled. Brian saw the picture on my timeline and got even more angry than before, "you did all of this. Tell basically the whole senior class that I fucked Kate so Edgar gets mad. Amy sees I'm fighting and when you showed her this god awful picture, she would think it was me that did this. Not only ruining my life but hers." "But I did ruin her life, it was just differently. You stop hanging out with her and I'll take down this picture." "I'll never stop hanging out with her. I've been there for her this long, I ain't goin' back. So here's what you're gonna do, you're gonna take down this picture and say it was a fake or I'm going to tell the principal that you took the cheat sheet for the SAT's so you'd score perfectly. Got it?" He walked away to find me but I went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and punched it out of anger. "AHHH!" I screamed, the surges were coming back. And this one was strong, I fell to my knees in agony. "Amy!" Fran yelled, "is she in there?" "Yeah." Brian ran into the bathroom, "but you can't go in there that's the, girls bathroom. I should go into the guys bathroom to teach them a lesson." She ran off as I was in here screaming. "Amy, are you okay?" I was moaning at the pain of my head hurting. "Let me turn the lights off, maybe that will help." He shut off the lights and he came back over. "Is that better?" He asked, "why are you in the girls bathroom?" I asked, he looked around. "Oh. I guess I panicked a bit." "You were panicking?" I asked, "cause Georgia had this plan about splitting us up and not being friends and it took a different turn, I just didn't want you to think I had anything to do with it." "Dude, I get straight A's and I'm a dictionary, I'm not stupid to fall for her tricks. And besides, you're a really awesome guy friend and I thank you for being there for me. I don't wanna lose you." He smiled.

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