France: part 3

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3 days later...

Amy woke up before Ty and wanted to make something special for him so she went downstairs and started to make waffles.
When Ty woke up he walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find waffles, fruit and coffee on the table.
"Good morning." Amy said.
"Morning. What's all this?" Ty asked
"I wanted to make you a special breakfast since I woke up early." Amy replied.
"Amy you didn't have to." Ty mentioned.
"Yes I did. You did something special for me and I felt like I needed to do something special for you."
Amy sat down across from Ty and they ate breakfast.
"That was amazing Amy, thank you." Ty commented.
"You're welcome." Amy replied.

2 hours later...

Amy and Ty had agreed earlier on their trip that they would go see Eiffel Tower on their last day and that was today.

Amy and Ty left Lisa's summer home and took a taxi to the Eiffel Tower. When they got there they got out and were amazed by what they saw.
They spent hours there taking pictures and talking.
"Where should we go for supper?" Ty asked.
"Let's go to the pizza place right near the house." Amy replied as they got in the taxi.
Amy and Ty had a great dinner enjoying the pizza and talking about their future.
After dinner they went back to Lisa's summer home and enjoyed their last night of their honeymoon together.

The next morning Amy and Ty woke up, ate breakfast and started packing. Once they were ready to go they spent the rest of their time in France relaxing in the summer home.

Amy and Ty: Life after marriageWhere stories live. Discover now