Chapter 11

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there are about 5 or so chapters left to this story & i have a teeny tiny announcement to make...

I'm planning on another Densi Centric fanfic!!

I've noticed the all the positive reactions I've had to this & i appreciate it so much!

Thank you all for sticking by this story!

It's quite short compared to my other chapters, but it's a filler, I want to keep you guys on your feet with this story, just as I've been kept on mine ;)

-Amanda xx


"Those men are just trying to throw us off. We don't know exactly what they're planning or who exactly is behind it, but we will catch them," Hetty starts, looking at Kensi and Deeks from behind her desk, "But for the time being, and please do not argue, I'd prefer that you two stay out of this case. I need you to be protected."

Deeks resists the urge to argue with Hetty, but thinks that she has their best interest in mind, "Fine. But please let us know whenever you know anything. Please."

"Although Assistant Director Granger is against it, I will do everything to inform you of what's going on with your case." Hetty nods comprehensively, then hands them a car key, and a house key, "New cars, registered to an alias, and the safe house. You two, for the time being, will have a new identity, your aliases' information is in the safe house, new licenses in the car."

"Safe house? As in one house?" Kensi speaks up after examining the keys.

Hetty nods with a ghost of a smile, "Yes, Miss Blye. I believe that it's best that you two keep each other company."

Deeks nods curtly, and stands up, "Thank you, Hetty."

"We'll let you know if we find out anything?" Kensi asks.

"That would be most helpful, Miss Blye."

Deeks stops in his tracks, then walks back over to Hetty's desk, "Who's backing Sam and Callen up in the field?"

"Don't worry about that, Mister Deeks, we have some temps waiting." Hetty reassures him, "Now, go."


Eric looks at Nell, then looks back at his keyboard. He does this repeatedly until Nell calls him out on it, "You okay there, Beale?"

"I was just wondering what you thou-" Eric begins, and is interrupted by Nell.

"I don't want to wonder what Kensi and Deeks were up to in the hotel with one bed in their villa." Nell says monotonously.

He nods once, and returns to typing, then raises his head, "But aren't you the slightest bit curious?"

"No." Nell says, "But I did find someone."

"Who? Another Hicks family member?" Eric looks over at Nell's computer monitor.

"No, no, the guy that was helping them, the Scottish one," Nell says.

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