Chapter 18

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Kellin's P.O.V.

"Was it part of your plan all along? To blindfold me and drive me to an unknown destination and kill me?" I question as my hands grip the edge of my seat. "Kellin, it's not part of my plan to kill you," I hear Vic say, almost hearing his eyes roll. "You could just be telling me that to kill me! You'll lure me into a false sense of security then bang, I'm dead!" I exclaim. "Kellin, I swear to God I'm not about to kill you!" Vic informs me.

"Well, just to let you know that if you do kill me, I'll haunt your aśś," I sigh, sitting back in my seat. "Whatever floats your boat," he sighs. We sit in a comfortable silence, Blink-182 playing in the background. I hum along, rubbing circles on my stomach. I feel the car stop and the engine shut off. "Okay, stay put and I'll come around and help you out," Vic demands before the door opens, keys jangle and the door shuts.

I take off my seat belt before the door on my side opens. "Okay, give me your hands please," I hear Vic say. I give Vic my hands and he carefully helps me get out of the car. "Careful Darling," he says as I slip a little and he steady's me. "Sorry," I say as I gain my footing again. "It's fine, now, come on," he says as he starts tugging me forward gently. I follow Vic as best I can blindfolded, tripping over stuff on the ground.

After the sixth time I feel my legs taken up from under me. "Vic!" I yelp as O feel his arms hold me. "Sorry, sorry, just, we aren't a quarter of the way there and I don't want you to fall and get hurt," Vic explains. "Aww," I coo as Vic carries me to wherever he's taking me. After a few minutes of Vic carrying me we stop. "I'm going to set you down now," he says and I nod. I feel him turn me and start untying my blindfold.

The black cloth slips off my eyes and I stare t the sight in front of me. We were at the beach under a full moon. A red plaid blanket was spread on top of the sand with a picnic basket, pillows, and a few blankets. I look at Vic who was watching me, smiling at him. "Do you like it?" he fidgets his body. "Definitely," I breathe, turning my gaze back to the sight in front of me. Vic helps me sit down before sitting across from me. He reached into the picnic basket and takes out a big fruit bowl and two orange soda's.

"What a weird combination," I giggle. "Not if you really thing about it," Vic shrugs. "What do you mean?" I tilt my head to the side, staring at him. "Well, it's a fruit bowl with orange soda. An orange is a fruit," Vic smiles slightly, turning his head to look at me. I nod before looking up at the sky, seeing it littered with stars that twinkle.

"Wow," I breathe at the sight if twinkling stars surrounding a full moon. "It's pretty," Vic agrees. I look back at Vic to see him staring at me. I blush under his intense gaze. "What?" I ask. "Nothing," he shakes his head as he hands me a fork. I shrug and take the plastic fork. We sit in silence, eating the fruit and listening to the waves crash against the shore.

"Vic?" I question. "Yes Kellin?" he hums. "Uh, you don't have to answer this, but why did you cheat on me?" I question, turning to face him. He sighs as he turns to face me. "You don't have to answer. It's just, Dani cheated on you and it crushed you, so why would you cheat on me knowing how it feels?" I ask.

"I didn't want to. Dani made me," he shakes his head. "How did she make you?" I tilt my head to the side, staring into his eyes. "Dani has a brother who's into some bad shít. He knows some guys and so does she. She came to me and told me that if I wanted the baby and you to live, I have to cheat on ou with her. She dropped me a month after you found out and I've been to ashamed to talk to you," he explains, looking at his lap during the last sentence. I sit there stunned at what he told me. What kind of bítch would threaten to harm a pregnant person just because of their own problems? I put my fork in the bowl before maneuvering to my knees.

Vic watches me through his lashes as I sit on my knees. I crawl over to him before throwing my arms out to hug him. I hug him tightly, feeling his arms going around me and hug me tighter. We maneuver so I sit in his lap as we embrace each other. We sway side to side slightly, a comfortable silence enveloping us. "Kellin, I love you," Vic murmurs in my ear. I pull back slightly and look at him with tears starting to gather in my eyes. "Do you mean it?" I ask.

"Of course I mean it," he says as he stares into my eyes. "I love you too," I grin at him. He smiles back at me before pulling me in for a kiss. The kiss was soft and full of love. We pull away and I freeze as I feel something in my stomach. "Kellin, what's wrong?" Vic asks as he feels me tense up. "T-the baby," I choke out. "Are they okay?" he asks. "Yeah, yeah. The baby is just, Vic, the baby just kicked!" I exclaim, looking at him with excitement.

"Really?" he asks, excitement oozing from his voice. "Yeah, give me your hand," I demand happily. He gives me his hand and I press it on the spot where the baby is kicking softly. "Oh my God, that's amazing!" he exclaims. I nod in agreement as we both feel where the baby is kicking, sharing looks I amazement.

Vic moves his hand away and lifts me off his lap. I give him a look of confusion as he moves away. "I'm just putting up the food and drinks," he smiles at me. I nod and watch as he puts the stuff away before arranging the pillows and moving the blankets aside. "Come lay down," he smiles. I do as he stays and look at him in confusion as he lays on his stomach, facing my belly.

"Hi baby, it's Daddy. I just wanted to say that your Mommy and I love you very much and can't wait to see you," he smiles, his breath fanning across my shirt. He lifts up my shirt before placing little kisses all over my belly. He pulls back down my shirt after he finishes and lays down beside me. "That was adorable," I coo. "But not as adorable as you," he boops my nose.

"Yeah, it was cuter," I giggle. "No, because you are way cuter than that will ever be," he smirks. I shake my head no. "Am not," I say. "Are too," he argues back.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Okay, okay, agree to disagree?" he asks. "Yup," I smile at him. We change position so that my head rests on his chest. I gaze up at the stars as Vic hums softly and runs his fingers through my hair. My eyes get drowsy and I start to protest. "Vic, stop. You're making me sleepy," I giggle. He shrugs ands continues to do it. My eyes flutter close as my breaths become even and I fall asleep.


I wake up in a comfortable bed with arms wrapped around me. I sit up as I look around the dark room, waiting for my eyes to adjust. My eyes finally adjust and I look at the person next to me, who was starting to sit up. "Kellin, what's wrong?" Vic mumbles. "Where are we?" I ask. "My house," he says as he rubs his eyes.

"Shít, my parents are going to kill me," I mumble. "No they won't. I called them from your phone and told them that you fell asleep on your date. Then I told them I'd just bring you here because it's closer and it'd be really late anyways after they demanded that I bring you home," Vic shrugs.

"Were you rude?" I ask. "Nope. They weren't exactly jumping with joy, but they agreed," he sighs. I nod before laying back down. He lays back down too and we move until he's spooning me, his hand resting on my stomach while the other is under my head. "I love you," I mumble sleepily. "I love you too," he murmurs. With that we fall asleep, content without life at the moment.

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