Chapter 3

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Kellin's P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open and I gasp when I see Vic Fuentes' face inches from mine. The events of last night flash through my mind and I instantly feel horrible. I silently slip out of Vic's arms and search for my clothes on the floor. I find them and pull them on before fishing my phone out of my pocket. I check my texts from last night, realizing I totally bailed on Jack.

I quietly unlock the door and walk downstairs. Others were passed out around the house and I find Jack on the coffee table. "Jack, wake up," I stage whisper, shaking him. He groans and sits up, eyes widening when he looks at me. "Dude, who did that to you?" he asks. "Did what?" I question as he gets off of the coffee table.

"The marks on your neck," he looks at me confused. "Uh, n-no one," I shake my head. "Someone did," he shakes his head as we head out to the car. I feel my stomach twist and I turn away, puking in the grass. "Dude, let me drive," Jack demands and I throw him the keys as he walks to the drivers side.

He unlocks the doors and I get in. He starts up the car and I lean my head against the window. "Can we stop at Dunkin' Donuts?" Jack asks and I nod. "Duh," I smile. He drives us to Dunkin' Donuts and we decide to go through the drive thru. "Want your usual?" he asks and I nod. We pull up and he orders for us. I give him money to pay for it and we pull up to the window. He pays and gets our food before driving to my house. My Mom and Dad weren't home so I didn't get yelled at, which was relieving.

Jack and I go up to my room when we get there. I sit on my bed next to Jack, turning on the T.V. We eat our food and drink our coffee in a comfortable silence. We finish and put the garbage on the floor of my room. I lay down on my side and watch whatever Jack had put on. A cramp runs through my stomach and I groan in pain. "Are you okay dude?" Jack asks. "Uh, yeah," I nod.


A few hours later Jack had left and now I was home alone. My phone rings and I see that it's an unknown number. I send it to voicemail and decide to take a shower since I was still dirty from last night. I go to the bathroom connected to my room and Strip off my clothes after turning on the water.

I get into the shower and wash quickly before getting out. I dry off and wrap the towel around my waist, going into my room. I pull on clean boxers and throw the towel off and to the side. I pull on sweat pants and a big nightshirt. My phone hasn't stopped ringing and I finally grab it an answer it.

"Hello?" I ask as I look through my movies. "Uh, hey Kellin, it's Vic," a voice says awkwardly. "Uh, hi, how did you get my number?" I ask, picking out Hercules and putting it in my DVD player before walking downstairs for food. "Oh, I had Mike find it for me. Anyways, I have to talk to you," Vic says. "So talk," I shrug, going to the pantry and opening it up.

"I, uh, mean in person," Vic coughs. "Why?" I ask, deciding to make some popcorn and drink Dr. Pepper. I grab a packet of popcorn and put it in the microwave, pressing the popcorn button. "Because, now can you come over here or should I come over to yours?" Vic asks. "Yeah, how about you come over here because I'm lazy," I reply as I grab a glass from the cabinet and fill it with ice.

"Okay, text me your address and I'll be there soon," Vic replies. "Okay, bye," I hang up. I put my phone on the counter after realizing I don't have pockets and pour Dr. Pepper over the ice in my glass. The microwave goes off and the smell of popcorn makes my stomach growl.

I grab the bag and pour it into a bowl before grabbing my phone and drink and going up stairs to my room. I set my stuff on my nightstand and grab the DVD remote before sitting down. I save Vic's number into my phone and text him my address before pressing play.

A few minutes into my movie Vic texts me the he is here. I text him back to come in and give him directions to my room. He enters after a minute and I pause my movie and sit cross cross applesauce. He sits in front of me and I raise an eyebrow. "What do we need to talk about?" I ask. "Uh, listen, can you not tell anyone that we slept together please. I am in a relationship and don't want anyone to know so-" I cut him off.

"First off, I wasn't going to tell anyone, but the marks on my neck that I know you can see, kind of give it away that I was with someone. Two, you should tell your girlfriend you slept with a guy. Make up a lame aśś excuse or something, just don't make me the rumor of the school. And you really couldn't of asked me this over the phone?" I snap. "Uh, sorry, but I'm not telling Dani. Plus, you didn't exactly say no to the marks or the stuff we did. And it seems kind of inconsiderate to talk about this over the phone," Vic shrugs.

"Either you tell her or I will. In fact, I really can't believe I helped you cheat on her, she's so nice! And I was against sleeping with you in the first place," I remind him. "Don't get you panties in a twist," he rolls his eyes. "Don't tell me what to do!" I snap. We sit staring each other down before he sighs. "Fine, I'll tell Dani, but just say a random guy who I didn't know," Vic sighs. "Good, and I won't tell anyone," I shrug.

"Cool, thanks," he smiles. "No problem," I shrug and he gets up. "I'm going to leave now," he informs me and I nod. "Okay, bye," I smile. "Bye," he grins. He leaves and I press play and lay down, focusing my attention on the movie, eating popcorn and drinking soda.

{So, hello people! Thanks for reading. Comment or message questions. Have a wonderful day you beautiful things!}

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