Chapter nine: Memory of the shadow lord

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I flied beside Anya with out holding her hand feeling almost relieved that I could now fly but slightly disappointed. As we travelled through the skies we passed fields, forests and country side roads I was beginning to wonder if we would ever make it to the rock even if it was destroyed already I knew we had to go there for  a reason but I still didn’t know why. I also couldn’t stop thinking about all the memories I had seen and how I could begin to tell my friends about them. I knew Petra was involved some how looking for someone, William was the one with the shadow lord I believed that was the mystery voice but I couldn’t be sure but he would be the one to raise him I knew it while Angie who is with him wants to just be saved. That man who attacked Petra scared me a little and Trayton I knew so little about him but I knew I shouldn’t forget him either he was important too. I seen many memories about William but still I didn’t understand if someone he loved couldn’t get through to him if his dad couldn’t how could I.

“What is that up ahead” I heard Alli say and I couldn’t help but wonder if we would ever make it at this rate. “We are close, see those mountains” began Anya but she didn’t get time to finish her sentence as I had to land quickly to miss a weird looking monkey. “Oh great why is he here” said Vicky. “He lives around here don’t he” said Anya. “My uncle never believed that joining beside the lords was a good idea he hated my father for marrying a witch so he moved and we only see him now and again but why are there crazy monkey’s about” said Paul as he kicked a small monkey a side. We reached the area were we found a tall huge monkey man he was covered in hair and looked a lot more like a monkey then Paul did of course. “Uncle” Paul said as we approached him. He turned around to look down at Paul trying to understand what was happening. “What do you want” he said. “Well we just want to pass but what is going on here” said Paul. “To be honest I not sure someone else is controlling the monkey’s” said Paul’s uncle. “How we are the only ones that can do that aren’t we” said Paul. “I thought that to but apparently not I believe your father is on the way he has left the palace as he does not need to stay since he is not a lord…” said my uncle.

“Excuse me sorry to interrupt but I think I can help you” I said to him before I could stop myself. Just then there was flash of light and I fell forwards and I think I fainted and I was faced with another memory. “I do not believe it is right” said a young girl. “Nothing is my child but you some how can control them but use them wisely please and I will not tell my brother about this” said Paul’s uncle. “Alright you got a deal” said the young girl.

 Before I could understand the memory I heard voices. “Will he be alright” asked a voice I did not recognise. “We believe so” said Paul. “Well that’s good son so anyone got any idea what is wrong with the monkeys” said Paul’s father. I opened my eyes to find Anya, Paul and another most monkey partly human next to me too. “Hello there you alright, Fate right” he asked. “Yeah” I said to him as he helped me up. “My name is Michel and I am Paul’s father and I am leader of our race I guess that is why I visit the lord’s palace a lot and I am part of the lords I guess as we decided to join them” said Michel. “Mistake” I heard Paul’s uncle say while coughing but I don’t think Michel heard or less he decided to just ignore his brother. “I think I have some idea a girl she has powers to control them I think from what I saw” I said to them.

Before Michel could ask Paul spoke “Father this is the lord of memories son, I didn’t get to let you know I decided to come on the quest and of course these are the girls of light” said Paul. “Vicky has joined you I see” he pointed out. “Yeah not long ago though” said Paul looking slightly worried. “Don’t look so worried so lord of memories son he mentioned you were on this quest he is prude of you he says that a lot…so you saw a memory” asked Michel. “Yeah actually it was his memory he knew she had the powers but told her he would not tell you if she would use the powers wisely he was being friendly, kind he knew what might of happened otherwise…how” I stopped all of sudden still pointing at Paul’s uncle and quickly putting my hand down. “Sound more like your father telling a memory and then some how knowing more when you see a memory you are sensing that person’s emotions too at times my brothers heart normally is in the right place” smiled Michel. “I am sorry” he said to his brother. “Its alright we just have to find this girl and stop her, this is over the top if she promises to behaviour with the powers when we find her I let her keep them” he smiled at his brother. 

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