Chapter Five: A man back from the dead

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Here is the next chapter

Please enjoy and drop a comment it mean a lot to me because i dont know is this story is any good


Morning came fast and before I knew it I was being shaken awake by Paul looking over me and the cat meowing at him.

 “Shh! he needs to get up Ginger” said Paul.

 I sat up in bed and said “You named the cat ginger” I asked.

“I did not name it but yes it was named ginger being the colour ginger and all” smiled Paul.

“I guess that makes sense” I said to him.

“Anyway all the girls are already up get dressed and meet us in the kitchen at the table” said Paul as he left the room for me to get dressed.

The dream I had I couldn’t stop thinking about as I got ready and the voice that had spoken to me in my dream….it was my father he was warning me that my dreams were not dreams but memories from the past so what I had seen was at least a day old and that I should be carful to insure they didn’t mislead me or believe everything I saw or what I believe it to be.

 I still couldn’t figure out how to take the warning lightly or thankfully but I guess I knew what the dreams were now and what I kept seeing has actually happened. I took one last look at the cat still on the bed looking at me before I left the room and joined everyone else at the kitchen table. They were eating toast or cereal and I managed to see it was still dark out it must have been still pretty early.

“Morning Fate” everyone said at the table.

 “Morning guys, so we of straight after we eat” I asked as I took some  toast and bit into it.

 “Yes we will be but first we must discuss how we are gong to travel” she said.

 “What about where we are heading” I asked.

Everyone looked at me weirdly for a few seconds before Anya answered me.

 “We must discuss how we are to travel as we know our heading”.

 “Do we” I asked.

 “Yes actually we have figured out where we need to head us girls are not just good fighters, as we sleep we think for hours on end together coming up with things and the same thing popped into all our heads we know our heading” smiled Alli.

 “Oh alright so where are we going” I asked.

“It is not a were but a direction we must head further into the country side to find a stone that has been at the top of a mountain for years and from there we will find out where the chest is” said Anya.

I was not going to question them on what some rock would do to help us find a chest of some kind but that didn’t stop me worrying about it. I also knew I needed to trust them as they were the ones who would need to lead the path.

We finished eating breakfast and chucked everything back in the bag which Alli chucked onto her back after.

 Paul was carrying two bags I was taking one was Paul’s and one was Alli’s. Anya chucked me a rucksack and I caught it just in time before it landed on the floor.

 “You should always be on guard” she smiled at me.

Yeah easy for her to say I was not use to all this and she expected me to keep my guard up I was still half a sleep. I went back into the room chucked in my other spare cloths and PJs before putting my sword in a holder that had been put in the rucksack for me.

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