Close call

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Not much work of what they had planned was done after they shared yet another kiss. And no, it wasn't just a kiss, like Lindsey had promised it would be. All they managed to do was listen to the melodies Lindsey had recorded himself playing that he thought would make Stevie's songs better. He left abruptly, both clearly thinking about what happened when they were together and when he was out the door. Stevie didn't call Jeremy either, unable to bring herself to do so, he knew her pretty well already and he would suspect that something between the two ex lovers happened.

Lindsey insisted that they would get a lot more done at his home studio, just that Stevie wasn't sure what was it they were supposed to be doing at the moment. This was for the new Fleetwood Mac album, not Lindsey Buckingham, not Stevie Nicks, not even Buckingham Nicks - Fleetwood Mac. She thought that the rest of the band should join them as well, but she agreed nevertheless. Mostly because she didn't want to ruin the progress she and Lindsey had made.

Karen drove Stevie to the Buckingham's to find only Kristen there. She cringed, cursing Lindsey silently. When the two women put most of their differences aside, they managed to have a friendship, but still, Stevie didn't enjoy being left alone with Lindsey's wife by herself. 

"Lindsey promised to take the girls out today as he hasn't done anything with them since you came back from Europe. He mentioned you would be coming at around 3 pm and he said he should be back by then." Kristen explained her husband's absence. "But they're probably on the way back now."

"It's no problem, I have time until about 7 pm." Stevie accepted a cup of steaming hot tea that Kristen had offered her. "Then Jeremy is coming to pick me up."

"Things are going well with Mr Hot Forty Year Old, huh?" The younger blonde teased.

"Actually, yes. We kind of stopped pretending we're just sleeping around with each other."

"Oh that's great! You deserve a man like Jeremy, he adores you, it's not hard to tell."

"I don't want to rush anything though, I told him where I stand, I know about his feelings for me, so... We'll see." Stevie shrugged, sipping the tea. 

The front door flung open in a matter of minutes, Leelee and Stella storming into the living room, hearing Stevie's voice. After a warm greeting from both girls, it was Lindsey's turn to say hello to his lately extremely flirtatious colleague. 

"3 pm, huh?" Stevie raised an eyebrow at him. 

"A couple of days ago, you told me 1 pm and I found you in bed still when I arrived." Lindsey replied in the same dry tone.

"You did not find me in bed, Jeremy opened the door for you."

Kristen started feeling slightly uneasy about this exchange and she excused herself, leaving Stevie and Lindsey on their own. "So, where you just as hung up on that kiss too, like the other time?" He leaned in closer, whispering into her hair as they were making their way to his studio. 

"I'm not proud to admit it that yes, I thought about it all the time. How could I not? When you got me so wet."

Lindsey wasn't sure he heard it right, his jaw hanging low. "You... for real?"

"Oh yeah, all that time after you were with me and I was ready... and willing." She added. 

He ushered her through the door, locking it behind him. "Willing? You stopped me!" 

"Because you're married, Lindsey."

"Fuck that, we were having an affair for years."

"You can't be proud of it."

"Well, I'm not... but my God, Steph, I would do anything you asked me if I could experience that feeling again. To kiss you, to undress you, to touch you, to feel you around me. Anything, baby." He stood behind her, his voice low in her ear.

"It's wrong. We shouldn't..."

"You can't tell me you don't want it." His lips sent shivers down her spine as she felt them on the back of her neck. 

"No." She gasped, leaning into him. "I can't."

She let his hands explore her clothed body, as he paid extra attention to her breasts and hips. He had her quietly moaning already. "Just let me do something to you, anything. I have to, I need to feel and see you coming for me."

She gave a small nod of her head, which surprised him, he thought it was going to be a lot harder to persuade her. On the other hand, she didn't say they would be having sex and he knew they didn't have enough time for that now anyway.

He walked her to the couch and sat her down as he remained standing, lowering his head to kiss her, while his hands continued teasing her. She tensed up again when he hooked his thumbs into her leggings, pulling them down her legs, but he did a wonderful job of relaxing her as his palms caressed her thighs. 

He broke the kiss and knelt in front of her, licking his lips. "Spread your legs."

Her insecurities took over and she almost started thinking of a way out, but he began pressing feather-like kisses on her naked flesh and she did as asked, opening her legs for him. 

"Fuck..." He groaned at the sight. "You can't even imagine how much I would give to be inside you right now."

"That wasn't what we agreed on." She reminded. "You wanted me to come for you."

He cursed again, but nodded.

First, her ran a finger between her lower lips, feeling her warm and wet already. Very slowly, he pushed the same finger inside of her as she threw her head back, feeling him moving it in and out, fully. He couldn't resist it for longer, pushing her thighs farther apart, as he gave her center a few licks, making her bite on her lip, not to release any sound. She felt his tongue swirling around her throbbing bud, his eyes fixed on hers, as she tangled her fingers in his hair, bringing him closer and keeping him in place. He was doing everything he could think of, remembering what exactly would drive her crazy. He thrust his stiff tongue inside her, moving it swiftly, while he brought his hand to stimulate her as well. She couldn't stay still anymore, lifting her hips off the couch, causing him to hold her down, placing one hand on her stomach as he put the other over her mouth, knowing she was almost there. He felt a shot of pain as she bit his finger, keeping herself from screaming his name for everyone to hear, but he didn't flinch, sucking onto her clit until the very last second of her powerful orgasm. 

"Fucking hell..." She said, panting. "I don't think I'll walk again after that."

"You're welcome." He winked, handing her her leggings that he had thrown on the floor.

She began pulling them up, then frowned. "Um, Linds? You didn't happen to see my panties, did you?"

"Me?" He asked innocently.

"Just give them back. It's bad enough I let you go down on me with your wife around, I'm not about to be walking into your house wearing nothing under my leggings."

"That would be so hot though."

She rolled her eyes, now being able to dress up. Only a few minutes passed, when a knock on the door echoed. Lindsey unlocked and opened the it, seeing Kristen. 

"I made some lunch. If you two aren't too busy, I thought you might join us?"

"Mhm, sure. We'll be right there." Lindsey said, closing the door, then looked at Stevie, saying. "Close call..."

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