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"It was so nice seeing you!" Emily beamed, as Jeremy kissed her goodbye on the cheek.

"You too, just please, don't call me, I'll call you okay?" He pleaded, hugging her. "My girlfriend is going nuts already."

"Sure, I just really needed to see you."

"I get it, but if anything, I'll be the one calling or messaging."

The two agreed and said goodbye. Jeremy went to his car, after meeting with Emily, to head back to his office. 

The second he walked into the building, Sam was trailing behind him with a stack of files and papers. "Will you stop disappearing like this?! We needed you hear, Jerry! Clients are calling, asking for you, and I'm not sure what to tell them."

"I was with Emily."

"Oh, that explains it then." Sam shrugged, putting a huge pile on Jeremy's desk, once they reached his office. "You must look through these today, before you run off to your Stevie."

"No need to get jealous, buddy!" 

"Whatever." Sam rolled his eyes, leaving the room, with a slam of the door.


Stevie was once again at the Buckingham's. Lindsey insisted on working on some tracks and since she had nothing better to do, she couldn't bother coming up with some excuse. At the moment, they were trying to figure out how Stevie could make one of Lindsey's songs better. Although, they had very different ideas and Lindsey knew that they were in need of a short break. 

Thankfully, Kristen dragged them out of the studio, saying she had fixed lunch. Lindsey almost sprinted into the house. He loved Stevie and he respected her as an artist, but sometimes he thought she was pushing his buttons on purpose. 

"Salad?" Lindsey looked at his wife, then back at the bowl of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and he didn't even know what the rest was. 

"It's called lunch, Lindsey, you're not supposed to get stuffed." Kristen passed a plate to the two, as they sat down next to each other. 

"Don't pout, you big baby." Stevie, on the other hand, was more than glad with what was in front of her. "Besides, you do look good for a very old man that you are, but this is sticking out more and more." She placed a hand on his stomach and rubbed in circles.

Kristen found it both hilarious and very unsettling, seeing another woman, Stevie Nicks out of all of them, touching her husband, even if it was meant as a joke. 

"Please, don't tell me I've lost my looks." He gasped in a mocking way, his eyes going wide. "That's the only thing I still had going for me, Nicks. Although, of course, how can I compete, when you're used to a forty year old body right now?"

Excuse me, why would you want to compete, huh?, Kristen crossed her arms, getting slightly annoyed with the interaction between the two, ahem, ex lovers...

"Aw, Lindsey, you're jealous?" Stevie nudged his side, smirking. "No worries, Buck, I love you really."

"You're lucky that I love you enough to forgive you." He smiled and she did so too back at him.

Oh, Lord, I'm going to be sick..., Kristen turned away, acting as if she was desperate for a cup of coffee right this moment.

In a lot better mood, Stevie and Lindsey headed back to his studio, agreeing to finish the same song they started working on before the break, and then call it a day. Lindsey sat down on the spinning chair by the mixing table and Stevie was in front of him on the couch, sitting cross-legged. They began seeing eye to eye, changing some of the lyrics together and altering between different melodies. 

"I think we've got it!" Lindsey exclaimed. "This will be something like Sad Angel, fun and upbeat song."

"A fun song, yeah right! Did you forget it's about me always having to fight for things in life?" 

"I wasn't necessarily referring to the words, Stevie, I..."

"I'm just messing with you, Linds." He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "And I completely agree. We have to pretend at least in our songs we're not basically corpses."

Lindsey put away his guitar, laughing. "We're not that old, Stevie. Besides, I've never seen a hotter looking corpse like yourself."

"Are you trying to sweet-talk your way into my pants?" 

"Maybe..." He trailed off, joining her on the couch. "We haven't had sex in what, like ten days?"

"It's killing you, isn't it?"

"Tell me it isn't killing you?" He asked, his lips already sucking on her neck. "I think about you all the time and not in the most innocent of ways."

"Yeah?" She leaned her head to one side, giving him better access. "You fantasize about me?"

"Of course I do." His fingers began working on the buttons of her blouse, exposing more of her. "About kissing you, touching you intimately, making you wet, so fucking wet, you beg me to fuck you."

"Please do, right now, please..."

They knew they didn't have much time, most of their clothes remaining on their bodies. He pulled her onto his lap, without warning thrusting inside her, causing her to wince in a bit of pain. She held onto his shoulders as his hands gripped her butt, as he was pushing himself into her frantically. She left him to do all the work, as he sent them both flying to the stars. 

"That was... fast." 

"We didn't have the whole day." Lindsey then thought. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Oh no, you didn't." She shook her head, fixing her clothes. "Just that it was really fast." She emphasized, now laughing. "We might not be corpses yet after all!"

"See, you should listen to me at times." He pointed, stealing another kiss from her. 



"Kiss me again." She asked, their faces still inches apart. 

He leaned in, capturing her lips. She closed her eyes, moaning, as she circled her arms around his neck, bringing him that tiny bit closer. 

They pulled back, both smiling, as he touched the side of her face with the back of his hand. "You're beautiful." She turned her head, kissing his hand. 

"Take me home?"

They made their way through the house, meeting Kristen in the hallway. "You're leaving already?"

"I am, yes." Stevie nodded and the two women hugged. "But I'll be coming over tomorrow."

"Oh, I won't be here tomorrow unfortunately."

Unfortunately? Are you kidding?!, Stevie made a face to look disappointed. "Well, then I'll see you when I do." She smiled and went outside, Lindsey following behind her. 

Kristen stood, swallowing uneasily. That perfume... 

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