What you lost...

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January 1st, 2016

The date symbolized the beginning of a new year, as well as a completely new beginning for Stevie and Jeremy. They were back at Martha's beautiful home, that was big enough to hold all of the people that had been invited to the wedding. It had a meticulously maintained garden, where the ceremony would take place. A path, leading to a wooden arch, decorated with different colors of roses, separated lines of chairs for the guests. Various flower's petals were scattered everywhere, light garlands tangled around the branches of trees.

There was an hour left before the wedding, as Lindsey stood away from everyone, hands in his suit pants' pockets, a white shirt with several buttons undone at the top and his messy curls. As said before, Kristen didn't accompany him, but he wasn't going to miss this for the world. He felt his heart aching that it wasn't him who was going to meet Stevie at that altar, but he was happy that she finally found someone, she cared about and loved enough to marry. Most importantly, Lindsey focused on the fact that Jeremy loved her. And he did, it showed. The man fell in love with the most amazing woman in the whole wide world, wanted her enough to keep her and asked her to marry him. Should have done that so long ago, he sighed, observing his surroundings, all I ever did was moan how she walked out on me and how she didn't care as much about our relationship as I did, bullshit!, she just got sick of me being a jealous possessive son of a bitch. Good, he almost said it out loud, I deserve this, to suffer for the rest of my life, when I didn't do anything about it while I still had a chance. Most of all, I don't deserve her.

Mick noticed Lindsey, knowing he was deep in his thoughts. He approached and had to nudge Lindsey, to get his attention. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mick. This isn't a funeral, nobody died. Stevie's getting married, I'm happy for her."

"I'm proud of you, mate. Whatever you say, I know it's hard for you, but let's be honest... You've had your chance, a million of them."

Lindsey nodded, feeling his chest tightening. "That's what I was just thinking about actually. All I could ever offer her was an affair, she was bound to get sick of it someday."

"Well, look at you, Buckingham, talking all mature." Mick laughed, making Lindsey smile if only a little. They remained silent for a moment, before Mick spoke again. "This is really nice. Simple, but tasteful."

"It is. I'm just surprised there aren't that many guests. Knowing Stevie I thought it was going to be thousands of people here."

"She said she wanted family and close friends."

"Not sure why the invitation I received had Kristen's name in it then."

Mick laughed and now so did Lindsey. "Seriously, why isn't she with you? I mean... I know she caught you and Stevie, but..."

"Well, maybe because when we talked after that incident, I told Kristen, when she was pregnant with William, I begged Stevie to take me back and suggested adopting a baby or that Stevie kept pushing me away, but I kept crawling back to her, or when Stevie asked me to help her out with a song, I had sex with her the second everyone left... I guess, she didn't want to look at my mistress for years, getting married."

"Oh, shit. You told her all of that?!"

"And a lot more. She asked." Lindsey shrugged, as they started walking to take their seats.

"I'm shocked you're still alive, Lindsey."

"So am I, to be honest."

Another twenty minutes passed and every person was in their seat, Jeremy was at the end of the aisle, as Stevie was about to walk out. A version of Gypsy on piano was playing quietly, everyone waiting for the bride. Jeremy started getting nervous as she just didn't show. She's always late, even to her own wedding, it's okay, just relax, he was repeating to himself. 

And he was right, as Stevie stepped out into the garden, wearing a cream colored dress of lace, walking in heels, slightly lower than her usual platform boots, her hair in loose bangs covering her back, also a few strands at the front, adorned in her finest diamonds, bearing an elegant lily bouquet. Oh God, was Lindsey hating himself right now...

Jeremy held out his hand for Stevie to take, both grinning at each other from one ear to the other. He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he couldn't resist, pecking her on the lips. 

The officiant began the ceremony, which Lindsey tried his best not to listen to, especially the vows part. He wasn't surprised Stevie and Jeremy had written their own, he saw as he slipped the ring on her slender finger and then as she did the same for him. He watched her mostly, just how absolutely radiant she looked, smiling and fighting back tears at the same time. At the moment he realized that he was stupid enough to think he held her heart, that she could never fall for another man. He kept playing her thinking that way, believing he had all this time to get her, which eventually caused him to lose her forever.

"...you may kiss the bride. Again." The officiant smiled, as everyone clapped and cheered for the newly married couple. 

Ever so gently, Jeremy wrapped his arm around Stevie's back, pulling her a tiny bit closer, as he put his palm up to her cheek, caressing softly, staring into her eyes, before he tilted his head to one side, leaning in, pressing his lips to hers, as her arms circled his neck, holding him in place, his other arm now embracing her too. 

They finally parted, chuckling at each other, as they hugged again. "I can't believe this." Jeremy told just her. "You're mine. Finally only mine."

"Yours, baby." She nodded, giving him another brief kiss. "Forever."

Later on in the evening, the party was in full swing, the guests having had definitely more than one drink, as they were dancing and never stopping taking pictures, trying to snatch the newlyweds away if only for a minute. 

One of those people was Lindsey. "I've never thought I'd live to see the day." He stood behind Stevie, who turned around abruptly at the sound of his voice.

"Me neither!" She laughed, without hesitation, pulling him into a hug. "God, Linds... thank you for coming. I wasn't sure you were going to show up."

"Of course I was. What, Stevie Nicks is getting married and I won't be there to witness this historical event? Not a chance!"

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

"For what?"

"For playing along."

Her reply caught him off guard a little, but he shrugged his shoulders and nodded, understanding what she meant. "The ceremony was beautiful. And so are you." He added. "Jeremy is one lucky guy."

"I will always love you in my own way, Linds, you have to know that." As if she didn't hear what he said.

"I do. And it's not like I can ask anything from you, Stevie. I was a fool and I didn't cherish you enough."

"This is absurd, us talking about these things at my wedding."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just..." 

Stevie drew Lindsey into yet another hug, knowing he was struggling right now. "A part of me will always belong to you." She whispered and he held her tighter.

"A part of me will always belong to you as well." He kissed her cheek and stepped back, as Jeremy came to ask his now wife for a dance.

Stevie held Jeremy's hand, as he led her to the dance floor, looking back over her shoulder, catching Lindsey's eyes. He returned her smile and stood, watching another man's hand settle on the small of her back, hers on his chest, as they clasped their free hands and began swaying to the music, completely enthralled by each other. 

Like a heartbeat drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost...



Okay... before you all start hating me, I just wanted to say that somewhere halfway through writing this story, I had decided the ending to this story was going to be different. I wanted to relate this a little to their reality, that no matter what happens, I believe they will still hold a piece of each other's hearts forever and ever. Thank you for your comments and votes, I loved writing this, I hope you enjoyed reading.

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