I want you

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Stevie tossed her purse and keys to the condo away with a heavy sigh, as Jeremy shut the door behind them with a slam. She held onto his arm for support, taking off her heels, then stood up straight and gave him a peck on the lips. 

"Do you want anything?" She asked, switching the light on.

"Yeah, you."

She smirked at him seductively, the effect of the wine she drank still there, making her a lot more confident than she usually was. "Why don't you come and get me then?"

Without further ado, Jeremy wrapped his arms around her waist possessively, mashing their lips together, eliciting a moan from Stevie, as she locked her hands behind his neck.

"He wants you." Jeremy said, all the while feasting on the curve of her neck. "He didn't care about his wife in the room, ogling you shamelessly."

"Well, I want you." Stevie took his face in her hands, kissing his lips. 

"Don't you care that he wants to bang you?"

"If you keep up this talk, then I know for sure you will not be banging me."

That shut him up, as she grabbed his hand, hurrying to the bedroom. Every layer of clothes was quickly shed, as they jumped into bed, hungrily kissing each other, letting their hands explore and tease the other. She pushed him onto his back, straddling his middle and before he could do anything himself, she guided his length to her entrance, both gasping at the feeling. 

She willingly let the fiery passion to die down a little, taking her time, pleasuring both of them as she took in his physique. Handsome, so handsome, she thought, and hot, God, this body... Not that he was particularly muscular or catalog looking, no, but he looked after himself and it showed. She was so used to her past love interests, mostly old scruffy rockers, and Jeremy was the complete opposite of that. 

She had slowed down too much, as she felt his hands gripping her hips, increasing the pace. She leaned forward, placing her hands on his broad chest, moving faster again. Her movements soon became jerky, as she got closer, claiming his lips, while his hands traveled to her ass, groping, also helping her lower body to keep up the rhythm. 

They came closely, one after the other, as she lay on top of him, with his arms around her. He planted kisses anywhere he could reach, leaving a content smile on her face, before she lifted her head up and engaged him in a lazy, but sensual kiss. 

Later, after having said goodnight, Stevie lay wide awake, with Jeremy stuck to her from behind. She was mindlessly playing with his fingers, as his hand was across her stomach. Her mind racing. She felt his grip tightening, which made her feel safe and happy. He always stayed, he had nowhere to go and nobody to answer to after spending time with her, what more could she ask for? 

"Stephanie..." He dragged out her name, naturally, receiving a slap. "What? It's a beautiful name." He kissed her bare shoulder, snuggling even closer. "Why aren't you asleep? It's well past 4 am."

"I know, but I can't seem to fall asleep."

"Because you have something on your mind."

"You're right, I do." 

"Why don't you share? Then you would drift off easily."

"I'm not sure I can share this with you."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. I was just... I've been thinking about something and I'm desperate to know if I'm right or not. But if I ask, things might change between you and I."

"I promise, it won't happen. You can ask me anything."

"But be honest? Whatever is the way you feel, I want you to tell me the truth. Can you do that? Because I'm not saying anything if you can't be truthful."

"I will be, now shoot."

Stevie turned around in his embrace, prolonging the pause. It was hard to in the dark, but she made out his facial features, knowing his eyes were open and fixed on hers. "Are you falling in love with me?"

Another long moment of silence, before... "No."

"Wow, now I feel stupid and embarrassed." She tried to pull away, but Jeremy held onto her tightly, not letting her go. 

"I am in love with you."

"You're what?"

"The falling phase has long been gone. You told me what this relationship, well not relationship, I'm not even sure how to call it, whatever this thing between us was only ever going to be just for fun. We wouldn't have to be alone, we would have each other, we would see each other and have fantastic sex and occasionally go out as friends. But... Stevie, you're the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life and when I realized what was happening, it was too late for me to stop it. I knew that I have fallen for you and there is no way back. I've never mentioned it, afraid to drive you away."

"When did you realize it?"

"When we spent Christmas together, eating dinner you cooked in your huge bed, watching stupid romantic comedies." He laughed and so did she. "I'm sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted, but... how can I not be in love with you?"

"I'm old."

"Older, which means you're... I was going to say mature, but then I remembered how the last time I was here you were jumping on the same bed with your niece. Let's say, older means experienced."

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm very thankful to have you in my life and you make happy. You can also forget that story about me and Jessie though." She added, chuckling.

"I don't expect to hear it back from you, I don't expect anything from you, but I had to let you know."

"I'm not saying anything, just that... I feel that this relationship is going towards something."

"We don't even have to talk about it." Jeremy said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "As least not now, not yet."

She nodded, grateful and kissed him properly. "I think I can sleep peacefully now."

"Good. I'm not going anywhere."

That is what Stevie loved hearing the most, that when she wakes up in the morning, he will be there.

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