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A couple of days had passed since the last Stevie was with Lindsey and she was suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms. She got so used to having him around and being with him again, that it was a lot harder being away now than she thought it would. Especially knowing that he was on a trip with Kristen. All sorts of thoughts occupied her mind; how is he treating his wife? Are they loving towards each other? To they go on romantic walks along the shore? Have they, no, how many times had they made love? Would he want me still, once they're back? Stevie was laying it all on the pages of her journal, remembering that Jeremy could easily find out about everything if he didn't listen to her warnings and peeped into her secrets. That somehow didn't matter too much to her right now, she needed to get it out.

There was a soft knock on the bedroom door and she knew it was Jeremy, he lived with her now, but she was thankful he was thoughtful enough to knock before coming in.

"What'cha doin'?"

"What do you reckon?" Stevie held the journal in her hands, her glasses nearly on the tip of her nose. 

"You look really cute with glasses."

"No, it means I admit I'm so old, I have to wear them to see."

"I'm just going to ignore that." Jeremy took up the other side of the bed, lying on his side, propped up on his elbow. "I've been thinking a lot about something lately and..."

"Yeah? What is it?" 

"There's something you don't know about me yet."

"Oh?" That pricked up her ears, so she put away her writing. 

"I'd like you to meet someone, the most important person in my life besides you."

"Haven't I met your mother already?"

"No. Not her, I... My daughter, Elizabeth."

"Your daughter? Why are you telling me about her just now?"

"Because we haven't been officially a couple for a long time and I wasn't going to say, hey, Stevie, you wanna meet my kid? I didn't think you'd care about her."

Stevie was almost offended he would think so. "I'd love to, Jerry. I got the impression you never wanted kids though. How old is she?"

Jeremy couldn't fight back a laugh. "On the edge of seventeen."

"Oh dear God, you did not just say that!"

"I'm sorry, it was too good an opportunity to miss."

"You're not going to tell me you're married as well?"

"Oh no. No, Beth's mother and I, we had her, but the whole family thing didn't work out for us, but we've both been always very involved with her." He explained, still a little nervous about Stevie's reaction, why would she want some sixteen year old in her life out of nowhere? "So?"

"So, what?"

"Can I arrange it?"

"I've already said that yes, I want to meet Elizabeth, Jerry. And you shouldn't have had any doubts about it. I'm sure she's a gem!"

"She won't believe it. She's one of those teenage girls who are utterly obsessed with you."

"Then we'll have no problem getting along!" 

Jeremy took his phone out of his jeans' pocket and speed dialed his daughter's number. She pick up on the second ring, sounding more than excited.

"Hi, Daddy!"

"Hey, sweets!" Stevie smiled at how instantly happy he was, hearing Elizabeth's voice on the other end. "How are you, Beth?"

"I'm fantastic, you know, summer vacation, what else can I ask for? And you? We haven't seen each other in a while."

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