There's a difference

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The following morning, Stevie was woken up by Jeremy, his lips kissing her skin that wasn't covered by her nightie and his hands touching her in more than suggestive ways. Although, the first thought on her mind was not that how lovely it was, but that damned phone call and text message. She decided to act as if nothing was bothering her, but if he thought they were going to make love, he could think again.

"I don't want to get up yet, leave me alone." Stevie pulled the covers higher, almost hiding herself completely under them.

"It's a beautiful morning, it would be a shame to waste it sleeping."

She lazily turned in his arms, sighing. "I don't feel fully rested yet."

"After what? Didn't you say you'd have another glass with Christine and go to bed?"

"I did, but we... we just couldn't stop talking, it was around 4 in the morning, when I joined you."

"I'm sorry, baby, but it's your own fault." Jeremy kissed the tip of her nose. "And I started getting bored, I wanted some company."

"Right, you woke me up, basically taking me against my will!"

"Oh, you're such a drama queen, Stephanie."

"Don't you start with Stephanie first thing in the morning." Despite the slight edge in her tone, she cuddled up closer to him. "What time is it anyway?"

He reached for his phone and she stared at it, her heart beating quicker. "It's after 10 am already, you don't have a right to complain. But I wonder whose number this is."

"There's a text message too." She said casually.

"Mhm. Is it too early to call them back?"

"It's after 10 am already." Stevie mimicked, laying her head on Jeremy's chest, feeling a little calmer since he thought of calling whoever the person was with her next to him.

Jeremy hit the screen to call who wanted to get in contact with him back, waiting for answer. Nobody picked up, so he shrugged, now checking the message.

'It's Emily, call me back.'

Stevie read it, squinting her eyes, then immediately pulled away. "What the fuck, Jeremy?"

"I don't have a clue. Baby, you have to trust me!" He was alarmed by how quickly she backed off. "I don't know any Emily."

"You clearly do, it's just the name, no last name, no more details and it says, call me back!"

"Stevie, honestly..." He emphasized placing his hand over his heart. "I don't have any idea who this woman is. Baby, I swear to you!"

Knowing another female didn't necessarily mean Jeremy was screwing her, Stevie thought to herself, but it was unsettling, even the smallest possibility. Not that she could really say anything to him, she had sex with Lindsey only hours earlier. 

"You said you're in love with me."

"And I am." He grasped her hands, pleading. "Steph, I don't need any other woman, when I have you, I mean it. Maybe whoever Emily is got something mixed up and called the wrong number. You saw it yourself, it's not in my contact list."

"If you're lying to me..."

"No, I'm not, I don't need to lie to you, because I haven't done anything to hurt you."

"Then I believe you."

But their morning cuddle was over, as Stevie got out of bed, going straight for the bathroom, where she locked the door from the other side and took a few minutes to compose herself. She was accusing Jeremy of the exact same thing she had done already and more than once. True, she slept with Lindsey only one time, but they found other ways to express their mutual passion for each other. 

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