Chapter 20

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Copyright © 2015 Roman_Reigns_Is_Life

Bella's POV
When I woke up the next morning Dean was gone but Roman was still asleep next to me. I got out of bed and took a shower. When I got out Roman was still asleep. I decided to wake him up.
Roman bolted upright immediately.           

"WHAT?!?" he exclaimed.

"Yeah. You never told me why Dean stayed with us last night."

"Oh. That. He's having some issues with Renee."

"That's all I wanted to know. What else what I be talking about? Anyway we need to leave for the next venue in a few hours so go clean your ass or something."

Roman got out of bed and walked to the  bathroom. He took a shower while I packed our bags. We went downstairs for some breakfast. After we ate we grabbed our bags and checked out of the hotel.  We got a cab to take us to a hotel near the Wembley Stadium. Roman and I checked into the hotel and we put our bags in the room.

We left the hotel and went to  a meet and greet that was taking place in outer London. Roman went to his table and sat down. The meet and greet didn't start for half-an hour so we kind of just sat there and talked for a while.  When it was time for the meet and greet to begin I left Roman so he could meet his fans without me bothering him. I walked around, looking for something to do.


Bella's POV

The meet and greet had ended so I went back to Roman's table.

"How was it ?" I asked.

" It was great! I met lots of fans. Kind of reminded me of when I met you."

"Aww. How cute. I thought of that too.

After the meet and greet Roman and I walked to the stadium. When we reached the locker room Dean was already there.

"Hey Roman. Hi Bella." he said.

"Hi." I said.

"What's up Dean?" asked Roman.

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah. Sure."

I took that as my cue to leave.

Roman's POV

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Renee. She ended our relationship after I confronted her. She then told me that she wasn't happy with our relation ship. Roman I'm really hurt. I love her SO much. I was planning on proposing to her."

"Dean I'm so sorry. I hope you're ok."

"I'll be ok. It's just painful to see a happy couple, like you and Bella. It will be better if I don't think about her."

"Do you wanna go out to drink tonight after the show?"

"Is Bella gonna go with us?"

"Probably not. I'll let her know, though."

"Ok. Sounds good."


Bella's POV

Roman and Dean came into the locker room together.

"Hey guys! Great match tonight!"

"Thanks." they said in unison.

"Hey Roman, Paige invited me to go with her, Dean and I are going out to drink anyway. I will see you at the hotel later babe. I love you Bella."

"I love you too Roman."

I got my stuff and went to find Paige.  I found her and we went to Skipper's.


Roman's POV

Dean got really drunk, so he stayed in our room again tonight. Bella was already in the room when we got there. She was reading a book.

"Hey babe." I said.

"Hi Roman."

"Dean's going to stay with us again tonight. Is that ok?"

"Yeah. Of course."

Dean went to the couch and immediately fell asleep. I went to the bathroom and took all of my clothes off. I left my wallet on the bathroom counter.  I got into bed with Bella and we talked for a few hours. We finally went to bed at 2AM.

Bella's POV

"Bella. Bella." Roman whisper-yelled.


"You wanna... you know? "

"Dean's in here! Are you crazy?!?"

"We can do it quietly."

"What if he wakes up?"

"He won't babe. Don't worry. Besides the couch is all way across the room."

"Ok. I guess we can try."

Dean's POV

'UGHHH. MY HEAD IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!" I woke up in the middle of the night thinking this. I went to the bathroom in search of some Advil.I went into the bathroom, oblivious to what was going on around me. I found the Advil and some water. I took the pills and drank some water. Afterwards I peed. As I was washing my hands I noticed something sticking out of a wallet. I thought it was mine so I opened the wallet. Inside I found a picture of a woman and a little girl standing next to Roman. 'Who is this? I don't remember seeing these people before.' I thought. Just then I heard a very loud scream  "FASTER ROMAN!!!!"

'Oh jeez.'

I got out of the bathroom, picture in my hand, and quietly went back to the couch. I tried to sleep but I couldn't because of the picture I had seen. 'WHO IS THIS LADY AND THE CHILD??'  I really wanted to know. I wanted to get off the couch and question Roman, but I didn't because first of all it was the middle of the night and Roman was kind of busy right now. I fell asleep again thinking about whether or not I should confront Roman about the woman in the picture.



I know I haven't updated in like two months. I'm really sorry about that.

I'm gonna try to do weekly updates like I did before but I'm not sure if I will be able to.


Question of the chapter: what was your favorite part of the chapter?

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Anyway what did you guys think of this chapter?

You can follow me on  Instagram : roman_directionerr_reigns

Once again, thank you SO much to everyone who is reading this.

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