Chapter 4

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Copyright ® 2015 Roman_Reigns_Is_Life

2 weeks later
Bella's POV
It had been two weeks since I had seen Roman at Monday Night RAW and it was my younger brother's birthday. He wanted to hang out with me so I did. We went to Pensacola mainly because I was hoping to "accidentally" run into Roman even though he lived in Tampa and I hoped he was visiting his parents.
"So. Where do you want to go today?" I asked him.
"I wanna go to the toy store." he responded in a very cheery voice.
"Ok. We'll go to the toy store. What do you want to do afterwards?"
"Can we go get some lunch?"
"Yeah sure" I loved my younger brother, Derek, who was turning 6 today.
As we drove to Pensacola I kept thinking I would see Roman today.
"Bella, thank you so much for hanging out with me today." he said in his adorable little kid voice.
"Aww. Derek you know I'll hang out with you whenever you want." I responded.
My thoughts drifted back to Roman the rest of the way.
By the time we had gotten to the toy store Derek had fallen asleep so I had to wake him up.
"Derek hon. Wake up. We're here!"
"Hmm? Oh yay!!"
We walked in and explored the store.
One reason why I had agreed to this was because I was looking for something special. I had been looking EVERYWHERE for it. Every time I went to the store to look for it it was ALWAYS sold out. When we got to the aisle of action figures I ran to the WWE section and stared looking for Roman Reigns. When I spotted the Roman Reigns action figure I grabbed it and started acting like a lunatic.
"OH MY GOD. I found it. I ACTUALLY FOUND IT!!!! Do you know how exciting this is ?!? I've been looking everywhere for it. Oh my God. YES! YES! YES!" The people in the store gave me weird looks but I didn't care because I had finally found the Roman Reigns action figure!!!!! I took out my phone and took a picture of the action figure. After that Derek picked out a toy. We checked out and left.
"So Derek, where do you want to eat?" I asked.
"SUBWAY!!" he exclaimed.
"Ok. Whatever you say Birthday Boy."
When we got to Subway we got out if the car and walked in.
When we entered we were the only ones in there besides the employees.
"Hi. Welcome to Subway. What would you like?" the guy asked in a bored tone.
"Umm.. I'll take a footlong Philly cheese steak on Italian, please.
"What kind of cheese?"
"Oh. No cheese."
He looked at me as if I were a crazy person but he said nothing.
"And what can I get for you, little man?"
"I'll take what Bella had."
"6 inch or footlong?"
"Footlong please."
He made the sandwiches and I paid for them.
Derek and I sat down and I texted my mom to see how Derek's surprise party was coming along.

Mom how's da party coming along?
Great almost done just have to pick up cake
K be there in like 1 hr
K see you

After we finished our sandwiches we left. About halfway home I stopped at a gas station to get gas for my car.
"Derek do you want anything?" I asked him.
"Um sure. A blue Gatorade." he answered
"Ok, I'll be right back."
I went in, got Derek's Gatorade and paid for the gas. I filled my gas tank and hopped back in the car. "Here you go." I said as I handed him his Gatorade.
"Thank you, Bella."
"You're welcome."

When we got to the driveway of my parents house I texted my mom to let her know we were going in.

Hey mom. In the driveway

I waited a minute or two before Derek and I went in. When I opened the door everyone yelled "SURPRISE!!!!!"
"Oh." Derek seemed genuinely surprised. He hugged me. "Bella! Thank you so much!!"
"Hanging out with you is always so much fun."
"Bella you're the best sister in the whole wide world!!"
"Aww. I wouldn't go that far."
We enjoyed the rest of the party and when it came time for the cake we all sang "Happy Birthday" to him. After many hours of hanging out I had to leave. "Hey Derek, I'll be right back." I told him as I went to my car to get his present. I opened the trunk and got out his present. I had trouble walking through the doorway because Derek's present was quite big. Derek came into the living room and exclaimed "Wow! Is this for me?"
"Yep. Just for you."
He excitedly unwrapped the gift and hugged me afterwards.
"Bella thank you so much for this."
"You're welcome. I have to go now but I'll see you next week ok?"
"Ok. Bye Bella!"
"Bye Derek!"
And with that I got in my car and drove home.

Roman's POV
It was a Saturday so I decided to visit my family. I lived in Tampa and my parents lived in Pensacola so I had to drive there.

When I got there I knocked on the door. My mom opened the door. "Hey Joe!" she exclaimed.
"Hi mom!" I responded.
"What brings you here?"
"I just wanted to come say hi to my amazing parents."
"Why don't you come on in?"
I stepped inside and I was hit by a wave of nostalgia.
"Your cousin is here too! I thought you knew and that's why you came."
"Dwayne is here? Where is he?"
"He's in the living room, talking to your father."
I walked into the living room and saw my dad talking with my cousin.
"Hi Dad. Hey Dwayne." I greeted
"Hey Joe! How have you been?" my dad asked
"Good, a bit excited, and nervous but I'm prepared to kick Brock's ass"
My mom came in and we spent the day talking and remembering.

After many hours I had to go home so I could sleep. Sunday night I had to fly to Georgia for RAW.
"Guys, I have to go. I had such a great time today. Thank you."
They all got up and hugged me.
"Bye Joe" they all said in unison.
When I got home I hopped into bed and fell asleep.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed chapter 4 of Out of My Limit!!!
Comments are welcome and don't forget to vote!

Out of My Limit (WWE Roman Reigns FanFic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now