Hybrid 40 : New Transformations

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Finally Lizzie had grown up she was so ecstatic, all her life ever since she'd been turned and she stopped aging, her number one most wanted thing was to grow up.

Grow up enough that she could shop with her sisters, or go to the thing called clubbing they were always talking about, and now thanks to Tyler's blood she'd finally get her chance to.

But that was no longer what she wanted more, than anything, maybe the second most thing, but her new first was what she'd been wishing for ever since she'd met Tyler and his pack, the ability to shift into a majestic beast that can run and jump and soar through the air like something out of her dreams and now that she'd drank Tyler's blood, she wanted to get right to matter at hand, learning to control her shifting ability.

It had been weeks since she'd drank the blood and nothing extraordinary had happened, except for her growing to a more suitable age and that little side effect she came to find really annoying.

Sometimes out or nowhere she'd start burning up, causing Tyler and the others to lock her in one of the freezer rooms they used to keep blood fresh for the Vampire's among them which took hours upon hours at a time, just so her body could return to its normal temperature.

But as soon and as often as that would happen, she would stay there eagerly waiting and as soon as someone from the pack saw evidence that she was back to normal and decided that they could re-open the huge door, she would sprint out, just so she could start training again which only resulted in the same scenario, her getting super hot and ending up having to stay another couple of hours in the "freezer of solitude" as she came to call it.

On this particular day however, she became so frustrated with the thought of going back into the freezer, that instead of letting the others help her into it as reluctantly as she would've before, she ran, heading straight for the woods, not stopping for anything or anyone, even when Tyler himself called at her asking her to stop.

She ran deep into the woods and kept heading deeper and deeper dodging trees and shrubs, enjoying the new power she felt in her legs from being a part of the "Hybrid" side of Tyler's pack.

"I swear that girl is going to give me grey hairs" said Alexander who was her training partner on this particular day.

"Don't you mean 'MORE' big brother" replied Tashay who had recently started to come out if her shell a little.

"Hahahahha" was all he could hear from Tyler who was honestly trying not to laugh out loud.

"Yeah whatever" replied Alex after struggling to find a good come back.

"So.... what now?" asked Tashay.

"I guess we'll have to go look for her" replied Tyler.

"But i do have to say, i get it, i understand why she's so frustrated, poor little thing just wanted to be like her big brothers and sisters" he continued.

"You really think so?" asked Tashay.

"Yeah i do" replied Tyler.

"At least that's what she's said on those rare occasions which we get to talk when we're somewhat alone" he continued.

"I guess we need to find her" replied Alex eager to head out.

And headed out they did, calling out to her and trying to catch her scent, which for some reason Lizzie was hiding.

Tyler had alerted everyone of the situation so everyone was out searching with him, he knew they would've caught up to her eventually but he wanted to get to her before she could do any damage to herself or worst her surroundings, which would cause more trouble than anything else for Silver Creek.

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