Reflecting on the Past

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Jason's POV

"It was one of the most disappointing moments of my life." I said looking down at my hands.

"Was everything Abigail said true?" Kasey said looking at me.

I looked up at her and sighed. "Yeah, but there is a lot more. Most of it she forgot or I beat it out her." I said sadly.

"Jason it's okay, I'm not gonna judge you. Take your time." She said running her fingers through my hair.

I took a deep breath and said a small prayer.

Please don't make her leave me after this.

"Alex and I, also a couple of Johnson's goons were having a big meeting in New York. It's when all the allied gangs in Canada and the east coast meet up for new business negotiations and what not. And well are main business partners and second ranked gang North America the Knights were having some problems. Like money coming up short and shipments getting a little damaged. Well we wanted to be reimbursed for those things and they said no. And their leader Jesse, idiot never liked me anyway. Always had his eyes on Abigail, well everyone did, but he was the only one who had enough balls to flirt with her right in front of me. I didn't get the nickname "Heartless McCann" for being nice and understanding." I cleared my throat and rubbed my hands together slow, trying to keep myself calm.

"How did I know that she had a major role in this." Kasey groaned out.

I chuckled a little. "It gets better. Anyway Abigail being the slut that she is flirted back. And on the last night of the meeting I found them in bed together and I...I lost it. I don't remember much of what happened it's a blur and the made myself forget about something's because they where just that bad."

"What happened to Jesse?"

"I do remember that." I chuckled darkly. "I bashed his head in with a lamp. And shoot his twice in the dick. He's in a care facility now. He can't talk or walk. He's disabled. And as for Abigail. I remember grabbing her by her hair and throwing down a flight of steps. I remember her screaming and crying to get me to stop kicking her in her ribs. I knew some of them were broken. I picked her up and I think I through her in to the glass table and she cut up her stomach and arms pretty bad. She was in the hospital for about 6-7 months." I said letting out a deep sigh.

"I ain't all bad...I just-"

"I know Jason it's okay." Kasey said rubbing my back.
"Do you remember killing everybody else and blowing upon the gas station?"

"Nope not at all. I do remember Alex and the boys carrying me into the house and sticking like 6 needles in me." I said laughing a little.

"6!? Where they trying to kill you?" Kasey yelled a little.

"No probably that I was going to go off again and tried to keep me under control."

Kasey didn't say anything but looked at the ground.

It got really quiet. All you can hear is the clock ticking and Kasey and I breathing.

I wonder of she thinks am a monster now?

She has every right too. That's just a small part of my life, if she knew everything she'd probably hull ass. Hell I would too.

"So you probably wanna leave now right?" I said chuckling but with sadness looking down at the ground.

"No why would I?"

I shoot my head up and looked at Kasey.

"Jason I told you I'm not leaving you. I can take the good with the bad. It comes with loving you. It would take something catastrophic to make me leave you. I love you Jason Drew McCann and I'm not going anywhere."

Okay guys thank yall so much this book has over 6k views.. Anyway sadly this book is coming to an end. . There are only about 3 chapters left and yall be prepared to cry. Thank y'all again and next update will be either Monday or sooner it depends. -A.

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