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Kasey's POV

"Kasey wake up." A hushed voice whispered.

I groaned in response and flipped over.

"What? I'm sleeping Jason." I whined looking at him.

"Get up your coming with me and Alex to meet Johnson."

"But I don't wanna." I said kicking my legs.

"Get up or I will get a bucket."

I sat straight up and looked at Jason wide eyed.

"You wouldn't dare." I glared at him.

He leaned in close to my face and glared back at me. "Oh I really would."

I quickly scurried out of bed and got into the bathroom.


"Finally took you long enough." Alex said leaning against the truck.

"Hey my hair takes time, and Jason was hogging the hair dryer." I sent Jason a glare.

"I have to look good at all times." He said walking towards the driver side door.

"Kasey your in the front." Jason said to me.

"Hey I ride in the front." Alex yelled out.

"Yes but Kasey is a lady and ladies ride in the front." Jason said before getting in the truck.

Alex sent me a glare.

I stuck my tongue out at him and hopped in the front seat.


"Do you really think it was a good idea to bring her?" Alex said looking at me.

"Yeah why not?" Jason said smiling at me.

"I don't know after what happen last time-"

"Alex don't start this again." Jason bit out.

I saw Alex roll this eyes and walk ahead of us.

"Kase?" Jason said looking at me again.


"When we get in there, things are gonna be a little different. I don't want anything I say or do to change your opinion of me." He said looking at me with worry written all over his face.

"Jason I get it okay, you have this big bad image and you have to keep it. It's alright." I said grabbing his hand, giving it a light squeeze.

He smiled at me and pulled me behind him. "Stay close and don't say anything."

I nodded and followed behind him.

Jason walked to this big metal door and opened it.

Instantly I smelled tobacco and blood.

Uh ew

This place looked shady as fuck.

It had this bat cave meets crack house thing going on.

It was just creepy.

"I want my money Johnson, all of you owe me!" A very masculine voice shouted behind a door at the end of the hallway.

"You ready?" Jason asked looking at me.

I gave him a nod and took a deep breath.

Jason opened the door and all talking literally stopped.

"Well well well, look who decided to show up." A guy with dark red hair said.

"What are you doing here Edward?" Jaosn said to the buff looking dude.

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