Explanations & Trouble

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Kasey's POV

"Alex calm down before you wake him up."

"I am calm, just worried. I don't want history to repeat itself that's all." He said sighing.

"Well it won't. Jason has allowed me to be in charge of his medicine."

Alex raised an eyebrow at me curiously. "Really?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded at him.

"Well that's new. He doesn't let anyone help him with that. Not even me. I have to knock his ass out sometimes just to get him to take his medicine." Alex chuckled.

I chuckled too before something came across my mind. "Can I ask you something?"


"Has Jason ever tried to kill himself during an episode or anything?"

A look of sadness washed over Alex's face.

"Yes once when Abi-" he stopped mid-sentence.

"Abigail?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah when she left, Jason lost it. And he tried to kill himself." Alex said sadly.

"Who was she?"

"Kasey listen I know you wanna know, but it's not my place to tell you. It's Jason's."

"Do you really think he is gonna tell me?" I asked looking at Alex.

"Maybe not right now. But he will when he's ready. It's a hard subject for him to talk about to anyone. Even to me."

"Alright I can understand that. Thank you Alex."

"Welcome. And thank you." Alex said smiling at me.

"For what?" I asked curious.

"For helping Jason, understanding, caring, not running away like everyone else did." He said quietly.

I smiled a little. "Your welcome, I'm gonna go check on him."

Alex nodded at me and went in the kitchen.

I walked up the stair case slowly.

Trying to process things.

Jason has to have a intense case. The way he acted the other day showed me that.

I had never see so much fear in someones eyes, the way he looked at me during his relapse.

He's dangerous get out while your still alive!

A little voice screamed in my head.

No. I can't desert Jason. I won't do want Abigail did. I have history with this. I can deal with it.

Your already in deep enough with him.

The little voice said again.

I am not that deep in with Jason am I?

The kiss.


Well that wasn't really a kiss more of a mini make out session.

Like that's so much better.

I did like it though. Jason's a really good kisser.

I wonder what else he could do with that mouth....

I came to Jason and I's bedroom door to hear the bed moving a little. And what sounded like a groan from Jason.

Damn that was hot

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