Chapter 29

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♬ I Won't Let Go by Rascal Flatts ♬

♬ Lightweight by Demi Lovato ♬



I SUPPOSE MY mind enjoyed playing tricks on me after the dream from last night. Or more like nightmare. Grace had woken me up before the crack of dawn, crying and saying she made a mistake. When I tried to speak, no sound came out. I just kept hearing Grace sniffle and repeatedly admit her regret aloud. She had started to take her ring off when I awoke. 

For the sake of consolation, the first thing I did was look for her. Her head was on my shoulder, her left hand on my bare chest and I could've laughed in relief at the sight of the diamond ring still adorning her finger. The only difference I felt between us was the speck of assurance that I wouldn't lose her. Of course a ring was just as easily taken off as it was to put on, but something about it excited and comforted me. 

Grace stirred a little, drawing my attention back to her. By the groan of annoyance that left her lips, it was obvious she was awake. Her hand reached up from my chest and to my face, patting my cheek for a moment before letting it sit there. I laughed quietly to myself before turning and gently biting her palm.

"It's too early to even care," she murmured, not even bothering to move.

I didn't stress to point out that it was just past ten-thirty, considering she wouldn't care anyways. So instead I grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it. "Since I'm such an amazing person, would you like some breakfast?"

A trace of a smile spread across her lips, eyes still closed. "I'm not hungry, but thank you."

I leaned down to kiss her. "Well, I'm hungry, so I'll be back, yeah?"

"Must you leave so soon?" Her eyes peeled open, as bright and beautiful as they always were.

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled. She looked down at it and laughed. "I'm afraid I must," I said. "Don't miss me too much." I pressed my lips to her forehead before sliding out of the bed, Grace rolling over and shoving her face in the pillow. She'd never been a morning person.

I pulled on some clothes before looking to Grace once more, her nude back and long hair being the only thing visible. I smiled a little to myself. Of course I didn't need sex from Grace to be happy with her, but there was no denying how it intensified two people's connection. The ultimate and most intimate way to show someone you love them. 

Opening Grace's door and quickly shutting it behind me, I was in the midst of pulling a t-shirt over my head when Noah exited his own room. His cheeks flushed a little and he cleared his throat before saying, "So... I'm assuming she said yes based on the noise I heard last night."

If a person could die from utter embarrassment, I would be a goner.

"Oh, uh..." I scratched the back of my neck, avoiding his eyes. What the hell was I supposed to say?

Noah pursed his lips. "No big deal, man. I mean, extremely awkward, but nothing headphones and music turned all the way up can't fix." Before I could mentally stab pens in my ears, he spoke again, more timid. "Can I ask you something just as awkward, though?"

I shrugged, my cheeks still on fire. "We've come this far into the awkwardness, haven't we?"

He laughed some, though it was clear something was bothering him. "I guess." He rubbed his face, sighing. "So... there's this girl, and well... we've kind of been dating for a while now..."

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