Chapter Nineteen

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There is severe violence in this, but its important to the story. Please skip if it makes you uncomfortable.


My dad just got of jail.


They called me this morning, asking if I wanted to go into protective custody and telling me I still had a restraining order. I was grateful about the restraining order. But I don't think they really expected me to say and I'll gladly quote myself 'Please I beg of you, you just let my abuser of thirteen years out of jail and are offering my protective custody? If you think he's a threat, keep him locked up. And go fuck yourself.' then hang up.

Pretty sure they weren't expecting that.

I woke up in Brody's room, again. He had dark red walls and black sheets and were just like Shawn's. He was lying next to me in plaid pajama bottoms with his arm thrown around my waist. I had my leg thrown over both of his and was laying on my stomach.

And again I say,


I tried to pull away and his grip just tightened.

Do I need to say it again?

I took my leg off of his and saw his eyes flutter open. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend to be asleep. "I know your awake, I woke up cause I felt you staring at me." Brody said his voice low.

I opened my eyes and locked my crystal ones with his dark green eyes. I stopped talking and kept looking, he tapped my waist, smirking. "Yes?" he said.

"Oh, yeah." I blushed and buried my face in his chest. I just knew he was smirking more because of this, so I hopped up off the bed and looked down at him. "Why was I in your bed? Again?"

He covered his eyes with his arm, distracting me again. No bad Andi. "You had another nightmare. What did that man do to you? You kept screaming about fire."

It wasn't a good night, but with my dad there were no good nights.


I groaned and got off of the desk I had fallen asleep on while studying, I had a huge exam and I had to be ready. Trying to be quiet I walked downstairs only to have my father grab my hair.

"It's in the microwave." I gasped out, the pain in my scalp excruciating.

"Then go and get it!" he gritted out near my ear, he released my hair and I fell to the stairs. I flew down them.


"Now bitch." I heard him behind me and got up, knowing my arm was broken, from experience. I'd have to think of  and excuse and go to the doctor tomorrow.

I got up and limped on my already sprained ankle. Kids at school thought I faked all my injuries for attention. If only they knew.

Finally reaching the kitchen I saw it was all a ruse to get me into the kitchen.

 He has the stove going and a piece of metal in it, making it burning hot. Oh god. I tried to run but he caught me around my waist and pulled me back he threw me onto the kitchen table and pulled up my shirt so my stomach was shown, he brought the hot iron down on it.

I screamed out in pain.

And after a minute I finally and gratefully passed out. I welcomed the darkness like it was my dead mother coming back to save me.

When I woke up that morning I had the word, 'Bitch' branded on the skin of my stomach. Blistered and red, still hot to the touch.

End of flashback

I still had it burned onto my skin, luckily I had avoided the boys seeing it, but Sky knew.

I wasn't lucky for long.

Brody noticed me playing with the area on my stomach over my hip, then he pounced on me. He pinned my legs to the bed with his own and grabbed my hands holding them above my head easily with his. Brody reached down between our bodies and gripped the hem of my shirt, then my struggles increased. "Sh, Andrew." I just stared at him.


"Yes Andrew, little miss tomboy." I started thinking back to that memory about three days ago. We were talking about how differently Sky and I dressed and I said she dressed like a girly girl and I dressed like an awesome tomboy. I was smiling at the thought when I heard a quick intake of breath above me.

"Shit..." Brody muttered under his breath, while I had been distracted he taken the chance to pull up my shirt a few inches and saw the burn marks. "Andi...." He trailed off again, looking unsure of what to say.

"That's what I was having a nightmare about." I started to cry and he pulled me into his chest, holding me tight.

"You'll be ok, he won't touch you. Never again." he said into my hair, his voice strong.

I told him my story and he didn't flinch once, except to hold me tighter, and it was then I figured out, I might just be falling for Brody Coleman.



I was gonna kill that bastard.

Andi didn't know it, but she'd told me stories of his abuse in her sleep. That's one thing she and Sky had in common, both told their secrets in their sleep. Shawn and I both had to hide that we knew more than they thought,

How he made her make meals for him and if she forgot he'd hit her.

How he yanked her hair.

How he told her that she killed her mother.

And the worst part of it all was, she believed she deserved it all.

I was holding her as she fell apart in my arms, wishing I could do more about it. She was telling me about how he had burned her, he fucking branded her like cattle. With the word bitch.

He was dead if I got my hands on him.

And she kept going, telling me how he hurt her, whipped her, punched her, he was creative in his 'punishments' and it pissed me off.

I'd be creative in how I destroyed him to.

And as my sweet little Andi fell asleep in my arms it just further strengthened my resolve. No matter how much I cared about this girl, and it was a lot, I couldn't date her.

The gang life was not for Andi Small. I would not let my feelings get her hurt.


I understand my chapters are typically pretty short, I like to leave it on a meaningful thought. Look above for prove.^

But I always do at least 1000 words so I'd like to think its ok?

Thank you again for reading my book....


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