Chapter Sixteen

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Drinking is fun.

Hangovers are not.

"Ugh." I muttered, getting out of the bed covered in black sheets. "Where am I?" I looked around blue room. "Oh, Shawn's room." I'd woken up here more times in the last week than I'd like to admit.

When I got up I almost tripped on the body laying sprawled on the ground. "What the..." I said, still muttering to myself. Then I saw his face. "Gabe!" I screamed.

He shot up, standing in front of me and shoving me behind him, backing towards the wall. Since the bed was in the middle of the room, not the best defense strategy, but I let it slide.

"What the hell Sky, what's wrong?"

And then last nights events finally made their way into my mind. I got super drunk, that I knew. But then Shawn put me to bed in here and we fell asleep, not that bad. And then I heard the guns, Shawn told me I had to stay in here, and pulled on his clothes since he sleeps in boxers.

Then he ran out, towards the gunshots.

I grabbed Gabes shirt in both my fists and pulled him down to my height, since he was a few inches taller than me, "Is he ok?" I said, freaking out. He nodded. "IS ANDI OK?!" I screeched, and then when he nodded I calmed down a little, "what about Brody? Luke? Cole? Wes? Micheal? Ash? Cade?" He nodded after all the names except for Cade's, "What happened?" I questioned him.

"He was shot, in the original shooting, there was three. After the first one we were ready and hit a few that we have in the basement and avoided anymore injuries, but Cade didn't make it." He said voice strong, but I knew he was upset his brother was dead. Even if he tried to hurt me.

Gabe grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his body, kissing my forehead, "You are aware I see you as the little sister I never had correct?"

I pushed him away smiling, "Yes you big idiot, you always call me sis. How could I forget."

He smiled down at me, "Good,"

Then he walked out of the room, leaving me more confused than ever.



It was silent for one week.

Nothing. no shots. No attempts at bargaining, or bribing.

Just silence.

Well except for Andi's nightmares. She would wake up screaming every night, terrified the shots were back, even if they weren't meant for her. She would only fall asleep when I went into her room and held her. Not that I was complaining.

Rumors were going around that Heaven's Dirt had not actually been destroyed, but had just gone undercover. Hiding until they could recover from the lose of their two leaders. There were also rumors that one parent had lived, the leading one. So most likely the man, Sky's dad, had lived.

I hadn't told Sky about these rumors yet, and I didn't think I would, until necessary. She and Shawn were getting closer and closer, I didn't want to ruin it with some fake ideas thought up by people with no lives, unless I knew it was true.

I regretted that choice.


I knew the silence was just them preparing their next attack, but I did not expect what happened.

I heard a screech from the direction of what was supposedly Shawn's bedroom, although Sky seemed to have moved in by now.

Running in I stopped in the doorway, seeing a deathly pale Sky and Shawn wearing just a towel, clearly straight out of the shower, trying to comfort her while also trying to understand what was going on. Andi ran in a few seconds after me, walking straight up to Sky, grabbing her just as she fell.

She was shaking violently before she even hit the ground. As she fell her head hit something at the same moment it slammed back, a sickening crack followed. Andi started screaming and was holding Sky's now bleeding head in her hands. Her head had slammed directly down on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, Sky." Andi whispered as Shawn also fell to her knees beside her. "I'm so sorry..."

"Come back to me baby..." Shawn muttered towards her.

I fell to my knees next to the girl who, along with her best friend, stole everyone in my MCs hearts, as she bleed horribly from her head.

"Oh sweetie," I was scared right along with my friends that she wasn't going to be ok after this. I  touched the back of her head gently and the red almost immediately covered my hands.

Then I saw the piece of  paper Sky had dropped when her seizure started and grabbed it off the ground, her blood staining my hands.

Dear Sky,

How are you my sweet daughter? I haven't missed you, because you my dear killed my husband. He always told me 'hide the gang from her, we should protect our child.' he was weaker than me. But he was the love of my life.

Did you know, your grandmother and I had chats regularly once you went to that adorable little house. Long after I 'died' we were still talking. The world is working against you my dear Sky, and it always will.

Your foster homes, I picked them out.

Cat's parents would never have given you up if it weren't for me, I told Cat and Danny not to talk to you or I would kill you.

Andi was an accident. You were never supposed to meet.

You got lucky sweetheart, but don't worry. It won't last, I will find you soon. And I will kill you.

For killing my husband.

I'll see you soon my sweet Sky.

Love, your Mother

I don't blame Sky for  having a seizure. The Fallen Archangel is back, and she's after Sky.

Grabbing my phone  called one of the members who was a doctor. Wes picked up, "Doctor Rivera speaking, how may I help you?" I'd called his work number and he always picked up like that for this number.

"Hey, Wes. Sky is having a seizure, she hit her head as she fell. It's bleeding pretty bad. Come check on it?" I asked, scared we'd have to take her to a doctor and her mom could find her there. They weren't leaving the compound unless it was an emergency anymore.

"I'm on my way." Wes said and hung up.

I turned my head and looked at Shawn and Andi they both leaned over Sky as the tremors left her body and tried to get her to wake up.

Key word: Tried.


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