Chapter Twenty-Three

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He wasn't moving.

Why wasn't he moving?!

He needs to move!

This bastard will not die on me.

All of those thoughts whirled in my head, it felt like an eternity I sat there scared when in reality it was probably thirty seconds.

Tears were running down my face as I looked at him, then I saw a slight smirk on his pale face. I slapped him.

"HEY." He screamed, "don't hit the dead guy."

I grabbed him and hugged him, "Don't do that again and I won't. Deal?"

He sat up and responded "Deal." he murmured into my hair. I was now sitting on his lap. "but gentle on the shoulder that asshole did actually hit me."

"OH!" I tried to jump off him, but he pulled me back into his chest.

"You're staying, Andrew."

"I don't care if you just almost died call me Andrew and you're dead." I spit out at him. Still sitting on his lap.

Someone cleared their voice behind us and I saw that we'd gotten quite the audience, Shawn was holding Sky with a goofy grin while Sky was smirking, Gabe and Luke were looking at each other and smiling a lot. Wes, Michael, and Ash all looked like they were holding in their smiles, Cole looked pissed off, and Sam suddenly said, "Hey! Make sure to have a double wedding now I only have to come back once."

Shawn slapped her shoulder and smiled down at Sky.

I again tried to jump off of Brody but he held me to him, "Nah, you're stuck with me Andrew," and right as I was about to retort he leaned down and shut me up.

By kissing me.



"Oh thank god. All the suppressed tension was driving me crazy." I hadn't realized I had actually said that out loud until I heard Shawn chuckle above me.

"I said that out loud..." turning my face into his chest I hid.

His body started vibrating as he chuckled, "Only I heard Love. But what kind of tension was suppressed exactly?" I looked up and stuck out my tongue at him, he just wiggled his eyebrows at me.

When I pouted he kissed my lips gently and I heard a gasp behind us.

"Get your dirty hands off of my baby sister!!" was squealed behind us as I was ripped out of Shawn's arms. "You've been hogging her since we got her back, so why don't you go spend time with your own sister?"

Shawn walked off  towards Sam muttering about how big brothers were such a drag, and Sam would never be able to date. I shook my head and turned towards Gabe, who had magically been joined by Luke. They both opened their arms and looked at me expectantly.

I ran towards them, "I missed you." I said loudly. They both wrapped their huge arms around me and lifted me up off the ground.

Luke let one of his small smiles slide, "You all good?"

"Do I need to kill someone? Cause I know he's my VP and all but your my sis and that'd be a very hard choice, but I think you win!" Gabe said to me.

"No, no need for killing. All's good." I said laughing at Gabe. Then I reached up and ruffled Luke's light blond hair, I saw his green eyes flash and he looked like he was remembering something.

All of the sudden Michael's voice burst through our bubble of happiness, "Is Sky's mom still out there?" He asked, obviously confused.

Oh yeah, Her.



After everyone got back to the compound, that was when I realized I had a bullet hole in my shoulder. So I grabbed Andi's hand and pulled her to the couch, when I sat I pulled her with me and grabbed one of her hands. Motioning Wes over.

Andi was sitting on my lap as Wes stitched up the bullet hole in my shoulder. I gripped her tiny hand, probably hurting her a little.

Have you ever had stitches out in your arm, with no numbing medicine?


It fucking hurts.

When Wes was done he glanced at me, "Sorry prez." he muttered. Then he grabbed his medicine bag and moved away from the couch.

Andi's small voice said, "That had to hurt.." as she tried to pull away from my lap, again.

"No, you're staying and yes it did." when I looked down at her I saw her inspecting her hand, "Sorry if I hurt you."

"You didn't." was all she said as we had a stare off, my green eyes clashing with her blue ones.

"Good," then I picked her up from the couch, she gasped and was forced to wrap her legs around me when I turned her around. I kept walking into my room and placed her on the bed. Then I stepped back and looked at her.

"What are we?" she said standing up in front of me.

"What do you want us to be?" I questioned her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Well dating would be kind of fun...." She trailed off. Smiling widely.

"Dating it is then." I said and kissed her.


I was so happy that we had gotten away from Andi's dad. But I was Stoll worried about my mom. She was relentless, and today she had sent me a letter.
Dear Sky,
I noticed you got away from George. That drunk could never do anything right. I knew I made a mistake partnering up with him.
We were partners, in case you hadn't noticed.
Again my darling Sky, the world is against you. It always will be.
This thing you have going with the VP of that club, it won't last. I will mess it up just like I have with everything in your little insignificant life. And then I'll kill you.

I didn't get a chance to finish the damn letter, I had dropped a large vase that was near the front door where I had been standing, and was now falling. As I hit the ground I had my mother's voice echoing in my head.
The world is against you. It always will be.

That was all I heard as I slipped from the light.

And into the black.


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