Chapter Six

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Picture of Shawn above^^^

I didn't know what to do, so I ran. There was no need to tell them what my grandma did. She's in for a few more years at a psych ward and will probably die in there.

Racing up the stairs I wound up in my room, I jumped on the bed and screamed into a pillow.

All of the sudden I heard a bounce and a high pitched ouch I knew as Andi and I smirked at her antics. Until I realised I was in the middle of a breakdown.

I went back to screaming into a different pillow.

"C'mon, up, up, up. Let's go. Up, up." She said gripping my arm in a death grip and tugging.

"Let me go." I said the words muffled by the pillows.

"NEVER, THIS IS FOR NARNIA." She said then gripped my feet and her five foot nothing self somehow managed to pull my 5'6" self off the bed and onto the ground.

"Oof." I whined "How the fuck did you do that..." I stopped, thinking "TINY!?" I said enraged. Until, I looked around the room. Then I was horrified "AHH!!" I said pulling the comforter off the bed and over my head. There were all four off the boys I'd met so far, watching me talk, mess around, scream, and insult. I'd never acted like this in front of anyone except for Andi for the last six years of my life. I thought this part of me died when I was ten, and then i was twelve and meeting Andi. I could be myself around her, but never anyone else.

A large hand appeared in the blanket over my head and ripped it off me. I resigned myself to my fate and sighed, "Yes?" I said quietly.

Luke looked do own at me "You talk!?" He said eyes wide, mouth open like a fish.

"Close your mouth you'll catch flies." I said and got up, brushing invisible dust off the back of my pants.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do, but aren't you all supposed to be bad ass bikers? And instead you take in abuse victims to protect them from their abuser." I took in the five shocked faces looking at me, four shocked at how I was speaking, one at how I was breaking my code. "I'm not explaining everything to you, and I never will. But know I used to be very, very bold. I said my ideas and thoughts and wasn't afraid of people rejecting them. I changed."

"You'll tell me everything one day love." Shawn said, leaning closer to me and whispering in my ear. "I know it. Because i saw right through you the second I meet you."
I looked away, then looked back, and responded "Have fun trying babe. But its a whole lot harder than you think."

Gabe suddenly said, "But I'm you adoptive brother!!" Luke screaming right after him after thinking for a seconds, "Me too! C'mon sis!."

Shaking my head at their antics, I stated back quietly, "Love you bros, but no."  When they both glanced at each other, winked to one another and stared at me, pouting. Hugging them both I whispered in their ears, "Maybe one day."

They pulled away, Gabe clapped happily like a four year old, while Luke's face lit up with a smile while he jumped. I stared at them, "Seriously, you guys are nothing like a motorcycle club is supposed to be."

"We probably should have told you earlier, we don't deal with that stuff anymore. Just protection. And security. No guns or drugs for us. We all have outside jobs too. We except for Shawn, enrolled in the local college. We keep the name and the reputation because it's safer that way for us and the people we protect. Except for Brody," Gabe stopped speaking and glanced at Brody, "he's truly pretty badass."

"What about that prospect outside? He was pretty threatening."

Andi said, obviously still upset about little encounter. "Oh you mean Cade, he's just to keep crazies away. He would never touch someone underage, I don't think... I don't actually know. There's a reason he's in charge of the gate and not in here."

"Now that that great first impression we got of you all was cleared up... I'm enrolled in the college to, what's your major?" They just stared. "Oh," I started muttering and slowly blushing, "I'm in college but I'm only a freshman."

"You're sixteen!" was smartly pointed out by Gabe.

"Yes, I am. My majors pre med, and I want another in psychology and I want an english degree. But I'm working on it."

"Holy shit," Brody said, "Shawn you have competition for being the smart one around here."

"That's perfectly fine as long as they stay," Shawn said with a small smile on his lips. "My majors math, love."

I was about to respond when Brody spoke up, "If you're already in college," looking at Andi, "how do you pay for your college?"

Andi, staring at her feet, then up, sticking out her chin. Proud. "I payed for her college, not mine.  I have a trust fund and two jobs, I'm getting her all the degree she wants and if I have money left, I'll go. She has a lot of scholarships so I should be able to afford it."

"Hell no, we'll pay for your degree, right?" Luke asked.

Brody, having been silent throughout all of this, nodded slightly.

"Hell no back to you buddy, you're already protecting us."

"You can't just protect others, doll. sometimes we have to think of ourselves first." Brody spoke quietly still, but a quiet that wasn't like mine. His was on purpose.

"I don't care, I can take care of both of us, I have been for years." Andi practically screaming, but you could see her eyes losing their fight.

"Well obviously you can't, since you came to us for help." He spoke loudly, not screaming but not leaving room for argument, he walked away.



I can't believe him, my eyes were burning. Turning my head to the right, staring at Sky, I felt one tears escape the cage of my left eye and run over my the bridge of my nose, down my cheek, the fall of the sharp angle of my jaw.

Luke was sneaking out of the room.  Gabe reached Sky and kissed her forehead, whispering something in her ear smiling at me and walking out.

Sky ran over to me and hugged me tight. "He didn't mean to hurt you, he just was upset."

She looked in thought. "We should go clubbing!" she screamed, directly in my ear, noticing she leaned back, "I have my fake I.d. with me." She knew I enjoyed going out, but she herself hated it. So her recommending we go meant I looked very bad.

"Sure, let's go get ready." I said, mainly to get her to calm down.

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