Chapter Thirteen

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I was so nervous, I'd never been on a date before and the first one I was going on was with a man three years older than me.

I wasn't sure what to wear though.

Walking into my closet I grabbed my white lace crop top and teal leather jacket. But I wasn't sure what to wear with it...

Andi walked in and looking at my desperate face she followed my into my closet, instantly walking towards the back. She gripped my white and black thickly stripped leggings and shiny black ankle boots that she got me for my birthday.

"Wear these," she said, voice strong. "Shawn will love it," She winked.

"I can't..." I muttered.

"You can, and you will." Andi wasn't giving up. "Now go."

I stripped off my jeans and coverse, putting on the leggings and zipping up the shoes. "Happy now?" I asked raising one eyebrow at her sarcastically.

"Yes you look hot." She was grinning, "Now. OUT." Andi spoke loudly, shoving me from the room.

As I was walking down the hall I heard behind me,

"Love you baby! See you at two am, no later."

Chuckling I continued down the stairs, shaking my head.



I was nervous,  I was never nervous.

But for once in my life I was worried that she wouldn't like where we were going, or my hair, or how I was dressed. I was starting to feel like a girl.

And then she walked down the stairs, and just like those stupid cheesy romance books my sister read, my heart stopped.

She was wearing these seriously tight pants and a lace top showing off her creamy shoulders and stomach. I didn't really want to let her leave the house now.

But over that she was wearing this light blue biking jacket, that I knew would protect her on my bike.

"Hey Love." I said grabbing her hand as she reached the bottom, making her look down, turning red.

"Hi there biker." She murmured, smiling shyly at me.

As we walked outside I glanced at my bike then at my car, "Would you rather ride my bike or we could always use my car?" I said hoping she would pick my bike for obvious reasons.

"Could we, ride your bike," she muttered, looking embarrassed .

"Course love."

I picked her up and placed her on the bike, putting my black helmet over her head. "Safety first," I whispered near her ear.

Then I jumped on in front of her placing her hands around my waist, her hands went under my jacket and she held me tight the whole way there.

We got there and she hurriedly jumped off the bike. "I love laser tag!" she exclaimed, and I was instantly glad I picked this place.

Walking in Sky walked ahead of me practically skipping, "I'm paying for my half of this by the way," she said over her shoulder at me smiling.

"Nope you are not, I can promise you that." I said still following her.

We got to the counter and she stayed true to her promise, as did I.

"I'm paying," She said, smiling. So I grabbed her and leveled my shoulder with her stomach, picking her up over my shoulder.

"No you aren't." I smirked and paid for both of our entries.

I walked into the room with the equipment with a pouting Sky still over my shoulder and placed her on the ground.

"You're welcome." Then I started putting on my gun and vest. Smiling at me, Sky did to and we went through the door leading to the area where we could start shooting.

The black light was making both of our white shirts glow.

She was looking over my shoulder and before I could even consider turning raised her gun, leveled it, and shot.

"Your welcome." she said using my own words against me.

I just smiled and raised my own gun over her shoulder. Shooting, I said "Your welcome back at you love." I smirked. "You can shoot?"

"Yes, a real gun, and this one. As you can tell."

We spent about an hour messing around and just having fun.


On our way out a scruffy looking person, with a grey jacket and leather biking pants bumped into Sky, pushing her into one of the props near the door. Her face rammed into it. When I grabbed her it was to late and her eye had hit the neon prop.

"OW," Sky whined.

"Lets go look at it.." I whispered in her ear. Feeling like something was off about the man, and look over my shoulder as we walked. When our eyes connected he just smiled and walked out of the building.

We walked into the bathroom, I locked the door behind us. Picking her up by the waist and placing her gently on the counter, I looked her in the eye.

Touching the skin near the outside of her eye, I pressed lightly. "Does that hurt?" Murmuring while still looking at the tender skin slowly turning purple.

 "It just feels pretty sore," she was whispering now, looking embarrassed.

"You should have quite the pretty purple shiner there in the morning, no need for makeup." I said teasing her a little, trying to lighten up the mood.

She was looking at me with her dark blue eyes shining, the black specs I had never had the chance to see before prominent. As I stared at her she started leaning forward.

I leaned in towards her, and our lips touched, as they meet, she leaned back without realizing the sink was behind her. She fell back almost into the sink before I put my arms around her waist pulled her up.

She wrapped her legs around me and held on tight, laughing with me. 


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