Chapter One

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Picture of Andi's outfit above^^^

Andi was always one for big entrances, leaving a mark, forcing you to remember the girl with Crystal blue eyes and matching the unnatural streaks in her dark, almost black hair. She forced you to see her, see what she was, or what she wanted you to think she was.


"Sky,  get up right now, if we are late. I don't think it will be very good."

I looked in the mirror fixing my dark red v neck. My thick blackish brown hair was up in an intricate braided bun with the light blue streaks prominently showing. After I waited a few moments for a response I stomped upstairs with my heeled ankle boots clicking dramatically.

"Get. up." I said ripping the covers off my best friend and watching her screech. Sky was finally up, you could always tell by the way the room suddenly became filled with. I'm-pissed-off, vibes.

At least in the morning you could.

Going back down stairs and grabbing the coffee and egg sandwich off the table, I brought it to Sky, I've already had my tea and microwaveable egg sandwich.

Sky glared at me, annoyed.

"Because," I replied scared but unable to show her "we have to go to the clubhouse today." My voice was slightly weaker than I wanted it to be.

Sky stopped complaining.

"Now let's go."

The days April 18th and my tormentor, whom some would refer to as my dad, will be getting out of jail in exactly thirty days, one month.

One month and he will be able to take everything I've ever worked for away from me. Including Sky.

I drove to the prominent "clubhouse" in the downtown of our medium sized town, and parked. Getting out and looking at Sky I told her "Stay quiet, please don't talk or cause trouble."

She just gave me a look clearly saying "when am I the one to do all that?" Well arching an eyebrow at me. Showing that little piece of sass I knew she had but never showed anyone else.

I walked up to the gate and looked at the prospect guarding it, he looked me up and down with his eyebrows almost touching his shaggy brown hair. He had thick muscles and a look about him that said back down now if you know what's best for you.

"We need protection." I leaned in and whispered in his ear.

He looked at me, then at Sky and his leer was almost enough to make me rethink this whole thing, but we needed protection from what was coming.

"How old is the blond?" He said, I hoped this question was directed at me since she was blond and I was most definitely not. Unless of course he was a dog and only saw black and white, which from what I've seen so far could definitely be true.

"Sixteen, she's sixteen." I said glaring, "meaning she's underage."

Glaring he opened the gates slowly, not quite trusting me, "cause any trouble and I won't have any problem with her being underage, K sweet stuff?" He threatened.

I just glared and kept walking.

The Night Riders protected kids from abuse, they did good but there were also plenty of rumors of them being mixed up with drugs and guns. They were a living contradiction.

Walking in all I expected a lot worse, the compound wasn't to messy, and I didn't smell anything that would be scarring. Looking at Sky I grabbed her hand and followed the prospect. He lead us to a room with their logo, a masked man with a gun held out towards you riding a bike, on the door.

"Have fun in there babe." He said shoving me towards the door.

When I entered I saw possibly the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen, he had green eyes that were dulled from stress, I wondered what they would look like if he was even slightly happy. I doubted it would happen, he had light brown shaggy hair and tan skin hinting at Hispanic ancestors, once upon a time. Standing next to him was a man with dark brown hair, like mine but lighter, and blue, Blue eyes. He was pretty much the guy version of me. With bigger muscles. And well, the whole being male part. His eyes sparkled with mischief.

They seemed like complete opposites.

Realising I had been staring I looked down, and when I remembered my promise to NEVER look down because I was scared of a man.

 My reasoning being, well... Fuck you dad.

I snapped my eyes back up, looking directly into their eyes. One after another. Causing them to raise their eyebrows, strangely in synch. Looking behind me I saw Sky practically hiding behind me and pulled her out, comforting her by tapping her hand,

One, break

Two, break

One, break

Two, break

Three times, what I did to calm her when she was on the verge of panicking. I let go and walked to them sticking my hand out, the green eyed man grabbed my hand and shook it while the blue eyes man took it and kissed my knukles, making me look at him confused.

He glanced at Sky and grabbed her hand to, kissing it and taking longer than necessary, the while time looking her directly in the eye, making her blush.

They motioned for us to sit in the green upholstered chairs, we sat and green eyes sat in the chair behind the desk, while blue eyes stood behind him.

"Why did you need to talk to me so urgently?" His voice was deep, dark, and dangerous.

I looked him directly in the eyes and told him, "My abuser will be getting out of jail in exactly thirty days, he's relentless, beat me for my whole life, emotionally tormented me, and later tried to rape me." I heard Sky gasp, I'd told her someone hit me and that's why we had to come, but didn't tell her the whole story, but unfortunately continued, I couldn't let her out of my sight, not even to tell them my story. I didn't trust them, "the day he tried I ran, called the police, and he was arrested, I was put in foster care and found my Sky," I gestured at Sky who was looking down at her hands playing with her bracelet that warned people, "we got away from the home when i was eighteen, and built something from nothing. But if he finds her we are both dead, I could give myself to him and end this, but I.." and then I broke, for the first time in forever I broke down. I fell off the chair, onto my knees and looked down. The one position I said I would never take again for any man. Sky, knowing this, got up and pulled me up whispering words I couldn't understand in my ear.


Dark RidesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz