Chapter Fourteen

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that last chapter, the mythical chapter thirteen

it deleted like four times

and I had to rewrite it

over and over

and I published chapter thirteen at 11:59 on Thursday

on accident

just a thought

Friday the thirteenth

oh snap



After we walked out I saw she was about to fall asleep standing up I called Luke, "hey, can you bring a car and pick up Sky?"

I heard the smile in his voice, "Course man."

Last night after Luke had come, with his smile as wide as it could go the while time. We had pulled into the driveway and Sky was fast asleep next to me, and I smiled at her peaceful face. "Come along Love." I whispered in her little ear.

I got out of the car and walked around the front to her door, then I opened the door. I picked up her petite body from the passenger seat, and held her to me. Moving through the front door, Andi and Brody were instantly up from were they had been sitting at the island in the kitchen.

"So, what did you guys do?" Andi said, I shushed her and pointed at Sky. "Oh." She froze, "AWWWW, you are carrying her! That's so sweet! Good boy! I just wanted to see if you were nice, and it seems like it so." running up to me she placed a kiss on my cheek and ran to her room. Smiling the whole way.

Walking to the couch, I set Sky down and went into the kitchen to talk to Brody for a few minutes about what happened at laser tag. I hadn't wanted to leave her alone since it happened.

"I didn't want to bring it up around Andi since she'd freak and blame you, but what's with the black eye?"

"Someone ran into her and pushed her into a prop. I would have thought nothing of it, but there was something about the guy. Like he knew us, who we were. And did it on purpose."

"Was he wearing a cut?" Brody questioned.

"No, but he was wearing riding pants, and boots. So he could have taken it off."

"This can't be good... Why don't you take her upstairs, we'll have a meeting with all the boys at nine, inform them of everything.?"

"Ok, see you tomorrow." I tapped his back and walked into the living room.

Picking her up from the couch, I carried her up the flight of stairs to my room. I placed her on the bed, and kissed her forehead.

Then I stripped down to my boxers, climbing in next to her I held her back to my chest. She turned around nuzzling her face into my neck. I smiled and fell asleep.



My eyes popped open when I realized I wasn't in a car anymore.

How'd I get in here... I was in a  room with light blue painted walls, and black sheets. The walls had about the same amount of windows as mine, if not more, and a few black pieces of furniture were spattered around the room. A dresser here, a nightstand there.

And there was a huge television hooked onto the wall across from the bed, with x-box attached.

So... a boys room?

All of the sudden one of the three doors across from me was opened and some steam came out, followed by a Shawn just wearing a towel.

What is this? A bad movie? A romance book?

I can assure you that is not true.

"Love, what's wrong?" He moved over to me and kneeled down in front of my legs, "Your eyes look like they are going to pop right out of your head."

"We didn't do anything right, because..." my voice trailed off.

"No! I wouldn't do that to you." He stood up, walking over to his shiny dresser and pulled out a shirt and pants.

"Ok, thank you." I whispered.

"Hey, sorry. I have a meeting at nine, you can go back to sleep."

"I might just, is it ok if I stay here to sleep?" I questioned him.

"You can sleep here whenever you want love." He responded and dropped his towel.

"AH," I screamed and covered my eyes with my hand.

"You're good to look, Sky." he said, chuckling at me. Now wearing pants and a tee shirt. "Bye love," He walked over and kissed me on the forehead. "See you soon."

I fell back asleep, smiling.



I walked into the meeting with a goofy ass grin on my face, I walked to the table at the head of the room, raised a foot or two off the ground.

I sat on my chair to the right of Brody, smiling at him, while he just shook his head.

"Everyone, attention." He said, his voice demanding but he wasn't screaming. "As you know we have two new girl to protect, one who's abusive father will be getting out of jail in three weeks. And one who is the daughter of the founders of Heaven's Dirt."

Grunts and annoyed noises filled the room.

"I said, she's under our protection. If you have a problem, leave. Gangs are after her, and I'm not sure why, no one is."

All of the sudden the door at the end of the courtroom like room was knocked on.

That's new.

"Who is it?" Brody asked, looking confused.

"Andi," She was quiet. I'd never heard her voice this small.

"Come in?" his voice was questioning.

Walking in she looked around, probably not aware that she was one of the first women in here. "I'm going to tell you something about Sky, yes?" She raised an eyebrow. "But if she asks you got it from some file you found ok?"

We all nodded, this seemed interesting.

"Her grandmother, was," she was picking her words carefully, speaking slowly, "not a nice person. She told her that her parents souls were in her head, and it somehow made her unworthy of everything and anything. She was locked in a closet for two years." she stopped speaking, looking like she was abut to start crying. "I know more, and I only know this much because she talks in her sleep. But she's hurt, ok so don't judge her based on her parents. Judge her based on how she went through hell and back, when she was ten years old. And she still gets up every day and smiles, and laughs. She keeps going." Letting her tears go and run down her face she finished with, "She's an amazing person and I'm proud to call her my best friend." She nodded and turned to walk back out the door.

Leaving a bomb in her wake.



I am so sorry Sky.


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