Chapter Twenty-Five

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Cole had been acting off for the past few days and I wasn't sure what to make of it. So when he asked me to check perimeters with him, I of course said yes and then I grabbed a knife from under the counter, stuffing it in a pocket I'd had built into my boxers, don't judge, no one checks your boxers and this idea had saved me many times.

When we walked out he told Ash to go inside, and I pulled the young boy over to me, "Find Brody, tell him that Cole's about to do something stupid. And to check tracker eight"

He nodded and ran off.

"What did you say to him?" Cole questioned me.

"Just to get me a drink, did you see how scared he was. Poor boy." I shook my head jokingly and all of the sudden felt a knife on my throat.

"Really Cole, betrayal isn't a pretty color on you." I snapped at him.

"No, it's not, but they'll kill my little one if I don't, I'm sorry."

Then he put a cloth over my mouth, I allowed myself to be overwhelmed by the black.

I thought I taught him better, the fact I wasn't fighting should have tipped him off. I also had a tracker Michael had given us in that amazing little boxer pocket.




Ash ran into my room as Andi was showering and looked at me.

"Cole came out and told me that I was off duty then Gabe said to tell you that Cole was about to do something stupid. And to check tracker eight,"

"Michael," I screamed down the hall. "Get on tracker eight, send Wes and two others out to follow it. Ash send Shawn in here and tell Luke he's on babysitting duty with the girls," I thought for a moment, "So are you. Get Sky into the safe room and I'll send Andi in a minute."

I heard Michael respond with an "Ok prez." and Ash just nodded, walking out the room. I was going to patch him in soon.

Time to catch this damned traitor you betrayed his brothers.

I opened the door to the bathroom and told Andi, "Get out soon, something's happened."

The water turned off and her small arm reached out, grabbing a towel and pulling it into the shower. I heard her flip her hair forwards and back, which she always did after she showered. I have no idea why.

Andi stepped out of the shower wrapped in her towel and I passed her my shirt, which she slipped on along with some leggings. "Yes?" she questioned once she was dressed and not being distracting.

"Cole took Gabe." I stated.

"Come again?" she said, eyes wide.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her forehead. Then I let her go and grabbed a brush, pulling it gently through her hair we stood in silence for a few minutes as I just brushed her hair, looking at the streaks. "I really need to get these redone." she muttered looking at them.

"Are you gonna do blue again?"

"Course, that's my color!" she responded with a smile. "Why would Cole take Gabe, he's your brother. I thought." she suddenly said, dropping her smile.

"I'm not sure..." I didn't want to tell her it was probably Sky's mom. But I also knew she'd guess it.

"It's Sky's mom right?"  See?

"Yes, I think, and I have to go talk to the boys, so I'm going to show you the safe room, you and Sky will be there. Ok?"

She just nodded and grabbed her brush from my hand, putting it on the counter she walked out of the bathroom.

"And grab one of my sweatshirts, its cold in there." she laughed at me but listened and grabbed a black one.

I grabbed her and picked her up walking down the two flights of stairs to the saferoom, where I saw Sky wearing Shawn's leather jacket and playing monopoly with Luke and Ash.

I placed her on the ground and kissed her, "Later Andrew."

Then I walked away and heard behind me, "Later Small." she said after me.

I chuckled at another one of her attempts at a nickname, then walked up the stairs. Ready for do whatever I had to do to save Andi and Sky.



 Shawn was guiding me down the stairs when I tripped, "Ouch," I muttered under my breath.

He continued down one step and moved in front of me, "Get on my back." he said.

"Are you sure? My legs work fine."

"Yes I'm sure." he motioned at me, "C'mon, you know you want to."

I tapped him on his dark hair and jumped on his back. "Thank you." I muttered in his ear.

"Anytime Love." Shawn said and continued down the stairs.

We saw Ash and Luke sitting at a table in the middle of a room, arm wrestling. The room looked like the walls, roof, floor, and door where all made of steel.


"See you soon Love." Shawn kissed my forehead and moved away

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