Chapter 10

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Katniss POV

Peeta storms off the room angrily and slams the door shut.

"Please, Haymitch, help me get through this tour." I say.

"This tour? Girl wake up *snaps fingers* you never get of this train. Every you'll be mentors next year and they'll want to check on your love story every chance they get." Haymitch say. I break down.

Haymitch pulls me into a hug.

"It'll be okay." He whispers as I cry on his shoulder.

"No it's not. I should've told him. Now he won't want to be even my friend. I screwed up, now." I say.

"Katniss that boy loves you so mu-"

"He loves Delly. He told me he has moved on and that he just wants to be my friend. But after today I'm not even sure he'll want to even talk to me."

"You should be happy he found someone else. You could be with that Gale dude."

"I don't want to be with Gale. I'm not even sure how I feel about Peeta. But it makes me so mad that he fell right into that Merchant Slut's arms and took no time for me to forget about me. What's wrong with me Haymitch?"

"You're jealous."

"Why would I be? He's just my friend."

"Someone has a tiny little crush." Haymitch says in a teasing voice.

"Ha-ha. Very funny. But I've got no time for that."

"We should head back now." He says.

"Yeah. I need to apologize to Peeta." I say.

We walk downstairs and look for Peeta but he's nowhere to be found. I see him later on at the dinner with the mayor of 11, but I can't talk to him right now. Not really anyway.

Once dinner is over, Peeta rushes to the train barely sparing me a glance. Once on the train, he locks himself in his room and I never get the chance to talk to him.

Days and days go by. Peeta only speaks to me if necessary, only to act madly in love with me in front of the cameras.

It is around midnight while we are on our way to District 6 that I finally find sleep.

* * *

I'm back in the games. Peeta and I are running from the wolf mutts.

I turn around only to find one of them about to jump onto me, but in the last second, Peeta pushes me out of the way, but the mutt gets him instead.

Suddenly all of the mutts disappear. It's only me and a dying Peeta in the woods.

"Peeta!" I exclaim and run to help him. It's too late.

"I love you, Katniss." Are his last words.

"No! Peeta please wake up! Wake up!"

* * *

I wake with a start. Screaming my lungs out. Sweat running down my forehead.

Peeta comes in running through the door as if ready to attack whoever is making me scream.

"I'm sorry. It was just a nightmare." I say feeling guilty I woke him up.

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