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*2 Years later*

Jackson and I were completely fine now, yeah we had our arguments like every couple but we were back at it. We wear our engagement rings again and we communicate a lot better than we used too. Brooklyn talk really good now and she swears out of no-where so we have to watch what we say around her.

We both have really good jobs because we're trying to get an apartment or a house together. Tomorrow is Jackson's birthday and we're spending it in Hawaii. Tonight we leave to get on the plane.

"Babe did you get all Brooklyn's things packed?" I asked as I was packing my own outfits.

"How long are we staying there again?" Jackson asked

"We will get there late tonight and leave on Saturday, so about a week" I said shouting

"MOOOOOOOMYYYYY CAN I HAVE A COOKIEEEEEE" I heard Brooklynn shouting from downstairs.

"No baby we're packing and eating at Sonic later" I said walking downstairs to talk to her.

"We need to go get dada a present" I said taking her hand and walking out to the car.

"Where are we going" Brooklynn asked. "To the liquor store" I replied to her.

"Hello can I get a bottle of Jack Daniels please" I asked the cashier.

"ID please" the cashier asked. I showed the man my ID and bought the bottle of Jack Daniels. Since tomorrow is his birthday, we're celebrating tonight before we leave for the plane. I know how much work Jackson does at work so this will be a great surprise for him.

"Mom where can I put this" I asked my mother as I came inside the house with Brooklyn.

"Jackson knows all of my hiding spots so just put it inside of my closet because he wouldn't go inside my room" she said giving me the key to her bedroom. I don't know why she has a key but I think it's because one of Connor's friends likes to steal but Connor hasn't seen him do it so he doesn't believe us.

"Would you be able to take us to the airport tonight?" I asked getting a cup of water.

"Is Regan going with you guys" my mom asked

"Joey and Regan are both going" I said. Joey is Regan's new boyfriend, they've been dating for about a year now and Regan really seems to like him. Jackson on the other hand doesn't really like him and not because he's a bad guy but because that's his sister.

"Is Jackson okay with Joey going" my mom asked knowing that Jackson has this thing where he doesn't like to see his sister and her boyfriend together.

"Yeah, he's the one that asked him to go" I said chuckling because my mom was making the he did what face.

*3 hours later*

Jackson had a great birthday party and he's a little drunk right now because tomorrow he would be 21 so why not drink a little earlier. We were already packed and ready to leave for the airport. Brooklynn was sleeping upstairs since it was 11:13 pm.

"Babe go get Brooklynn so we can leave" I told Jackson. Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking "Let the drunk guy get the kid" well he isn't that drunk and he's very coherent.

"I'll get all of the bags and put them in Jackson's car" Regan said rolling her suitcases out the front door.

"Are you sure you have enough diapers, lotion, and tissue paper" my mom asked knowing that even though Brooklyn is potty trained, she still has accidents.

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