Abandoned // Chapter Three

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*Word count: 1230*

I freeze. I hold in my breathe.
I do anything i can to stop the tears from falling.
My boyfriend, the one who kept me sane through those dark times, cheated on me.
Well, i'm only 12. I wasn't really expecting it to be love forever.
But, i just thought that it would end differently.
"Dani, are you coming?" Lauren asks.
I turn around looking at her, trying to hold in tears.
"What's wrong?" She asks, full of concern.
Maybe she can see the tears in my eyes as i shakily look over at Lucas, who is now handing a necklace to the girl.
"M-my boyfriend" i start, Lauren sees where i'm looking at.
She marches over to the bench, pulling the top of her milkshake and pouring it all over Lucas.
"That's for cheating on my sister you jerk!" Lauren yells a him.
Lucas looks over at me, and i glare at him.
"Danielle, look i-" he starts but i cut him off.
"Don't Lucas, we are over. Oh and, it's Dani" i say as Lauren and i walk over to the other girls.
Lauren gives me a high-five as we get into Christina's car.
I can't believe Lauren would do that for me!
We've only known each other for about a week.
I'm going to start school tomorrow, luckily it's home-school.
I would never fit in at normal school. I'm going to do 1st year high-school work, Lauren and Christian do 3d year stuff, Alex is doing 5th. The twins do primary stuff, not sure what grade. We all do gymnasium, if it's to hard we just go down a step. But that does mean doing Latin and Greek, but i can choose to stop one of those in the 4th year.

I hear Lauren's alarm going, it's one of their songs, Million Bucks.
Yes, the other girls are famous, i have to sing for them soon and then they can introduce me to the fans. I groan softly, and throw my covers off, trudging to the bathroom with a bunch of clothes before anyone else can hog it.
You see, the boys share a bathroom and the girls do, but because Lauren and i are the only girls that wake up this early, so sometimes one of the boys comes and goes in our bathroom.
I shower quickly and put on some clothes, i don't bother with makeup. Lauren puts on some makeup but leaves her pyjama's on. We both go downstairs, to be greeted by waffles.
Yum! I love waffles! I sit down and start eating. Katherine - who was cooking the waffles - laughs.
"You're such a cutie Dani" she says.
I smile at her.
Honestly, i love this family, i love it here. I just hope that it stays this great.
"You done?" Lauren asks. I nod, putting my plate in the kitchen.
We go over to the little library they have. There are desks, with cupboards next to them with some books on every plank.
I sit down next to the one that has 'Dani' written on it.
I look through the books on the plank named 'Monday', ah German! I'm quite good at German, i did it last year at school. I open the book on the first page, and grab a work book that's also for German. I just have to do one lessen and then i'm done with German. Okay, what do i have to do? The first two things i complete easily, but there are still three more things i have to do.
I look at the third one. Okay, i'll come back to that later. What about the fourth? Okay, maybe the fifth? Oh no. I don't understand at all. Okay, concentrate Danielle. You can do this.
"Need any help?" I look up and there is Lisa.
I blush slightly.
"Uhm, yes please." I say.
Lisa chuckles.
"No need to be embarrassed hun, so what do you need help with?" She asks, coming to sit next to me.
"Well, i've completed these first 2 sums, but the last three i don't really understand." I say.
"Well, we'll start with the third. Okay so what you need to do is finish of the sentences, and then write down the meaning, we'll start with the first. Okay, it's says: 'Ich .. Moira, what do you think it means?"
"I Moira?" I say.
"Yes! Now what do you think the middle word is?" She then asks.
"Uuhm? Bien?"
"Yes!" And that's how we got through German work. It was very easy after Lisa explained it! All i had to do afterwards was maths, geography and spelling. Lisa went to help the others after German, but Amy and Christina helped me with geography and maths. I was one of the last done, but i was done quickly! After we've done homework after lunch we're going to the beach.
"So, do you understand everything now?" Amy asks sitting next to me.
"Yeah! It was a bit hard at first bit with your help it got easier." I say, happily eating my ham and cheese roll.
"Did you do gymnasium before?" Amy asks.
"No, everyone thought i was thick, so i did quite a low level" i say.
"But your doing so well in gymnasium, how could you survive a low level?" Amy asks.
"Well i was quite bored, but i messed around a lot. Teachers ignored my A's, just focusing on me messing around." I say.
Amy laughs slightly.
"Uhm Amy, i don't have a swimming costume" i say, referring to going to the beach.
"No worries! There's a stall on the beach that sells really cute swimming costumes, you can buy on there and then get changed in the changing room." I smile.
I soon finish homework, it's just one page of everything we did today, which i finish quickly.
I then go to my room to get changed, i change into a pair of blue shorts, a blue vest and yellow crop top. The other girls also put their swimming costumes on under their clothes.
For shoes i just put on some red All Stars.
The beach is a two minute walk away, so us girls walk happily. When we get there Katherine and Lauren come with me to buy a swimming costume. I buy a turquoise one with some frills at the top.
(A/N Dani's swimming costume above ^)
I quickly get changed in the changing room, and then run to the other girls, who are all in the water, except Christina. "C'mon Dani, come in!" Lisa yells. I touch the water with my toe, it's so cold! "COME IN DANI!" Lauren then yells.
"It's fun, come in Dani!" Amy then yells.
And then all the girls yell for me to come in. I back away from the water, then i feel strong arms picking me up. I scream loudly, as the person throws me in the water. I come up, meeting a laughing Christina.
"Christina!" I yell, and run up to her, and pull her in.
She screams. Haha. Mission accomplished.
Then we are all splashing each other, pulling each other under. One of the best days of my life.

A/N aww, this chapter is cute. Poor Dani tho, her boyfriend cheating on her, stupid Lucas :/
I'd love some feedback and constructive criticism guys!

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