Abandoned // Chapter Ten

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*Word count: 1048*
"DANI, DANI, DANI. IT'S OVER. IT'S OKAY. NOBODY IS GOING TO HURT YOU ANYMORE. YOU GOT THAT? WE ARE ALL HERE TO HELP YOU." Lisa was screaming, i jumped out of flashback and ran into Lisa's arms. "It's okay baby doll. It's okay. Nothing is going to hurt you anymore. Nobody." Lisa kept saying after she told everyone except Lauren to leave. "I-i just-" i stop. I don't know how to explain it anymore. I looked up at Lisa with teary eyes. "I just don't anymore. My life is just so messed up. I'm broken and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to fix me." I say, a tear trickling down my face. "Danielle, that is absolutely not true. You had a few hard years, but that does not mean your whole life is messed up. It will get better, i promise." Lisa says. "Yeah Dani, you are our sister now. Our responsibility, one of us. We won't just leave you when you are upset. We will always be by your side." Lauren said, rubbing my arm in a soothing way.
"Thanks guys." I say, and smile softly at them. Lauren goes away for a minute before coming back with a wet cloth. "For the bleeding for on your head." She says, and puts the cloth on my head, where it's bleeding. "Thanks Lo." I snuggle into Lisa's chest and closed my eyes, i couldn't think of a better place to be.

I creep out of the bedroom and shiver. It's night, it's cold, and i'm only wearing a tank top and shorts. Great. I sneak out the front door, hopefully i'll be able to come back before anyone notices i'm gone. I run to the park, not wanting to be late. "Hello Ren, nice to see you made it. I thought you would bail on us." The girl that i met before said. What does she mean with us? "Us?" I question.
"Yes. Here are Sheila, Darlene, Veronica, Gio and Pat." She says. "Oh, and i am W." She then finishes. "Who are you?" Veronica hisses, coming closer. "I-i i am La- no Ren." I say.
"Well Ren, how old are you?" Pat asks, squinting at me. "Fourteen." "Perfect." All the girls smile and giggle at each other. "Now, let us begin." W says. "W-with what?" I stutter, partly because of the cold and partly because i'm scared. W smirks at me. Then she punches me. Hard. I cry out in pain and fall to the ground. Then Gio starts kicking me, screaming insults at me. Darlene joins in and so does Pat. Eventually i curl up into a ball and start sobbing. "It's not real, it's not real." I repeat. Hours seem to have passed and they finally stop. "Bye Ren!" W says with a fake happiness, and then she and the other girls leave. I lay there for a while, but then i manage to haul myself up and walk back home. Finally, after what seems like ages, i see my house. I walk in, go upstairs and then i fall asleep.
"Laur, Laur, Laur." I wake up and see Dani right in front me. "Lauren, why are you asleep on the floor, fully dressed, with bruises all over you?" Dani asks, raising her eyebrow. "Oh yeah. I-i woke up in the m-middle of the night, a-and i wanted to go for a walk? Yeah, a walk. Then i fell down and was so t-tired, i fell asleep here." I smile a fake smile at Dani. Dani raises her eyebrow again, but says nothing. I quickly run into the bathroom before anyone else sees my bruises. Makeup, makeup. Where is makeup? Ah, here! I cover all my bruises with makeup, and then i put on a long sleeved shirt and long trousers. "We're gonna film another cover Lo, you coming?" Amy asked, coming into the room. "Yep!" I say, faking happiness. Truth is i was hurting all over and i wanted to cry. We filmed the cover, surprisingly with very little bloopers. Lisa was quiet today, like something was bothering her. That's probably why there where very little bloopers. What's up with Lisa? I decide to take this over with my twin, i would've done it with Dani but as i still feel a bit awkward that she saw my bruises, i'll just talk to Christian about it.
I go to Christian and Alex's room, and reference The Big Bang Theory. *knock* "Christian" *knock* "Christian" *knock* "Christian". "Yes?" Christian opens the door looking quite annoyed. "I need to talk to you about something." I say and Christian backs up against the door and motions for me to come in. I walk in and sit on Alex's bed, while Christian sits on his bed. "What is it?" Christian asks, tapping his foot against the ground impatiently. That weenie can never sit still. "Lisa, she was super quiet while we where filming, and she seemed distracted the whole day. She keeps looking at her phone to." I explain. "Maybe, maybe boy trouble? That's what Christina did a lot to when her boyfriend before Nick." Christian suggested. "Christian you genius!" I run up to Christian and hug him, but end up pushing him over. We both lay on the bed, laughing. "We haven't had these special twin moments in a long time." Christian sighed.
"Yeah. How about we have a picnic on that special cliff tomorrow?" I suggest. Christian looks over at me and smiles. "Yeah!" Christian and i entwine hands, just like we used to do when we where younger.

"Amy. Aaamy. Amy. Earth to Amy." I poke Amy's face.
"What Dani? I'm trying to do homework." Amy finally answered.
"But this is important!" I whined.
Mum and Christina lifted their heads up to look at me, probably wondering why i wasn't telling them.
"Okay fine, i'll finish this later." Amy closed her book and looked at me. We both walked over to Amy's room.
"What is it?" Amy asked.
"It's about Lauren."

A/N lots of Laurstian! Lisa has boy trouble! And Dani is on to Lauren. Find out more next week in 'Abandoned!'
Just kidding, this isn't a tv show lol.

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