Abandoned // Chapter nine

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*Word Count: 1029*

"BYE MUM!" I said, and closed the door. I grabbed my skateboard and started skating to the park. What an amazing day it is! The sun is shining, dad cleaned my skateboard today, i finished my schoolwork very quickly, everyone else is still busy! Look, there's the park! I skate towards it and then jump off my skateboard, i walk towards a bench and sit down. "What's your name?" A girl with dirty blond hair asks, coming up to me. "Lauren." I say. "Hm, no. It's to... sweet. From now on your name is Ren." The girl says. I meekly nod. Why am i so shy? I don't want that name! "Good. Now, tonight, at 1 o'clock, you'll come meet me here. Wear short sleeves and shorts." What? No! "I-i don't w-want to." I say, stuttering. "Listen here Ren. You will come tonight. You have to." She says, and then she slaps me, hard. "Ouch!" I exclaim, holding my throbbing cheek. "That's for talking back to me. See ya tonight Ren!" She says and walks of. What have i gotten myself into now?


Something's up with Lauren. I know it is. She came back home shaking and with a red cheek, she said it was from heat, but if it was from heat it would be both cheeks. Lauren immediately went to the bathroom for a bath so i couldn't question her further. Hm. Being my curious 12 year old self, i decided to investigate further. So, i ended up putting my ear against the bathroom door and listening to Lauren inside. There seemed to be sobbing noises, is she ok? Before i can knock on the door and ask her, Katherine comes. "Dani? What are you doing?" Whoops. "I uhm-uuhm i was checking if the door was stable enough? Yeah! Yes, uhm the door is very stable, and it will definitely not break down!" I say, hoping she will buy my stupid excuse. "Well uhm, ok. Mum wants you to set the table for dinner." She gives me a weird look and walks away. I also hear Lauren getting out of the bath, so i quickly run downstairs to set the table. "Hi darling, can you pop out to the store to get some milk?"  Mum said. "Okay, i'll just set the table first." I say and set the table. "Here's some money, this shall be enough. Don't take to long, dinner is nearly ready." She says and hands me some money. I put my shoes on quickly and go out, but i do meet Lisa on the way. "Hey Dani where are you going?" "Just the store, mum wants milk." I say, Lisa smiles at me and walks away. I walk out of the garden and down the street. I'm happy with my life. Yes, i still can't really eat properly, but it's getting better. I walk happily on the pavement, seeing the store already. The sun's shining slightly but it looks like it'll start raining, i'd better hurry up. I start running, and let out a sigh of relieve as i reach the shop and walk inside i walk to the isle with the milk in it. The heck? Why are there so many packets of milk? Half full, whole full, cows milk, goats milk. I eventually buy one with a cute picture of a baby cow on it. I pay for it and then walk out. Awe dang, it's raining, i start running, but i must look totally stupid with a packet of milk in my hand, and then i bang into someone and let out a weird kind of squeal and drop the milk. Ugh embarrassing, i hope i don't know this pe- Lucas? "Hi Danielle." Lucas says with a smirk. "Lucas, p-please don't h-hurt me, i-i i'm sorry, p-please." I stutter, seriously scared. "You told your mommy didn't you? And she obediently came running along to my mum, and told her. Do you know how much trouble you put me in?" He says, smirking and pulling me towards him. I start trembling. "I'm s-so s-sorry. Please Lucas, p-please don't hurt me." I start to sob, begging him to leave me alone. "Now, now Danielle. What you did was wrong, you need to be punished." He says, pulling my hair and pushing me to the ground, i scrape my hands and they sting painfully. I start begging and pleading for him to stop, i probably look like a mess. He starts beating me up, it's one of the worst beatings i've ever had, and if you knew what my parents did to me, you'd know how bad this is. And then he finally stopped. He looked at me, and then just walked away. He left me. He freaking left me. What a douche. I tried to stand up but ended up crying out in pain. "Dani? Baby what happend?" I looked up and saw Lisa. "L-lise, h-help" i spoke in a raspy quiet voice, Lisa ran up to me and picked me up. "It's gonna be okay Dan, i promise." She kept saying over and over as she put me in the car, lying down, and went to the front seat and started driving. We got home quickly, i was still sobbing. Lisa tried picking me up but i was in so much pain, so she eventually just sat beside me. "where does it hurt the most?" Lisa asked. "M-my head. I'm d-dizzy." I stutter. "Okay Dani, i'm going to pick you up and bring you inside, and it's going to hurt. But you just have to stay very still and i'll do it as quick as possible." Lisa says, and she picks me up. I let out a cry of pain again, but soon i'm put on a bed, Lisa's bed. "See Dani, it's okay." Lisa says Alex and my sisters come storming in, seeing if i'm okay. Someone calls me Danielle, and it reminds me so much of Lucas, i immediately go into flashback.

A/N aww, poor Dani and Lauren :(

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