Abandoned // Chapter Two

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*Word count: 1129*

"So how old are you?" Alex asks.
Christina introduced me to him, he's 17 year's old.
"i'm 12" i reply.
"Really? You look much older!" He says.
I smile a short smile and look down, twiddling with my hands.
What if they don't like me? What? Danielle! Why do you care so much about what they think about you? Maybe because they're different...
"We're here!" Lynne says. She said it was ok if i wasn't comfortable with calling her and Mike mum and dad yet, and i could call them by there names for now.
I feel a sudden wave of nervousness wash over me. It's a big house, there are surely going to be more siblings. What if they don't like me?
"What's wrong?" Christina asks seeing that i wasn't getting out of the car. "What if you start to hate me?" I say, still looking down.
Christina lifts my head up so i'm staring into her mesmerizing blue eyes. "That will never happen" she says, pulling me into a hug after. "Oh, and i'd better warn you, you have quite a lot of siblings." She then says.
I walk into the house, it's so beautiful! There's a piano and a chandelier! "KATHERINE WHERE ARE YOU?!" Christina yells in the loudest voice i've ever heard, i think my eardrums just burst.
"WITH LO, CHRIS AND AMY!" Katherine - i assume - yells back.
"WELL GET DOWN HERE AND BRING LISE, MICHEAL AND THE TWINS WITH YOU!" I faintly hear Katherine yelling, and then a whole load of kids start running down the stairs.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Christina yells again.
Everyone is quiet.
"This is Danielle, our new sister." She says, pointing at me.
They all look at me. There we go again.
Their judging me.
"How old are you?" A girl asks.
"12, 13 on the 15th of June." I answer.
"Yes! I'm not the youngest girl anymore!" A dark haired girl cheers.
"Well, i'm Micheal, i'm 23, your oldest and most mature sibling." Micheal introduces himself.
"I'm Christina, as you already knew, and i'm 22." Christina then says.
"I'm Katherine, i'm 21." Another girl says, with a warm smile. She smells like brownies.
"I'm Lisa, i'm 19." A girl introduces herself a bit shyly. Well, we both have something in common, shy with new people.
"I'm Amy, i'm 18 and i love fairies, taco's and ponies a lot haha" a small girl says.
"I'm Alex and i'm 17 as you already knew" he says the last bit mockingly, obviously mocking Christina. Christina just sticks her tongue out at him.
"I'm Lauren and i'm 14, i'm Christian's fraternal twin, but i'm the oldest by 4 minutes" Says the girl who cheered.
"Well i'm Christian, and i'm 14. I'm Lauren's younger fraternal twin by 4 minutes." This time Christian is mocking Lauren, instead of Alex mocking Christina.
"I'm Nick, i'm 10. I guess i'm Joey's older twin by like 5 seconds. We look a like but i have a scar on my forehead and darker eyes. I like football a lot! Do you?"
"Well, i've never really played it." I answer. Nick mumbles something about teaching me it, but i can't really hear.
"I'm Joey, i'm 10. I have a mole on my cheek and lighter eyes than Nick. I like football to!"
"Well i'm Danielle, i'm 12. My surname and middle name are stupid." I introduce myself.
"What's you surname and middle name then?" Lisa or Lauren asks.
"J and Kleckenberg. That's right. My name is Danielle J Kleckenberg" i laugh softly, a few people join in, but they don't seem to be laughing at me, but with me. Strange.
"Well now you are a Cimorelli, and we can always change your middle name." Mike -or dad- says.
"To what?" I ask.
"Oh! Can it be Nicole? I think it suits Dani's name perfectly!" Lauren says.
"Dani?" I ask.
"Yeah, can i call you that?" She then says.
"Of course! And i like the name Nicole." I say softly.
"Sorted then! We're getting the adoption papers soon, so we can write your name down as Danielle Nicole Cimorelli!" Lynne says.
Danielle Nicole Cimorelli...
Dani Cimorelli..
I like it.

"So this is your room, you get the bottom bunk, Lauren the top bunk and Lisa the single, Stina, Kath and i are right next door." Amy says showing me my room. I'm guessing Stina is a nickname for Christina, seeing as it's ChriSTINA.
Whatever, i'm weird i know.
"Well, shall i help you unpack?" Lauren asks.
"Yes please." I ask shyly.
I put down my bag and sit beside it, and then open it.
I haven't got much, just 2 t-shirts, a vest, one pair of jeans, one pair of leggings, and one pair of shorts + a pair of tights.
"We'd better buy you some more clothes." Lauren says.
"Oh no no! I don't want you to spend money on me!" I disagree.
Lauren laughs a bit.
"Dani, you're our sister now. Part of the family. Soon we'll introduce you to our fans. Of course we'll spend money on you!"
Part of the family... I get a sudden warm feeling in my stomach. Home, i think i've finally found a home.

"Dani, Dani, Dani! Try this on!" Lisa says, holding up a blue and black checkered shirt, plus a black vest and blue shorts.
"Leave the shirt unbuttoned!" I go into the changing room and try it on, without looking into the mirror, i step outside. Lisa gasps.
"Don't you like it? I'm sorry, this is a waste of time. I know i'm ugly a-" i start rambling nervously.
"No no no! I love it! Baby girl you are anything but ugly! You are the most gorgeous person i have ever seen and this looks amazing on you! I think we've finally found your style!"
"Ames, Chris, Kath, Lo, come look!" Lisa calls the other girls.
They come and gasp when they see me.
They all of them start saying how beautiful it is and how amazing i look.
"Thanks guys" i smile at them.
I buy some more similar outfits, plus a dress and a skirt.
Then i just hang around waiting for the other girls.
They are all so beautiful, i wish i looked like them.
Even though they did say i was beautiful..
Maybe they where lying?
Well, they are still the sweetest girls ever, and i am enjoying myself a lot here. Then i look to my right, and there is my boyfriend, kissing another girl.

A/N OH. MY. GOSH. thanks everyone for the votes and comments, i love all of you guys wow. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, next chapter will be posted on Tuesday.
-Isobel (IG: Flyawaycim)

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