Abandoned // Chapter Four

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*Word count: 1116*

"WAKE UP WEENIES!" I hear Lisa yell.
I groan softly and sit up, just to be met by the top bunk, slamming onto my head. Ouch.
"Shut up, you ugli bun" i joke, trying to find something to match up to her 'Weenies'. I found out in the past week that everyone in this family calls each other weenies, and i made it my mission to make up a new name for everyone.
"Ugli bun?" Lisa questions.
"Yes." Is my short reply as i pick up a bunch of clothes and hurry into the bathroom.
I strip of my night clothes, which was just a pair of heart boxers and a black vest. I get into the shower and just stand there for a few minutes, doing nothing. It's so nice, so peaceful. I'm finally happy. When i start to smell pancakes i quickly hop out of the shower and dry myself off. I've become really close with Lauren, Lisa even made a ship name for us, 'Dauren'. I also really like playing football, or jumping on the trampoline with the little boys.
Lisa and Christina are really the ones to talk to about boys, or insecurities. They helped me a lot with Lucas, i'm completely over him now. Okay, that's a lie. But i do know he's a complete jerk. I mean, he cheated on me! I'm slowly moving on now, i don't need a boyfriend, i'm perfectly happy with 10 crazy siblings.
It's currently Saterday, yay! No work for two days!!
School work is quite easy, and i finish quickly, after that i have time to play around.
The girls have told everyone on Twitter that they have a new sister, and to ask questions about me and the other girls to, today we are going to film a Q and A, tomorrow we're filming my first cover, Photograph! I'm so excited.
I get dressed and run downstairs eating some pancakes and then i went to the film room, which is basically just the attic, but it has a comfortable bed in it. All my sisters where waiting, except Lisa.
Amy scoots over and pats the bed next to her, gesturing for me to sit next to her and Lauren, which i do. "LISA! HURRY UP!" Christina calls. Ouch, that loud voice again.
Lisa comes running in, looking beautiful as always.
"I'm here, i'm here!" She says sitting next to Christina, who is next to Amy.
"Okay Dani, sing!" Amy says excitedly.
"What song?" I ask.
"Whatever song has the right tone for your voice." Lisa says.
I take a deep breath, and start singing Helplessly.
"DANI!!! YOU ARE SO AMAZING WOW WOW WOW!" Lauren yells! I laugh softly.
"You are really good Dani! I have the perfect part for you in Photograph!" Christina goes to print the parts, and hands us all the sheet. I start, cool! Then Lisa.
"Okay, shall we film the Q and A now?" Katherine asks.
We all nod.
From left to right it's Katherine, Lauren, me, Amy, Christina, Lisa.
Christina turns on the camera and sits down.
"Hi i'm Christina!"
"I'm Katherine!"
"I'm Lisa!"
"I'm Amy!"
"I'm Lauren!"
"And we're Cimorelli!"
"Hi everyone! So today we are going to do a Q and A, but not alone, this is our new sister Danielle!" Christina starts.
"But everyone calls her Dani!" Lauren then says.
I smile and wave at the camera, i can't tell you how awkward it is to talk to a camera.
"Let's start!" Amy says, Christina gets her phone and goes on Twitter.
"Okay, first question. How old is your new sister?"
"I am 12" i say.
Christina hands her phone to Katherine.
"Second question, are you guys going to have a tour soon?"
"Well, we are still discussing stuff, but we hope so!" Lisa says.
Wow, it would be nice if someone told me that.
Then Lisa gets the phone.
"Third question, what are your birth dates?"
"My birthday is 12th of August, 1992." Christina says.
"My birthday is 4th of March, 1993" Katherine says.
"My birthday is 19th of September, 1994" Lisa says pulling a face.
"My birthday is 1st of July, 1996" Amy says, with a smile.
"My birthday is 12th of August, 2000" Lauren says
"My birth date is 15th of June, 2002." I say.
The fourth question, that Amy reads out is asking about our heights.
"I'm 5'7"
"i'm 5'7"
"I am 4'10"
I've always wondered why Amy was that small, i'll ask her later.
Then there's Lauren's question.
"Amy, why are you so small? Not to be rude" Amy just laughs.
"Well, i've got this disorder called Turners Syndrome, which affects my growth." She says.
Then it's my turn to read out a question.
"Uhm let's see. Why do you have crooked fingers?" I say.
"It's genetic, Lisa and i don't have it, neither does Alex or Christian. The rest got it from our dad." Christina explains.
And more questions like that. We messed about, and laughed a lot. Lisa did cry a bit about a question about her body image issues, but she was laughing again after.
Then Christina goes up to turn off the camera.
"Okay, for the outro we'll do the same as the intro, but Dani, this time you'll say your name after Lauren's, just: 'and i'm Dani' and then we say 'we're Cimorelli' got it?" Christina says.
"Got it!" I say with a nod.
Christina turns the camera on again and sits down.
"This was our Q and A video! I'm Christina!"
"I'm Katherine!"
"I'm Lisa!"
"I'm Amy!"
"I'm Lauren!"
"And i'm Dani!"
"And we're Cimorelli!" Christina goes to stop the video.
"Okay, i'll go edit it, hopefully it will be up tomorrow." Lisa says and goes of with the camera.
"Christina, can you help me with my solo?" I ask Christina.
"With mine to?" Lauren asks.
"Sure babes, let's go to the music room" I follow Lauren and Christina.
"Okay, Dani, stand up straight. Good. Now start singing, sing from your stomach. Okay, try putting a hand on your stomach." I do everything she tells me to, singing is a lot easier!
"Okay, Lauren. Do the same." Christina says when i'm done.
"Perfect! Keep practicing guys, when Lisa's done we can practice harmonizing" Christina says.
I'm so excited! But what will the fans think of me?
Will they like me? Will they hate me?
Of course they'll hate me! I'm horrible and ugly and i can't sing.
I don't want to be in the band anymore... But i do!
Oh no, what do i do?

A/N chapter four! Oh Dani, the fans will love you! What do you guys think of my book so far?

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