Abandoned // Chapter Five

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*Word count: 1019*

"Danielle.. Dani. Look i'm sorry. Please, i love you."
Lucas called me, and said this.
Yes, i miss him, but he cheated on me!
"Dani, i'm sorry. Just, just please meet me at the beach in twenty minutes."
"Okay, Lucas." I say and hang up.
I quickly put on some tights, plus a nice flower dress i bought, and i curl my hair.
"I'm going to the beach guys!" I call out as i leave.
"Okay! Be back soon, we need to film the cover!" Christina calls out.
I walk to the beach, and i immediately spot Lucas.
"Hi Danielle, Dani i mean" he says.
"Hi Lucas. Look, i love you a lot, but you cheated on me, and that hurts. I don't know if i can get back together with you." I explain.
I really hope he understands, just hope he's not to disappointed.
But Lucas smirks, and grabs my hand, pulling me towards him.
"Oh darling, you will get back together with me."
My heart starts beating faster. Is he forcing me to be his girlfriend? No. No, no.
"No, Lucas. I will not be your girlfriend." I say firmly.
I am this close to punching this douche in the face.
"Oh Danielle, i'm afraid you have no choice." I struggle to get away, but Lucas forces his lips on to me. I don't kiss back, i refuse to kiss him!
Lucas pulls away.
"Oh now, now, why did you not kissing me back?" Lucas says.
"Get away from me you pedophile!" I yell at him, struggling to get away.
Tears start to build up in my eyes. Please, someone help me.
"HELP! HELP ME!" I yell.
Lucas slaps me, hard.
"Ow!" I yell, my hand rushing to my cheek.
"Now listen here Danielle, you are going to get back together with me and do everything i say, got it?" He asks.b
"No! You freak let me go!" I struggle more.
Lucas punches me in the stomach, and i fall down, he starts kicking me.
"You *kick* will *kick* do *kick* everything *kick* i *kick* say! *kick*"
"Yes, yes i will! Please stop!" I plead, but still, i am not going to  cry.
Lucas now smiles, and helps me up.
"Sorry i had to do that, but you deserved it. Now my beautiful girlfriend, what do you say?" He asks.
"T-thank y-you" i stammer.
"For what?" Lucas pushes.
"For p-punishing m-me"
"That's it."
I run home, it's getting dark.
I let myself in, the door is nearly always open.
"Danielle! You're late! We couldn't film the cover without you!" Lisa yells at me.
"S-sorry" i stammer.
"Lisa, chill. We can film the cover tomorrow." Amy says, placing a hand on Lisa's shoulder.
"Dani, are you okay?" She asks
"Y-yeah. But i'm tired, i'm gonna get some sleep." I say and run upstairs.i
I end up crying crying myself to sleep.

"Lauren on the piano, Dani on that stool, Lisa standing next to her. Katherine next to me, Amy in front of Katherine. Okay, perfect!" Christina orders us where to stand.
"Okay Dani, you know the intro right?" Lisa asks.
"Right." I nod.
Christina turns the camera on and sits down.
"Hey I'm Christina! I'm Katherine! I'm Lisa! I'm Amy! I'm Lauren! And i'm Dani! And we're Cimorelli!" We say the intro flawlessly.
"We're going to sing Photograph by Ed Sheeran."
Christina starts playing the piano. Okay Dani, deep breath. You can do this. I open my mouth to start singing, when i suddenly hear a loud noise next to me. "Lisa!" Everyone yells.
"Sorry." Lisa says sheepishly.
"Why are you always the one to burp?" Amy asks.
"I can burp on command." Christina says and burps.
"I can to!" I say and burp to.
"You guys are disgusting!" Lauren jokes.
The bloopers have begun.
It takes about two hours to get it right, with Lisa's burps, Amy's laughing, the little boys playing. I mess up my solo a bit at first, but it's okay, because so do Lauren and Christina.
Who knew filming could be this fun?
"Okay guys, i'll go edit this beauty." Lisa says and walks away with the camera. "Lise, can i help?" I ask.
"Sure Dan! I'll teach ya how." Lisa and i edit and then upload it, it will hopefully be up by tomorrow.
'Hey babe😘' it's a text from Lucas.
'Hi!' As you can see i refuse to send a kiss or heart emoji.
"Lucas? Wasn't that the guy that cheated on you?" Lauren is looking over my shoulder.
"Hey! That's my private business!" I snatch my phone away.
"Sorry! But why did you get back together with Lucas?" Lauren asks.
"He's changed!" I argue. I want to say that he beats me up, but i can't. If i tell anyone, he'll kill me!
"Okay Dani, i believe you. But if he does anything to you, you break up with him immediately, got it?" Lauren says sternly.
I nod, and Lauren leaves. I go to the bathroom and lift up my shirt, the bruises look terrible.
"Dani, you okay in there?" It's Katherine.
"Yeah, i'm done now!" I say and flush the toilet to make it seem like i was on the toilet.
"Why is there a bruise on your cheek?" Katherine asks as i come out,
"I wasn't looking out and i banged against a pole haha, silly me." I turn it into a joke. Katherine doesn't look like she believes it, but she let's it slide and walks into the bathroom. I sigh in relief.
I walk downstairs and lie down on the couch, and watch Big Time Rush. I love that show so much! James is my favourite. I honestly don't like Kendall, but i guess he's okay. Gustavo i like to, he's funny, and so is Griffin. I remember when i saw the very first episode, i thought it was a commercial, haha. Good times.
Then i get a text. 'Meet me at the beach, NOW!'

A/N chapter 5!! Feedback would be amazing guys, thanks💕

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