Abandoned // Chapter Six

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*Word count: 1114*

"Hi Lucas." I say, putting my hands in my coat pockets, shivering from the cold.
"Hi babe." He says, kissing me.
It's horrible, so forced. I don't want to kiss back, but i have to. I hate it.
"Now baby, tomorrow, you will meet me at the back of the local high school, 4 PM." Lucas said.
I nod. Lucas slaps me.
"Verbal answer!" He says, i whimper.
"Y-yes, Lucas." I say, my teeth clattering, it's so cold.
"Okay, babe, bye!" Lucas says and kisses my cheek before leaving. I fall to the ground, hitting my knee hard and letting out a sob. Why is my life so terrible? I could also tell someone. Who? Christian maybe? Yes, Christian would help keep it a secret. But maybe Lucas will stop? If he doesn't i will tell Christian. I sit on the sand for ages.
"Dani? Are you okay?" It's Amy. I look up, it's Amy and Lauren.
"Y-yeah, i fell down, that's all" i say, forcing myself to smile.
"Are you sure?" Lauren asks.
"Yeah! Why are you guys here?" I ask, standing up.
"We where looking for you! Dani, it was raining and you where out here!" "It was raining?" I touch my hair, it's soaking wet.
Oh. "Come, let's go home." Lauren says. I start walking but fall down again. "Ah, my knee!" I hiss.
"Uhm, ah! See if this works." Lauren puts one arm under my legs and her other arm on my back, then she scoops me up and starts carrying me.
I lean my head against her chest, and close my eyes. I can feel the rain splash against my head again. I start thinking about everything, why now, when my life is so perfect?
I can faintly hear Lauren and Amy talking.
"She's so light! crazily light. Ames, she's just about the same weight as Nick!" Lauren says.
"But she eats a lot, we'll try talking to her about it later okay? Maybe she's naturally skinny and light." Amy says.
"She's so cute when she sleeps." "Yeah, i'm glad she's our little sister now" i fall asleep smiling.

"Dani, Dan. Wake up baby." I groan softly and wake up in Lauren's arms, Lisa the one who spoke.
"Dani, take a quick shower, okay? Then we'll have a movie night." I nod and stand up walking towards the stairs, Lauren helping me.
I go in the bathroom, and lock the door. I take all my clothes off, ouch, the bruises on my stomach are bad, so is the cut on my knee. I get in the shower and turn the water on. I hiss when the water gets in contact with my knee, but after that it feels nice. I get out of the shower and dry myself off, putting on a t-shirt that's to long for me, it's one of the girls merchandise shirts, Renegade. It's not out yet, but Lisa had two and gave one to me, even tho it's 4 inches or so to long. I unlock the door and go to Christina, Amy and Katherine's room, all the other girls are there in pyjamas. They gasp when they see my knee, which is bleeding, plus has a horrific bruise on it. Katherine grabs a bag with all doctor stuff in it. She first dabs away the blood and then puts a plaster on the cut, and give's me something for the bruise. Then i snuggle up under the covers next to Christina and Lauren, and we start watching the movie. It's Pitch Perfect. We all laugh at the funny bits. When it's over we sit down in a circle, and start to play Truth or Dare. "I'll start! Kath, truth or dare?"  Lauren says.
"Uhm, truth." Katherine answers. "Worst date you've ever been on?" Lauren asks. "I was 17, i was at the park with some guy that had 0 brain cells. When i told him something he said wasn't true, he called me a stupid bi-, uh brat, and walked off." We all aww-ed. "okay, Dani. Truth or dare?" Katherine asks me. "Well i'm feeling adventurous, so hit me with your best dare!" I say, raising my eyebrows in a daring way. "Clench your fist and sit on it for 5 minutes, and then try to punch the wall." I do and the rest continue with Truth or Dare. When i'm done, i stand up, walk to a wall and try to punch it. Key word try. First time i try to lift it it falls down, then i try again, but hardly hit it, the third time i manage to punch it though, hearing all the giggles of the other girls. That night secrets where told, dares where performed, and a crazy amount of stuff was done.
"Okay Dani, truth or dare?" Lisa asked me.
"Truth!" I said. I hadn't done truth for ages, about time i did.
"I know this is personal, and it must hurt, but i just want to help you, i love you and want what's best for you, okay? How did you land in an orphanage?" Boom. Bomb explodes.
"That is none of your business!" I snap harshly at Lisa.
Lisa and the others jump.
"Dani, i-" Lisa starts, but i cut her of.
"No! That is extremely personal! I can't believe you!" I yell.
"Danielle!" Christina snaps, getting angry.
I hold my breath. There, i did it again. I messed up, like always.
"Lise, i-i'm sorry, i didn't- look i-i it just- goodnight." I run out of the room, tears running down my face. They're gonna return me, definitely. They hate me. Lisa just wanted to help me! I'm such a mess up, such a freak. I run into the bathroom, looking frantically around for something to stop the pain. There it is. I spot Mike's razor. I slowly walk towards it. Am i really going to do this? I pick up the razor, and in one go slice it across my wrist. It feels... Amazing. I do it again. And again.
1, for being a freak.
2, for yelling at Lisa.
3, for being a mess up.
4, for not being able to do anything right.
5, for being so ugly.
I clean up the mess, and put the razor back. Then i cover up my scars with makeup. Then i walk to my room, Lisa and Lauren aren't there yet. I climb into bed, and start crying again. When did my life get so complicated?

A/N aww guys thanks for the comments on my last chapter! Started school yesterday :( have you guys started school already?

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