How It Use to Be and How I Want it To Be, and My Plans For Her

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Chapter 5; How It Used to Be and How I Want It to Be, and My Plans For Her




The sound of my feet slamming onto the pavement echoed in my ears, and my legs burned with every step I took, my breathing erratic and my hair whipping in the wind. I was running- sprinting home as fast as I could, turning down the twisting streets I had now started to become familiar with.

I couldn't believe I had just left like that; so easily, so quickly, without a trace of decent motive, thoughtful reason, or even a lame excuse. All I could think about was Motorcycle boy. And how with him, standing in the same room, it was like all the air I had was being sucked out of my lungs. Horribly uncomfortable, and hardly worth staying behind for any longer.

I had already gotten the job, and it wasn't like I wasn't planning on going right back tomorrow to start it, but with him at that very moment it was like I just couldn't breathe.

But then I remembered, he wasn't a stranger anymore. He wasn't motorcycle boy either. I was finally able to put a name to his face.


The boy who had single-handedly ruined my Summer, the boy who had just yelled at me back at the record store. The boy who might have been extremely gorgeous, but was clouded with coldness; entirely rude and judgmental.

I dodged a street sign, picking up the pace as I neared my house.

I knew he would be hardest on me for running out, but it wasn't his forgiveness I would need; it would be Odie's. And he seemed like the forgiving type, unlike the awful person I was going to be stuck with for the entire summer.

The words caused anger to bubble in the pit of my stomach and rise to my throat, making me want to gag in disgust.

The entire summer. Unbelievable.

As I found the familiar curve of my street, I ran towards my house, arriving right before I started choking wildly and coughed up a lung for escaping all the way back here. Sweat produced on my forehead quicker than ever, and as I fumbled with the keys and pushed open the front door, my limbs tingled with exhaustion.

The door smacked into the wall opposite of me, and I winced, hoping it didn't make a hole. Or at least; one that I couldn't cover up. My mom never noticed things anyhow.

I panted madly, trying to get my breathing down to a level where it didn't sound like I was going to pass out, before slipping my phone from my pocket. I retreated through the kitchen and over to the living room, letting out a loud, "Mom, I'm home!" Before realizing she wasn't and plopping onto the couch.

How long would it be until she was back this time? Before midnight, or after? I sighed. Some things would never change.

The icy air conditioning swirled around me, being a source of relief and leaving a chill throughout my insides all at once. I shook as I wiped my forehead, punching the dialer on my phone and holding it up to my ear once I clicked call.

I waited for the line to pick up, tapping my fingers on the couch relentlessly.

There was one ring, two, three, and then a final;


I didn't waste any time.

"Millie, come over. I have something to tell you."

There was no pause, and a brief, "I'll be over in ten." before the line went dead.


"No way. No freaking way." Millie said, each word more exaggerated than the last, her eyes wide. She was in as much shock as I was, pacing around my living room with her hand covering her mouth. I couldn't tell if she wanted to laugh, or was actually concerned with how horrible of a situation this really was.

My Record Store RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now