Chapter Seventeen

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  • Dedicated to Georgia again, again x

A/N: Sorry for the slow/rubbish/short update as per usual, yet again not checked, hoping my beta will message me with the many corrections ??

“Harry, what if they don’t like me?”

It’s been 5 days after the little accident with Georgia but now Louis and Harry were stronger than ever, so strong in fact that Harry thought this was a perfect time to introduce Louis to his friends, as in Zayn and Niall. As in Niall that Harry first saved Louis from and has constantly bullied Louis nearly every day at school over the past 7 years, maybe that’s one of the small reasons that Louis is worried. Or maybe it’s because he is going to have to talk to Zayn for the first time, Zayn Malik who is nearly as popular as Harry, still has all the girls after him and has the most intimidating haircut Louis had ever seen, the tattoos do not help either. And of course, “What if they don’t like me?” was the first question that popped into Louis’ head at the first mention of a meeting.

“It’s impossible not to like you Louis, you are adorable!” Harry cooed, twirling Louis’ hair around his finger which was very easily done considering the position they were laid in on the bed, Harry with his head propped up by some cushions and Louis resting his head on Harry’s chest.

Louis snorted, “Well Niall has managed to hate me ever since primary school” Louis deadpanned, ignoring the way Harry froze slightly and his grip tightened around Louis, obviously remembering when Louis had asked Harry to stop Niall hurting him and had pretty much broken down in front of him.

“But he will know how much you mean to me for me to introduce you to them that he’ll apologize and you can become friends. Plus Niall is not as scary out of school, he’s like a little bunny rabbit…except he doesn’t have dodgy teeth anymore.” Harry said, continuing to stroke Louis’ hair.

“But will they still like you though, when they find out your gay?” Louis questioned, nuzzling deeper into Harry’s collarbones.

“They know I’m bisexual, but I’ve never been with a boy before, well not that they know of, for them to react” Harry said, moving his arm to adjust to Louis’ new position.

“When are they coming over?” Louis asked, watching as Harry’s eyes flickered over to the clock hanging on the wall in his bedroom and watched as his eyes widened.

“Anytime now! Quick, off the bed, I need to make it” Harry stressed, patting at Louis’ hip to get him to hurry and stand up. Louis groaned but nevertheless he still stood up obediently and waited at the side of the bed as Harry lifted the duvet up and placed it back down on the mattress so all the crinkles were straight. When the bed was made Harry scanned the room looking for anything that was out of place or needed a tidy, he redeemed the room ‘okay’ as he turned to the mirror on the inside of his wardrobe to check his hair was neat.

All too soon there was a knock at the door and Harry was turning around to bug Louis and reassure him,

“It’ll be fine babe, Niall won’t hurt you, and if he even tries to lay a finger on you he won’t have any fingers left” Harry soothed (well as soothing as you can get). Louis nodded into Harry’s neck and he was released as he followed Harry who was leading his way down the stairs, Louis’ hand clasped in his own.

When they reached the door Louis took one last deep breath and Harry gave his hand a squeeze before turning the handle down to reveal Zayn and Niall. They were both dressed similarly to Harry, with dark black jeans, a black top with some bright coloured rock band logo on and heavy, studded boots. When Niall first laid his eyes on Luis they automatically darkened,

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, he’s your bloody boyfriend? It’s bad enough you being half queer, but with him? That’s taking the fucking mick mate” Niall growled, his eyes never leaving Louis’ face even though it was obvious he was talking to Harry, “Was it him who turned you like this? Did you catch the bloody disease?” Niall continued. Louis could see Harry’s muscles visibly hardening as he clenched the hand not holding Louis’ into a fist before releasing it again, then closing it back up, as if trying to calm himself and resist himself to not punch Niall. Louis cowered behind Harry, even though Niall looked didn’t look like he was about to hurt anybody, he knew first hand that he was not harmless and could turn in a split second. Zayn coughed awkwardly from beside Niall, using his shoes to roll some of the pebbles around on the ground, Louis watched him for a moment before his gaze flickered back to Niall, ready for some self-defence if he did suddenly pounce.

“Niall shut the fuck up! It’s not a bloody disease it’s just a sexuality, and if you don’t like it, you can just leave” Harry said, his voice low and defensive, wrapping his arm tight around Louis even though it must have been uncomfortable as he had to bend his arm behind him and round Louis’ waist. Louis leaned into the touch, feeling safer in Harry’s arms, knowing he wouldn’t let anyone hurt him; he nuzzled his face into the back of Harry’s neck, hiding away from the two boys in front of him, still careful not to smudge his eyeliner. Louis felt Harry shiver but he didn’t move at all.

“Well before he came you weren’t a fag” Niall said, disgust lacing his voice.  

“Well maybe because the only guys I hung out with before Louis was you two and to be quite honest, you’re just a dick and Zayn has Perrie, not that I could ever love you anyway, Niall” Harry agued, his voice rising slightly but the low tone remained unscathed.  Niall broadened his stance when Harry insulted him, almost as if he was superior, but everyone there knew if there was ever a fight between Harry and Niall, Harry would definitely win, no question about it. Zayn remained silent; he kept his eyes trained to the grown, acting oblivious to the argument happening beside him.

“What the fuck Harry? I’ve been your friend for like, forever and this is how you treat me? Maybe we should just fuck off then and leave you with you pretty little boyfriend” Niall sneered, turning on his heel to walk back down the path, not even checking to see if Zayn was following him.

“Please fucking do” Harry shouted after Niall, anger clear in his voice. When Niall was halfway down the street, Zayn spoke up for the first time,

“I should, er, go after him” Zayn stuttered, talking to Harry. Harry nodded in reply, giving him the go ahead for him to leave, before Zayn turned and left like Niall, he nodded in Louis’ direction and said, “It was lovely to meet you Louis, I’m sorry about Niall, I’m sure Harry will treat you well.” And with that Zayn was gone, slumping his shoulders and trudging after Niall.  When the pair were safely gone, Harry spun around and hung both of his hands loosely on Louis’ hips,

“Well, Zayn approves and lets not talk about Niall” Harry smiled slightly, not quite reaching his eyes but it was enough to reassure Louis that Harry wasn’t mad that he had caused Harry to lose ½ of his gang, “How about tea and cuddles and Love Actually on the sofa” Harry asked softly, already leading Louis towards the kitchen and to the kettle. Louis nodded nevertheless, yeah, tea, cuddles, Love Actually and Harry sounded perfect.

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