Chapter Eight

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Hey to the readers of the fanfic! I'd just like to say I LOVE GEORGIA SOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN! If i was gay i would go out with her but I'm not so.... yeah!! She's amazing and extremely good looking i mean omfg anyways on with the story :D xxx


Hey Harry, wanna come over today? My mum is out so I thought we could chill for abit-Lou

Is that okay? Is that a socially acceptable question? Louis’ mum and sisters really were not there, leaving a completely empty house for Louis alone, a perfect time to invite Harry round, Louis had first thought of asking Liam, but he was busy at some Physics club or something, what a geek. It shows what kind of people only want to hang around with him. So that left Harry, beautiful, enticing Harry. But to say he was struggling with thinking of a nice way to ask was an understatement. He had already had to clear his drafts box on his phone at least twice because it was becoming too full.

Wanna come round to my house? We could watch a movie or something –Lou

Okay that was sort of alright, Louis quickly sent it before he had chance to analyse it too much. His phone buzzed merely seconds after sending the text,

Okay, what’s your address, I can be five mins x –Haz

Louis quickly typed out his address; he tried not to look too deep into the kiss at the end, mostly for his own sake so he would not get his hopes up. Right, five minutes, just enough time to have a quick tidy of his bedroom which was a complete and utter tip.


Harry wasn’t meant to sleep over, no really he wasn’t. But they had just finished watching Titanic (Harry’s choice, obviously a closet romantic at heart) and with him bawling his eyes out, Louis could not just let him walk home in the dark (even though nobody would dare lay a finger on Harry) so Louis just threw a blanket over them both and fell asleep on the sofa, snuggled next to Harry with his arm slung loosely over his waist. After all, his mum was in London with the girls until late tomorrow afternoon, so surely they would not get caught.


Yeah it seemed a good idea last night, Harry sleeping over, but Louis had to go to church, it was Sunday, God’s day of rest, the most important day to visit God’s house, and Louis would be damned, literally, if he didn’t go. Louis looked at the sleeping punk beside him, what should he do? Leave him to sleep while he goes or kick him out, or…take him with him? It would be nice for some company whilst he was there, even if it was just singing hymns and praying, Louis blinked once and shoved Harry’s shoulder lightly,

“Hazza, Harry wake up” he whispered when all he received was a muffled ‘mphff’ Louis sighed dejectedly and pulled up the corner of the blanket, attempting to get out, but Harry had seemingly wrapped his arms around Louis’ waist and refused to let go, evidently chaining him to the sofa.

“Harryyy, let goo, I have to go to church” Harry’s eyes fluttered open and he muttered,

“Don’t leave me” he whimpered pathetically.

“Well get out of bed then, we are going to church” Louis replied. Harry’s eyes widened dramatically.

“No, no, no, no, I refuse to go” Louis did his classic puppy eyes and got down on his knees, so his eye sight was directly in front of Harry’s who was leaning on his elbow,

“Please, Hazza, I would really appreciate it if you came” Louis begged, blinking adorably.

Harry rolled his eyes, “Do I have to?” Louis nodded like a toddler, he was pretty impossible to resist when he was acting like this.

“I’m going in the shower, I expect clothes outside the door and a towel, preferably with a little bit of colour on if you can” Harry sighed, shouting down the stairs as he stalked to the bathroom. Louis smirked and ran upstairs to his bedroom, following Harry’s orders.


Louis was pleasantly surprised at Harry’s behaviour in the church; he closed his eyes and looked down when everyone prayed, and sang along with the hymns, his beautiful, rough voice standing out from the rest. He would occasionally smile over at Harry reassuringly, and Harry would smile back as if to say ‘its okay, I’m alright’.  Time passed pretty quickly with Harry there and soon enough, the service with over and they were back at his house, watching Bambi, yet another one of Harry’s choices.  They were pretty much spooning on the couch, Louis of course being the little one, more because of the height difference more than comfort.


“Oh no” Louis sat up quickly, looking out the window to see his mother’s car pulling up to the drive, he quickly leapt of the sofa, pulling Harry’s arm and dragging him with him. He man handled a dazed Harry to the back door, quickly unlocking it and pushing him out into the cool Winter’s air,

“Mum’s back, you gotta go” Harry’s eyes widened before leaping over Louis’ wooden fence shouting,

“Thanks for inviting me” Louis smiled and slammed the door shut before walking towards the food cabinets and opening the cupboard, rifling through it, looking casual. Subtle, but effective. He was just in time too as his mum walked in merely seconds later gushing about how good the trip had been, that was a close shave.

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