Chapter Four

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Ever since that night, Harry has actually started acknowledging Louis, whether it was in school, with a simple nod of the head, or out and about, around town, in the city, then sometimes it may stretch to a small wave, either way it sent a swarm of butterflies to awake in Louis’ tummy, and he doesn’t even know why. He had never felt like this when he received small gestures off anybody (boy or girl for that matter) before, so why is Harry any different? That is what Louis really wants to know, why the overly confident punk that he is meant to hate? Both his religion, family and gothic personality pushes him to detest the boy, but his body just won’t let him. He really needs to get over this boy, it is like a silly school-girl crush, and he needs to lose it fast before it gets him into trouble.


Louis stood under the arch, right in front of the exit of the church, there was a cross with a model of Jesus Christ crucified upon it, it was life-sized so the cross towered over Louis casting a shadow to hover over him. It was a Sunday so he had obviously been in church and he was doing what he did every time before he left, admiring the statue, out of pure awe and respect. He stood there for a few minutes in the same position, and when he thought it was acceptable to leave, he walked through the glass door.

The cold wind bit his skin; it was slightly icy on the roads, all the trees bare of leaves and the sun was covered by the clouds. Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, he walked out of the beautiful church gardens. When he reached the end of the pebbled path, he saw someone he would never expect to see within a 5 mile radius of the church, he had to blink a few times before he actually believed the sight before him, none other than Harry Styles, the biggest atheist he knew. He was on the other side of the road, leaning against a brick wall, one of his  knees bent with his foot resting on the wall, he was looking down at his phone, obviously texting someone or doing something along those lines.

That is when he felt someone bustle past him, the woman’s handbag knocking him in the elbow accidently. She had long brown hair and was wearing a tight fitting coat with a woolly scarf peeking out from the collar; she was pretty hot for her age Louis thought smugly to himself. The woman looked left and right and then crossed the road, walking towards Harry. When she reached him, Louis saw Harry lift his head up and smile at the woman, kissing her cheek as a greeting. She ruffled his curly hair (oh, how Louis would love to do that himself whenever he wanted) and linked her arm with his, then promptly started walking, Harry following beside her, they were chattering about everything and nothing as they walked down the street, Louis really wanted to know what they were talking about so he could maybe decipher who she was and what she meant to Harry, but they were out of ear shot much to his disappointment.

Louis almost cooed at the adorable sight, Harry had waited outside church (his idea of hell, God forgive him for mentioning that terrible place) just to pick up this middle aged woman, that looked like family with her brown hair, a similar colour to Harry’s.

Louis was falling, and he was falling deep.

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