Chapter Thirteen

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“Oh, I’m sorry, ugh, Harry, breakfast is ready”

Louis awoke to the sound of a feminine voice and a loud racket coming from the far end of the room that he was in, which definitely wasn’t his, and the voice definitely not one of his sister’s or mother. Louis could feel the hot press of somebody behind him, their arm wrapped around his waist, locking him to the bed, secure in their arms. Harry. The night before came flooding back to him, the crying, the apologizing…the hand job, everything. Louis’ eyes fluttered open and he was met by a sight that would be a lot more appealing if he was into women, the female had long flowing black hair and she was only wearing a small, silk nightgown, Louis shrunk back into Harry’s arms as he didn’t have a top on and from the outside it would look like both of them were naked, finding it reassuring to be closer to him.

Harry must have felt the sudden weight pressing against his chest and the ruckus from the side of the room as he awoke with a yawn. Without even opening his eyes, he tightened his grip around Louis and nuzzled into the back of his neck, Louis’ feathery brown hair tickling his face,

“Go back to sleep babe, it’s early” he mumbled, sleep dripping from his voice. Louis blinked, what was he supposed to do? He couldn’t just go straight back to sleep with a random woman watching them, not that he thought she would want to stay of course.

“Harry, who’s this?” the woman asked, leaning her hip to one side. This seemed to spark something in Harry as he jolted up, leaning on one elbow and frantically rubbing his eye with his fist.

“Mum, this is Lou” Harry croaked. Louis gave a small wave from the front of the bed, smiling adorably and blinking his own big, blue eyes at the sight of the woman. Anne gave a knowing smirk and smiled back at Louis before turning on her heel and flouncing back out of the room. Louis sunk into Harry’s arms in relief when she had left; at least it had gone moderately well, even if it would have been better to meet in more suitable and less-half-naked terms.

“Harry do you think we should get up yet?” Louis asked, knowing that was the right thing to say but snuggling closer to Harry despite himself. Harry muffled some incoherent words into Louis’ neck, whatever it was it was probably code negative as Harry did not even attempt to move. Louis did try and move but Harry ended up swinging a leg around Louis’ waist and effectively chaining him to the bed. Louis sighed, deciding that he needed to take matters into his own hands, he turned over so he was facing Harry (he struggled quite a bit with Harry’s thigh trapping him down onto the mattress) and he locked lips with the punk boy, taking control of the kiss as Harry was still rather drowsy. It was a sloppy kiss as Harry was hardly moving his lips at all and Louis was not the most experienced of kissers (i.e his first kiss was yesterday)

“Get up lazy bones, or no more kisses for you” Louis whispered into Harry’s lips, who just snorted in return and rolled over, letting Louis slide out of bed, (even if he was slightly fangirling inside, awww’ lazy bones’, Louis really is adorable.) Louis just rolled his eyes, tucking the corner of the duvet tighter around Harry, typical lazy teenager.


When Louis was fully dressed, he made his way outside of Harry’s bedroom (not without kissing the sleeping Harry on the forehead first) he bumped into Harry’s mother halfway down the hallway. She jumped slightly but quickly steadied the tea that was rocking in her hand making sure none of it spilt over the rim of the cup,

“Oh my Mrs Styles, I’m so sorry!” Louis exclaimed whilst trying to secure his own balance.

“No problem dear, but it’s not Mrs Styles anymore, its Mrs Cox, but you can call me Anne” she explained, a friendly smile lingering on her face which Louis gratefully returned,

“Sorry about this morning it’s just that Har-“ Louis began before he was cut off by Anne,

“Is okay, love you don’t need to explain to me! Just make sure you knock some style sense into him, he wears clothes that are far too bright and is basically an all-around rebellious bugger, someone like you could be good for him” Anne laughed, Louis quickly joined in even if he was a little uncomfortable at Anne calling her son rude words like that, that little comment was nearly as bad as swearing.

“I’ll try my best, but it’s going to be difficult” Louis grinned. Suddenly the sound of feet padding across the hallway was heard as Harry appeared his hair on end and with no more clothes on than he had gone to bed in, as in only his boxers.

“Mum, stop questioning him! He left the bed all cold” Harry pouted, holding his hand out like a small school child, he grabbed at the air in front of Louis, encouraging him to hold his hand. Louis’ gaze wavered to Anne to see what she would think about him holding his hand, she was merely smiling at her son’s childish antics therefore giving Louis all the reasoning he needed to grab onto Harry’s large hand, he linked their fingers together as they stood in front of Anne.

“Well, I’m going to work boys, have fun” Anne groaned as she trudged down the stairs, muttering something about how lucky they were only to need to care about schoolwork. Before Anne was even halfway out of the door, Harry had dragged Louis back to his bedroom and pinned him down to his bed, sucking delicately at the skin beneath Louis’ jaw,

“You know what this means don’t you?” Harry mumbled, his teeth grazing Louis’ stubble slightly,

“What?” Louis whimpered, the love bite on his neck becoming more and more colourful.

“You can come around anytime you want now” Harry giggled as he kissed a trail up Louis’ chin before letting their lips meet in a passionate kiss.

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